Providing several non-textual files to a single map in Hadoop MapReduce - hadoop

I'm currently writing distributed application which parses Pdf files with the help of Hadoop MapReduce. Input to MapReduce job is thousands of Pdf files (which mostly range from 100KB to ~2MB), and output is a set of parsed text files.
For testing purposes, initially I used WholeFileInputFormat provided in Tom White's Hadoop. The Definitive Guide book, which provides single file to single map. This worked fine with small number of input files, however, it does not work properly with thousands of files for obvious reasons. Single map for the task which takes around a second to complete is inefficient.
So, what I want to do is to submit several Pdf files into one Map (for example, combining several files into single chunk which has around HDFS block size ~64MB). I found out that CombineFileInputFormat is useful for my case. However I cannot come out with idea how to extend that abstract class, so that I can process each file and its filename as a single Key-Value record.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

I think a SequenceFile will suit your needs here:
Essentially, you put all your PDFs into a sequence file and the mappers will receive as many PDFs as fit into one HDFS block of the sequence file. When you create the sequence file, you'll set the key to be the PDF filename, and the value will be the binary representation of the PDF.

You can create text files with HDFS pathes to your files and use it as an input. It will give Your the mapper reuse for many file, but will cost the data locality. If your data is relatively small, high replication factor (close to number of data nodes) will solve the problem.


HDFS small file design

I want to be able to store millions of small files (binary files- images,exe etc) (~1Mb) on HDFS, my requirements are basically to be able to query random files and not running MapReduce jobs.
The main problem for me is the Namenode memory issue, and not the MapReduce mappers issue.
So my options are:
HAR files - aggregate small files and only than saving them with their har:// path in another place
Sequence files - append them as they come in, this is more suitable for MapReduce jobs so i pretty much eliminated it
HBase - saving the small files to Hbase is another solution described in few articles on google
i guess i'm asking if there is anything i missed? can i achieve what i need by appeding binary files to big Avro/ORC/Parquet files? and then query them by name or by hash from java/client program?
If you append multiple files into large files, then you'll need to maintain an index of which large file each small file resides in. This is basically what Hbase will do for you. It combines data into large files, stores them in HDFS and uses sorting on keys to support fast random access. It sounds to me like Hbase would suit your needs, and if you hand rolled something yourself, you may end up redoing a lot of work that Hbase already does.

Large number of small files Hadoop

Parameters of some machines are measured and uploaded via a web service to HDFS. Parameter values are saved in a file for each measurement, where a measurement has 1000 values in average.
The problem is - there is a large number of files. Only certain number of files is used for MapReduce job (for example, measurements from last month). Because of this I'm not able to merge them all into one large sequence file, since different files are needed in different time.
I understand that is bad to have a large number of small files, since the NameNode contains paths to all of them on HDFS (and keeps it in its memory) and on the other hand, each small file will result in a Mapper creation.
How can I avoid this problem?
A late answer: You can use SeaweedFS (I am working on this). It has special optimization for large number of small files.
HDFS actually has good support to delegate file storage to other file systems. Just add a SeaweedFS hadoop jar. See
You could concatenate the required files into one temporal file that is deleted once analyzed. I think you can create this very easily in a script.
Anyway, make the numbers: such a big file will be also splited into several pieces whose size will be the blocksize (dfs.blocksize parameter a hdfs-defaul.xml), and each one of these pieces will be assigned to a mapper. I mean, depending on the blocksize and the average "small file" size, maybe the gain is not so great.

how can i work with large number of small files in hadoop?

i am new to hadoop and i'm working with large number of small files in wordcount example.
it takes a lot of map tasks and results in slowing my execution.
how can i reduce the number of map tasks??
if the best solution to my problem is catting small files to a larger file, how can i cat them?
If you're using something like TextInputFormat, the problem is that each file has at least 1 split, so the upper bound of the number of maps is the number of files, which in your case where you have many very small files you will end up with many mappers processing each very little data.
To remedy to that, you should use CombineFileInputFormat which will pack multiple files into the same split (I think up to the block size limit), so with that format the number of mappers will be independent of the number of files, it will simply depend on the amount of data.
You will have to create your own input format by extending from CombineFileInputFormt, you can find an implementation here. Once you have your InputFormat defined, let's called it like in the link CombinedInputFormat, you can tell your job to use it by doing:
Cloudera posted a blog on small files problem sometime back. It's an old entry, but the suggested method still applies.

