EXC_BAD_ACCESS when using Xcode 4 - xcode

I upgraded to Xcode 4 last week and I am trying to run a program which I developed in Xcode 3...
In my app, I have a navigation toolbar with a table. when i click any cell of the table, it takes me to my next view and in the navigation bar a button comes up which should take me to my previous page. When i press that button to go to the previous page, the following error pops up..
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); where the error is Thread 1: Program received signal : "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".
it works perfectly when i run it on xcode 3 but shows this error on xcode 4..
would someone be able to help me out?

Make sure that you don't have any memory leak. To verify if you have memory leak or not in xcode 4 go to the Product menu and click on the analyze and check if there are any memory leak warning and if there are fix them, hopefully that should solve your problem

Turn off Correction in the Inspector.
I had the same problem, and it has something to do with the autocorrection within the simulator.


Thread 1: breakpoint 7.3 Xcode 7 swift

After I open a certain page of my app, it crashes on the simulator, and shows an error "Thread 1: breakpoint 7.3" in Xcode. When I open this page, it won't even call the viewDidLoad() method... My best guess is that the problem arises from the storyboard because I was trying to implement a search bar before I screwed things over and all the code was working fine. Any suggestions would be helpful
You must have set the breakpoint by mistake.
Breakpoints are useful for debugging. But if you dont require it, you can do one of the follwing
1) you can hit Cmd + Y and rerun project, this will deactivate your breakpoints but won't delete it.
2) Or you can go to project navigator, and click breakpoint navigator and delete all breakpoints
3) You can also see the blue mark on the left side of your code (main editor), that is a breakpoint itself, you can click (two finger click) on the blue breakpoint and delete it.

Xcode is giving me some Thread 1 error, and iOS Simulator is crashing

Whenever I try to run my project (in Xcode 4.6.3), it launces the iPhone Sim., the 'screen' on it goes black, and Xcode displays this same exact thing every time
If anything else such as code of the XIB's I'm using**, I would be more than happy to provide those. Thanks!!
**XIB's I'm using ---- whenever I try to link a button to a view controller (in a .storyboard file) it won't link. I two finger click (right click) and drag, usually, the view controller I want to link will be highlighted in blue, and then I am able to just tap it in the Sim., and it will do a quick animation to the next VC. But it the VC I'm trying to link it doesn't even get highlighted. Once again, I'm running Xcode 4.6.3. Thanks again!!
The picture in your comment says that it crashes when trying to set a key (admissionsButton) for your ViewController object that doesn't exist. This could happen if you deleted a property in code but the IB link still remained. If you open up IB and go to your view controller, expand the utilities window (the right sidebar) and then go to the far right option that shows connections. If there is something there that says admissionsButton, try deleting it.
In order to give you more help than that, I would need to see a more detailed log of where the crash happens.
That message could be for anything during the execution of your code. I would use breakpoints from the moment of launch and step through it using the debugger window.

tabbar table view navigation xcode 4

I've used the following tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBnPfAtswgw to make an application with Tabbar and TableView Navigation.
I am using Xcode 4 and I am pretty sure I've done everything right but everytime I click on the tab item which has the TableView, it crashes and I get:
"#synthesize booksArray; Thread 1: Stopped at breakpoint 4"
There is no further specifics, no other mistakes and when I "run for build" it says "no issue".
Could someone help me?
You have a breakpoint set- it's a bookmark looking thing on the left side of your editing pain. Drag it away and it will be destroyed.

XCode 4 Not Breaking On Correct Line on EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I recently had my xcode upgraded to version 4, and I have an EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception in my code, but despite setting NSZombieEnabled in the environment it's still showing the break point on the thread1, int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); line.
I'm sure I had this configured in XCode 3 to stop on the line of my code that was causing the exception. Now it doesn't do that and displays no error messages in the GDB window either.
Does anyone know what I might be missing?
EXC_BAD_ACCESS is not an exception, at least not as far as breakpoints are concerned - it means the code is trying to call a method on an object that does not exist anymore, because you released it.
The easiest way to find this in XCode4 is to run Instruments (Cmd-I), and in the dialog that pops up asking you which instrument to use, choose "Zombies". Then do whatever to cause the crash, and you will see a dialog pop up with "Zombie Messaged". Click on the little arrow and you will get a history of what created, retained, or released the object. Then you can figure out who released the object early.

Showing FlipviewController crash in XCode 4 debugger

My app has 2 views that are shown as flipview when a button is pressed. They are working just fine on any testdevice.
But in XCode, one of them is causing a crash (bad_exec) to the return of the main method when he is displayed. The crash happens outside of any of my functions.
Ok, bad_exec means, I have anything that is trashing/deallocating or corrupting the memory.
But why does it just happen in the iPhone 4.2 simulator under xcode 4?
No Zombies do fire, nor do I overwrite/deallocate anything when he the view is displayed.
Any idea whats going on?
Added stack.
Full resolution here: http://www.codebaker.de/OddCrash.png
Changed to stack only
Copy Paste the stacktrace, look at the selection on the laft, it's a shortened stack trace, you can select and copy it:
You can find the stacktrace here, click on the field right to Thread 1 on the bar which divides the editor and the lower pane:
