Thread 1: breakpoint 7.3 Xcode 7 swift - xcode

After I open a certain page of my app, it crashes on the simulator, and shows an error "Thread 1: breakpoint 7.3" in Xcode. When I open this page, it won't even call the viewDidLoad() method... My best guess is that the problem arises from the storyboard because I was trying to implement a search bar before I screwed things over and all the code was working fine. Any suggestions would be helpful

You must have set the breakpoint by mistake.
Breakpoints are useful for debugging. But if you dont require it, you can do one of the follwing
1) you can hit Cmd + Y and rerun project, this will deactivate your breakpoints but won't delete it.
2) Or you can go to project navigator, and click breakpoint navigator and delete all breakpoints
3) You can also see the blue mark on the left side of your code (main editor), that is a breakpoint itself, you can click (two finger click) on the blue breakpoint and delete it.


Stop the Issue Navigator showing up after every run

Something changed in Xcode and now every time I run my app it switches tabs to the Issue Navigator automatically. See pic below. How can I stop this from happening?
On the top menu, go to Xcode / Preferences / Behaviors. Then uncheck the option pictured below.

Xcode: How to keep IB & Assistant editor opened when app crashes in simulator or debug is enabled

During editing I keep open Interface Builder on left and Assistant editor on right side. When a breakpoint is added or when the app crashes during runtime, the Interface Builder pane disappears, and it shows file which has breakpoint or crash. It's annoying as I've to go back to IB after each such instance and it takes too much of my time.
Is there anyway I can stop Interface Builder disappearing and crash/breakpoint file to be shown on Assistant editor or in any other window?
A simple workaround would be simply to duplicate the current window by using keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + T before hitting run.
That way when the breakpoint hits the offending line, it will happen in the new window which you can simply close, and resume work in your old, organised editor environment.

Make Xcode 9 Console auto scroll to bottom

My questions is about Xcode 9 IDE.
For some unknown reason, soon after a debug session is started, Console stops auto scrolling to bottom. It stops somewhere in the middle (see screenshot below).
Is there a way to fix this annoying behaviour?
Step 1- Click in the console pane.
Step 2- Hit 'fn' + "→" (The 'End' shortcut on macOS)

Xcode is giving me some Thread 1 error, and iOS Simulator is crashing

Whenever I try to run my project (in Xcode 4.6.3), it launces the iPhone Sim., the 'screen' on it goes black, and Xcode displays this same exact thing every time
If anything else such as code of the XIB's I'm using**, I would be more than happy to provide those. Thanks!!
**XIB's I'm using ---- whenever I try to link a button to a view controller (in a .storyboard file) it won't link. I two finger click (right click) and drag, usually, the view controller I want to link will be highlighted in blue, and then I am able to just tap it in the Sim., and it will do a quick animation to the next VC. But it the VC I'm trying to link it doesn't even get highlighted. Once again, I'm running Xcode 4.6.3. Thanks again!!
The picture in your comment says that it crashes when trying to set a key (admissionsButton) for your ViewController object that doesn't exist. This could happen if you deleted a property in code but the IB link still remained. If you open up IB and go to your view controller, expand the utilities window (the right sidebar) and then go to the far right option that shows connections. If there is something there that says admissionsButton, try deleting it.
In order to give you more help than that, I would need to see a more detailed log of where the crash happens.
That message could be for anything during the execution of your code. I would use breakpoints from the moment of launch and step through it using the debugger window.

How to prevent Xcode 3.2.5 to not show those blue message bubbles when debugging?

Every time I set a breakpoint, Xcode 3.2.5 throws in a big blue message bubble taking up two lines of code and disrupting my code structure. It is so annoying. I always have to click on the breakpoint and choose "Hide message bubble".
Is this a bug or can I do a preference somewhere to avoid them?
Yes I know there is Xcode 4. I want to use Xcode 3.2.5 for this project I am working on.
To do this, just open the Debugger window by pressing Command+Shift+Y.
Right click anywhere in the code window and go to Message Bubbles > Hide Breakpoints.
Image is attached. :)
