HDFS small file design - hadoop

I want to be able to store millions of small files (binary files- images,exe etc) (~1Mb) on HDFS, my requirements are basically to be able to query random files and not running MapReduce jobs.
The main problem for me is the Namenode memory issue, and not the MapReduce mappers issue.
So my options are:
HAR files - aggregate small files and only than saving them with their har:// path in another place
Sequence files - append them as they come in, this is more suitable for MapReduce jobs so i pretty much eliminated it
HBase - saving the small files to Hbase is another solution described in few articles on google
i guess i'm asking if there is anything i missed? can i achieve what i need by appeding binary files to big Avro/ORC/Parquet files? and then query them by name or by hash from java/client program?

If you append multiple files into large files, then you'll need to maintain an index of which large file each small file resides in. This is basically what Hbase will do for you. It combines data into large files, stores them in HDFS and uses sorting on keys to support fast random access. It sounds to me like Hbase would suit your needs, and if you hand rolled something yourself, you may end up redoing a lot of work that Hbase already does.


How to deal with large number of parquet files

I'm using Apache Parquet on Hadoop and after a while I have one concern. When I'm generating parquets in Spark on Hadoop it can get pretty messy. When I say messy I mean that Spark job is genearing big amount of parquet files. When I try to query them I'm dealing with big time query because Spark is merging all the files together.
Can you show me the right way to deal with it, or I'm maybe missusing them? Have you already dealt with it and how did u resolve it?
Is some "side job" for merging those files in one parquet good enough? What size of parquet files is prefered to use, some up and down boundaries?
Take a look at this GitHub repo and this answer. In short keep size of the files larger than HDFS block size (128MB, 256MB).
A good way to reduce the number of output files is to use coalesce or repartition.

SequenceFiles vs HAR's vs Files vs CombineFileInputFormat in Hadoop

What's the best way to process small files? I have been reading answers and reading and I don't find any real good way to do it. If I have 20Tb of small data in HDFS, what should I do?
If I'm going to process my data a lot of times, I would turn them into SequenceFiles, but what happen if I will only process them once?
I have read some possibilities, If there're more and someone could correct me in some of them, it'd be great.
CONS: The problem is that I have to run a mapreduce, so if I only want to process the data once, I think it's not worth it. If I have to run so many mapreduce as files I have, why should I waste my time turn my files into a SequenceFile??
PROS: It saves space in the nameNode and there's a SequenceInputFormat implemented.
CONS: So many mapreduces as files I have. It spends too many memory in the NameNode
CONS: It spends too many memory in the NameNode
PROS: It could combile files by blocks, so I don't have to execute as many maps as files.
CONS: If I want to generate, I have to execute a mapreduce job, same problem than SequenceFiles. Some point files are duplicated, so I need extra memory to generate them, after that, I could delete the old files.
PROS: We could pack files, I'm not sure if each HAR goes just one mapreduce.
What I'm looking for if a way to pack (if it's possible to compress files) and don't have to execute one mapreduce per file without executing a mapreduce to generate those "new" files, and in the same time to save memory in the NameNode.
SequenceFiles looks pretty good, but it's looks too expensive to generate them.

Serve static files from Hadoop

My job is to design a distributed system for static image/video files. The size of the data is about tens of Terabytes. It's mostly for HTTP access (thus no processing on data; or only simple processing such as resizing- however it's not important because it can be done directly in the application).
To be a little more clear, it's a system that:
Must be distributed (horizontal scale), because the total size of data is very big.
Primarily serves small static files (such as images, thumbnails, short videos) via HTTP.
Generally, no requirement on processing the data (thus MapReduce is not needed)
Setting HTTP access on the data could be done easily.
(Should have) good throughput.
I am considering:
Native network file system: But it seems not feasible because the data can not fit into one machine.
Hadoop filesystem. I worked with Hadoop mapreduce before, but I have no experience using Hadoop as a static file repository for HTTP requests. So I don't know if it's possible or if it's a recommended way.
MogileFS. It seems promising, but I feel that using MySQL to manage local files (on a single machine) will create too much overhead.
Any suggestion please?
I am the author of Weed-FS. For your requirement, WeedFS is ideal. Hadoop can not handle many small files, in addition to your reasons, each file needs to have an entry in the master. If the number of files are big, the hdfs master node can not scale.
Weed-FS is getting faster when compiled with latest Golang releases.
Many new improvements have been done on Weed-FS recently. Now you can test and compare very easily with the built-in upload tool. This one upload all files recursively under a directory.
weed upload -dir=/some/directory
Now you can compare by "du -k /some/directory" to see the disk usage, and "ls -l /your/weed/volume/directory" to see the Weed-FS disk usage.
And I suppose you would need replication with data center, rack aware, etc. They are in now!
Hadoop is optimized for large files e.g. It's default block size is 64M. A lot of small files are both wasteful and hard to manage on Hadoop.
You can take a look at other distributed file systems e.g. GlusterFS
Hadoop has a rest API for acessing files. See this entry in the documentation. I feel that Hadoop is not meant for storing large number of small files.
HDFS is not geared up to efficiently accessing small files: it is primarily designed for streaming access of large files. Reading through small files normally causes lots of seeks and lots of hopping from datanode to datanode to retrieve each small file, all of which is an inefficient data access pattern.
Every file, directory and block in HDFS is represented as an object in the namenode’s memory, each of which occupies 150 bytes. The block size is 64 mb. So even if the file is of 10kb, it would be allocated an entire block of 64 mb. Thats a waste disk space.
If the file is very small and there are a lot of them, then each map task processes very little input, and there are a lot more map tasks, each of which imposes extra bookkeeping overhead. Compare a 1GB file broken into 16 files of 64MB blocks, and 10,000 or so 100KB files. The 10,000 files use one map each, and the job time can be tens or hundreds of times slower than the equivalent one with a single input file.
In "Hadoop Summit 2011", there was this talk by Karthik Ranganathan about Facebook Messaging in which he gave away this bit: Facebook stores data (profiles, messages etc) over HDFS but they dont use the same infra for images and videos. They have their own system named Haystack for images. Its not open source but they shared the abstract design level details about it.
This brings me to weed-fs: an open source project for inspired by Haystacks' design. Its tailor made for storing files. I have not used it till now but seems worth a shot.
If you are able to batch the files and have no requirement to update a batch after adding to HDFS, then you could compile multiple small files into a single larger binary sequence file. This is a more efficient way to store small files in HDFS (as Arnon points out above, HDFS is designed for large files and becomes very inefficient when working with small files).
This is the approach I took when using Hadoop to process CT images (details at Image Processing in Hadoop). Here the 225 slices of the CT scan (each an individual image) were compiled into a single, much larger, binary sequence file for long streaming reads into Hadoop for processing.
Hope this helps!

