Silverlight - Taking a "screenshot" from within silverlight itself? - image

This is kind of vague as the control has not been designed yet and I thought I would ask before going with it.
I will have a control that shows an object within Silverlight.
The user can rotate the object etc.
Now, the user needs to be able to copy what they see to an image. Is this possible somehow, or do I have to render it somewhere else?
So it's not a screenshot per se, but a printable image of a specific control / area of the screen.
In Silverlight 3 there is way to write XAML to WriteableBitmap. Technique is shown in above blog.


layer control in iWatch using Xamarin

Is there any way to layer a control on top of another. I wanted to put one label on top of another to build out a word. I am using Xamarin Studio and programming for the iWatch, watchOS2.
Unlike UIKit, there is no z-index, or hierarchy, in WatchKit for views. As far as I know, the closest you can get to this is to use a WKInterfaceGroup with a custom background. The hard way, which may get you the result you are looking for, is to render an image and display it.

How can to see off screen content at design time in Blend or VS for Windows Phone 7 or 8

I am designing a long Windows Phone 8 page. It is very frustrating that I can't see most of it in the design visuals.
I was wondering if anyone knows a way of being able to see the content visually, at design time, of either the bottom of the page (i.e. scrolling up in the designer), or preferable to be able to see the whole page.
I know you can turn the chrome off, is there any way to turn the view windows masking frame off?
This also applies to trying to see a whole panorama view too!
Try temporarily collapsing the controls which are above the controls which is getting off screen. Later you can set that control to required dimensions again.
Instead of removing d:DesignWidth & d:DesignHeight from xaml root tag, just set these values high enough such that all of your content gets displayed.

How to implement slide in/out view with controls in WP7?

I am new to windows phone (WP7) and to me it looks like everything on WP7 is about pages. I want a small window to pop up from the bottom of a page while staying on the same page. The small window will have some controls (like slider, list etc.). It should not behave like a modal dialog box though, i.e. the rest of the page (which is not covered by the small window) should still be active and user should be able to do something there. And I want to have a separate C# class which will handle the events from the controls on the small window.
This is very easy on iPhone, using view controllers, is there something similar on windows phone?
It sounds that it would make sense to make your "pop up" part of the page with the content it is intended to manipulate content on that page. If you want to encapsulate the functionality of the "pop up" you could make it a UserControl. If you went this route then animating it to slide onto the screen will be straightforward.
Windows Phone 7 typically uses an MVVM model compared to iPhone's MVC one for app structure. The direct comparison therefore isn't appropriate. WP7 also uses a very different design language to that of the iPhone and so a straight port of application design and layout is also unlikely to create a great experience on WP7.
I'd recommend taking some time to understanding the differences in the platforms and how your existing design would be best suited to recreation on WP7. Not only will this help you create a better experience on WP7 but enable to see if this your question actually relates to something you should be doing or not.
This very much sounds like something that goes against the nature of the platform, and the general design guidelines.
If you're providing some available configuration options to the user, you should do it on a separate page, so the user can change the settings there, approve it, and then be navigated back to the previous page.
However, if you really want to, you're talking about displaying a UserControl inside a Popup. But it wouldn't be a very good user experience, and confuse most users, as it doesn't follow the same look&feel as the rest of the platform.

How to make or use a standard Image Viewer for WP7

I want to make an app that shows pictures. But I want to be able to zoom in and out with gestures. I fixed this by including a toolkit into my project. But my actual question is, can I use or is there a control that's already created for me to show pictures like the picture library of the WP7 phone itself. I thought there wasn't but the Facebook app has a similar way of showing the pictures. Did Facebook rewrite the whole thing or is there a control somewhere that someone made?
The SlideView control in Telerik's RadControls for Windows Phone sounds like what you're looking for.
Have you tried a MultiScaleImage control? It's designed to work with multiple layers, but if you only specify one layer, it might suit what you're trying to do.

Is there an easy way to recreate the WinForms layout experience at runtime for user positioning of controls

When laying out a WinForm in Visual Studio you get the ability to resize and align your controls very easily with drag handles and border alignment hints.
I'd like to do the same with a runtime control to enable the user to position an image on a page.
For example, if the user has a photo and they want to place it as a background on the desktop I'd like the control to help them move and size the photo thumbnail in a mini desktop visual.
I can do all of this, but my real question is, does anyone know of a way to inherit from the standard WinForms layout editor so that I can choose to use the nice docking, alignment hints and control resizing without coding it all again?
Thanks in advance
I don't know about easy, but you can host the actual winforms designer in your own applications without too many problems.. See here.
