UCM dynamicview config spec : excluding all *.xml but include build.xml - cleartool

I am using Clearcase UCM with a dynamic view. (On linux)
In my view there many files ending in .xml. Some of there are "build.xml" files, others are data
files. I want to view only "build.xml" files in my view.
Following line in config spec excludes all the "*.xml" files.
element *.xml -none
How can I include just the "build.xml" files?

Just add the select rule before the non-select rule
element build.xml .../yourStream/LATEST
element build.xml yourBaseline
element *.xml -none
Note: those rules should be put at the beginning of the UCM config spec of your view, otherwise the usual UCM select rules would be applied first, and you would end up seeing all files within your component.


SonarQube: Ignore files in current (root) directory

The documentation of the project, instructs on how to e.g. exclude (or include) in an analysis process, say all files under a directory:
or all files with a specific extension (say .js) under a directory:
But what is the way to exclude all *.js files in the current (the root) directory.
I have tried the following patterns. do not seem to work:
The multi-directory pattern, **, can be used at any point in the regex.
To exclude all .js files, you would use: **/*.js
To exclude .js files only in the current directory: *.js
You should not try to set these values in your analysis properties. Doing so correctly is tricky. Use the UI to set these values instead.

Visual studio 2015 tfs add files to source control

I have the following issue-
On Team Explorer - Pending Changes there is an option that automatically detects added files to folders that are under source control. The problem is that more than 50,000 files are detected.
Is there any way to edit this list? to remove items I don't care about so it will be relevant when I do have files I want to add?
(I know I can add items in the Source Control but I want to make this option usable)
You can click the 'Detected' link to pop up the "Promote Candidate Changes" dialog, then select the files you want to check in to promote.
If you're using local workspaces, you can add a .tfignore file to ignore the files which you don't want to be detected in source control. eg: ignore by file extension .txt, then all the .txt files will be ignored in source control. They will not be detected.
Please see Customize which files are ignored by version control for details.
Please note that with TFVC you need to put .tfignore in every solution root.
.tfignore file rules The following rules apply to a .tfignore file:
# begins a comment line
The * and ? wildcards are supported.
A filespec is recursive unless prefixed by the \ character.
! negates a filespec (files that match the pattern are not ignored)
.tfignore file example
# Ignore .cpp files in the ProjA sub-folder and all its subfolders
# Ignore .txt files in this folder
# Ignore .xml files in this folder and all its sub-folders
# Ignore all files in the Temp sub-folder
# Do not ignore .dll files in this folder nor in any of its sub-folders

How to include a directory of files with RST and Sphinx

I am trying to write documentation and want and have multiply files used by multiple toc trees. Previously I used an empty file with .. include:: <isonum.txt> however, this does not work for multiply files in a directory with sub directories. Another solution I have used was to use a relative file path to the index file I am linking to. However this messes up the sphinx nav tree. So my question is how to include a directory of files with RST and Sphinx?
It can't be done, unfortunately.
The toctree directive has a glob option, which you would use like so:
.. toctree::
But this option is not available in the include directive.
Maybe start an issue for it?
Perhaps indicate the start and end of the section where the files should go with a comment (.. START_GLOB_INCLUDE etc), and then have a build pre-process step that finds the files you want and rewrites that section of the master file.

gitignore file pattern not working

I have dynamic directory structure like,
d e
I want to ignore all files under dependency folder recursively except .xml files.
I am using below pattern to achieve the same.
But it seems it's not working for me. It's ignoring all the files but accepting only .xml files which are directly inside the dependency folder, not recursively. :(
I am using below environment.
OS : Windows 7(64 bit)
Git : 2.6.1.windows.1
Can anyone help me?
This should work:
You ignore everything but white-list the parent folders.
Then you can white-list files.
As I mentioned in "How do I add files without dots in them (all extension-less files) to the gitignore file?", there is mainly one rule to remember with .gitignore:
It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded.
That means, when you exclude everything ('*'), you have to white-list folders, before being able to white-list files.
Check if this is working with git check-ignore -v -- afile to see if it is ignored (and by which rule) or not.

SonarQube - Using wildcards to ignore all xml files

I have confused on SonarQube's wildcards usage. Say I want to ignore all xml files. Should I just put *.xml in the Global Source File Exclusions? But will it ignore xml files in different layers, for instance /foo/bar/file.xml and /foo/bar/folder/folder2/xml?
In your sonar-project.properties, you have two ways to ignore files:
sonar.exclusions=the/full/path/*.xml will ignore all .xml files in path.
sonar.exclusions=**/*.xml will ignore all .xml files in the folder and sub-folders where you are.
Here are the different wildcards:
* zero or more characters
** zero or more directories
? a single character
You can find more information on Sonar Documentation