Providing several non-textual files to a single map in Hadoop MapReduce

I'm currently writing distributed application which parses Pdf files with the help of Hadoop MapReduce. Input to MapReduce job is thousands of Pdf files (which mostly range from 100KB to ~2MB), and output is a set of parsed text files.
For testing purposes, initially I used WholeFileInputFormat provided in Tom White's Hadoop. The Definitive Guide book, which provides single file to single map. This worked fine with small number of input files, however, it does not work properly with thousands of files for obvious reasons. Single map for the task which takes around a second to complete is inefficient.
So, what I want to do is to submit several Pdf files into one Map (for example, combining several files into single chunk which has around HDFS block size ~64MB). I found out that CombineFileInputFormat is useful for my case. However I cannot come out with idea how to extend that abstract class, so that I can process each file and its filename as a single Key-Value record.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I think a SequenceFile will suit your needs here: http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/SequenceFile
Essentially, you put all your PDFs into a sequence file and the mappers will receive as many PDFs as fit into one HDFS block of the sequence file. When you create the sequence file, you'll set the key to be the PDF filename, and the value will be the binary representation of the PDF.
You can create text files with HDFS pathes to your files and use it as an input. It will give Your the mapper reuse for many file, but will cost the data locality. If your data is relatively small, high replication factor (close to number of data nodes) will solve the problem.

Hadoop for processing very large binary files

I have a system I wish to distribute where I have a number of very large non-splittable binary files I wish to process in a distributed fashion. These are of the order of a couple of hundreds of Gb. For a variety of fixed, implementation specific reasons, these files cannot be processed in parallel but have to be processed sequentially by the same process through to the end.
The application is developed in C++ so I would be considering Hadoop pipes to stream the data in and out. Each instance will need to process of the order of 100Gb to 200Gb sequentially of its own data (currently stored in one file), and the application is currently (probably) IO limited so it's important that each job is run entirely locally.
I'm very keen on HDFS for hosting this data - the ability to automatically maintain redundant copies and to rebalance as new nodes are added will be very useful. I'm also keen on map reduce for its simplicity of computation and its requirement to host the computation as close as possible to the data. However, I'm wondering how suitable Hadoop is for this particular application.
I'm aware that for representing my data it's possible to generate non-splittable files, or alternatively to generate huge sequence files (in my case, these would be of the order of 10Tb for a single file - should I pack all my data into one). And that it's therefore possible to process my data using Hadoop. However it seems like my model doesn't fit Hadoop that well: does the community agree? Or have suggestions for laying this data out optimally? Or even for other cluster computing systems that might fit the model better?
This question is perhaps a duplicate of existing questions on hadoop, but with the exception that my system requires an order of magnitude or two more data per individual file (previously I've seen the question asked about individual files of a few Gb in size). So forgive me if this has been answered before - even for this size of data.
It seems like you are working with relatively few numbers of large files. Since your files are huge and not splittable, Hadoop will have trouble scheduling and distributing jobs effectively across the cluster. I think the more files that you process in one batch (like hundreds), the more worth while it will be to use Hadoop.
Since you're only working with a few files, have you tried a simpler distribution mechanism, like launching processes on multiple machines using ssh, or GNU Parallel? I've had a lot of success using this approach for simple tasks. Using a NFS mounted drive on all your nodes can share limits the amount of copying you would have to do as well.
You can write a custom InputSplit for your file, but as bajafresh4life said it won't really be ideal because unless your HDFS chunk size is the same as your file size your files are going to be spread all around and there will be network overhead. Or if you do make your HDFS size match your file size then you're not getting the benefit of all your cluster's disks. Bottom line is that Hadoop may not be the best tool for you.