Advantages of Sequence file over hdfs textfile

What is the advantage of Hadoop Sequence File over HDFS flat file(Text)? In what way Sequence file is efficient?
Small files can be combined and written into a sequence file, but the same can be done for a HDFS text file also. Need to know the difference between the two ways. I have been googling about this for a while, would be helpful if i get clarity on this?
Sequence files are appropriate for situations in which you want to store keys and their corresponding values. For text files you can do that but you have to parse each line.
Can be compressed and still be splittable which means better workload. You can't split a compressed text file unless you use a splittable compression format.
Can be approached as binary files => more storage efficient. In a text file a double will be a number of chars => large storage overhead.
Advantages of Hadoop Sequence files ( As per Siva's article from website)
More compact than text files
Provides support for compression at different levels - Block or Record etc.
Files can be split and processed in parallel
They can solve large number of small files problem in Hadoop where Hadoop main advantage is processing large file with Map reduce jobs. It can be used as a container for large number of small files
Temporary output of Mapper can be stored in sequential files
Sequential files are append only
Sequence files are intermediate files generated during mapper and reducer phase of MapReduce processing. Sequence file are compressible and fast in processing it is used to write output during mapper and reducer reds from it.
There are APIs in Hadoop and Spark to read/write sequence files

Processing Large Binary Files with Hadoop

I know there have been similar posts on here but I can't find one that really has a solid answer.
We have a Hadoop cluster loaded with binary files. These files can range anywhere in size from a few hundred k to hundreds of mb.
We are currently processing these files using a custom record reader that reads the entire contents of the file into each map. From there we extract the appropriate metadata we want a serialize it into JSON.
The problem we are foreseeing is that we might eventually reach a size that our namenode can't handle. There is only so much memory to go around and having a namenode with a couple terabytes of memory seems ridiculous.
Is there a graceful way to process large binary files like this? Especially those which can't be split because we don't know what order the reducer will put them back together?
So not an answer as such, but i have so many questions that a list of comments would be more difficult to convey, so here goes:
You say you read the entire contents into memory for each map, are you able to elaborate on the actual binary input format of these files:
Do they contain logical records i.e. does a single input file represent a single record, or does it contain many records?
Are the files compressed (after-the-fact or some internal compression mechanism)?
How are you currently processing this file-at-once, what's you're overall ETL logic to convert to JSON?
Do you actually need to read the entire file read into memory before processing can begin or can you process once you have a buffer of some size populated (DOM vs SAX XML parsing for example).
My guess is that you can migrate some of your mapper logic to the record reader, and possibly even find a way to 'split' the file between multiple mappers. This would then allow you to address your scalability concerns.
To address some points in your question:
NameNode only requires memory to store information about the blocks (names, blocks[size, length, locations]). Assuming you assign it a decent memory footprint (GB's), there is no reason you can't have a cluster that holds Petabytes of data in HDFS storage (assuming you have enough physical storage)
Namenode doesn't have anything to do either with storage or processing.You should be concentrated on your Datanodes and Tasktrackers instead.Also I am not getting whether you are trying to address the storage issue or the processing of of your files here.If you are dealing with lots of Binary files, it is worth having a look at Hadoop SequenceFile. A SequenceFile is a flat file consisting of binary key/value pairs, hence extensively used in MapReduce as input/output formats. For a detailed explanation you can visit this page -
When you have large binary files, use SequenceFile format as the input format and set the mapred input split size accordingly. You can set the number of mappers based on the total input size and the split size you had set. Hadoop will take care of splitting the input data.
If you have binary files compressed in some format, then hadoop cannot do this split. So the binary format has to be SequenceFile.
