gitignore file pattern not working - windows

I have dynamic directory structure like,
d e
I want to ignore all files under dependency folder recursively except .xml files.
I am using below pattern to achieve the same.
But it seems it's not working for me. It's ignoring all the files but accepting only .xml files which are directly inside the dependency folder, not recursively. :(
I am using below environment.
OS : Windows 7(64 bit)
Git :
Can anyone help me?

This should work:
You ignore everything but white-list the parent folders.
Then you can white-list files.
As I mentioned in "How do I add files without dots in them (all extension-less files) to the gitignore file?", there is mainly one rule to remember with .gitignore:
It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded.
That means, when you exclude everything ('*'), you have to white-list folders, before being able to white-list files.
Check if this is working with git check-ignore -v -- afile to see if it is ignored (and by which rule) or not.


How to ignore _vti_cnf and _vti_pvt folders in the nominated folder and all sub-folders of nominated folder?

I have this in my .gitignore file located in the root of my repository:
# Expression Web tracking files
But it turns out I need to ignore these two folders in any sub folder of Help or below. See:
How do I modify it to do that?
There is no path which starts with /Help/_vti_cnf, thus no files are ignored. Change to /Help/PublisherDatabase/_vti_cnf, /Help/*/_vti_cnf (all direct subfolders contining _vti_cnf), /Help/**/_vti_cnf (all subfolders containing _vti_cnf) or _vti_cnf (ignore _vti_cnf everywhere).
For more information see

Move .X to parent folder (Windows)

I have a specific structure wherein I need to move some files.
I want to move files of a specific type, in this case .pdf.
How would I go about scanning all "Draft" folders for .pdf files, and then moving them to the parent ProjectX folder and deleting the "Draft" folders?
I would prefer to have a .bat I could run for this, preferably running from C:\Root.
Being a novice, I assumed it was in the logic ballpark of:
Find files of type .pdf in folders named C:\Root\Projects\*\Draft
Move found files to ./ (parent)
Find folders in C:\Root\Projects\*\ named Draft
Delete found folders
However, I'm not exactly a wiz with commands.
Any help appreciated.

Implement .gitignore behavior in a shell script?

I'm writing a shell script that syncs files and I want to give users the ability to exclude certain files from syncing by creating a .syncignore file similar to Git's .gitignore file. According to the gitignore documentation, and my own experiments, these exclusion rules are more complicated than a simple glob match. Some examples:
If you have foo in your .gitignore file, it will exclude foo appearing anywhere in the path (e.g. ./foo, ./bar/foo, and ./bar/foo/baz would be excluded) but not partial matches of foo (e.g. ./foobar, ./bar/foobar/baz would NOT be excluded).
If you include a slash, then the rule is applied relative to the current directory. For example, if you have /foo in your .gitignore file, it will exclude ./foo but not ./bar/foo.
You can include wildcards. For example, foo* will exclude ./foo, ./foobar, and ./bar/foobar/baz.
Is there any easy way to replicate the exclusion rules for .gitignore in a shell script on OS X?
Use rsync to synchronize the files. Use its existing include/exclude pattern support. Put the rules in .rsync-filter and pass the -F flag to make it read the patterns from that file.
rsync man page
Just use git. Make sure you have git 2.3.0 or later on both sides, and use push-to-deploy.

Include path in makefile to include subdirectories

I have a directory which internal contains sub directories. I want to include the parent directory as include path in make file for header files. Is there a syntax so that all the sub directories are searched for the header files.
[EDIT] Posting the question in more detail
There are three sub folders in a parent folder
There are header files in each all subfolders
Using -I option in makefile for header file path, i have to use
HEADER_PATH += -I./parentFolder
HEADER_PATH += -I./parentFolder/child1
HEADER_PATH += -I./parentFolder/child2
HEADER_PATH += -I./parentFolder/child3
Is there any way I can mention only the parent folder , but the search for header files will happen in all the subfolders also
Setup variable in first makefile and export it for sub-dirs. If you want to be able to invoke make in subdirs manually - i suppose best way to achieve this is either using configure-like systems to generate paths for you, or setting global variable (e.g. YOURPROJECT_DIR) in .profile or .bashrc and using it in makefiles.
I would like to see better solutions since i've encountered quite the same problem some time ago.

Excluding folders in Winrar

A Day with Winrar
All I wanted to do was exclude folders and their contents using wildcards, and even after reading the docs, it turned into a guessing game...
So my test bed looks like:
And I am executing:
C:\>"c:\program files\winrar\winrar.exe" a -r !tmp1.rar !tmp1
which gives me a rar with !tmp1 as the root (sole top level folder).
The exclude switch is -x<filepathpattern> and may be included multiple times.
So, given that we want to exclude f2, and all its subcontents...
removes the contents, but leaves f2
does nothing - includes all
does nothing - includes all
does nothing - includes all (now I'm mad), so surely it must be..
nope, does nothing - includes all. So it has GOT to be...
hell no, does nothing - includes all. and I already know that
removes the contents, but leaves f2. Onward we go...
does nothing - includes all. Grrrr. Aha! how about...
nope, does nothing - includes all. WTF. Alright, So it has GOT to be...
Holy moly, it worked! Hmmm, then how come....
does not work? This was the little demon that sent me down this crazed path to begin with and should have worked!
Given all that, do I dare try to go after */a/* directories, removing contents and the dirs?
does not work, of course, does nothing.
does not work, of course, does nothing.
nope. But...
removes contents of both dirs, but leaves the folders. So, in desperation I can use the -ed switch which will not store empty folders, but this is a broad hack, I want to eliminate the folders specified not all empty folders.
With my animosity growing toward winrar, I am passing the baton of information forward with an eye to that glorious day when we will know how to specifically exclude a folder and its contents using wildcards and not using the -ed switch.
(Quite old question but still may be relevant)
Maybe what you simply needed was this :
-x*\f2 -x*\f2\*
two exclude switches, should remove directory f2 and all its contents.
An even older question by now, but came across this question so I reproduced your folder structure and, at least nowadays (Winrar 5.11, not the latest but quite new), this works:
So the whole command line is:
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a -m5 -s !tmp1.rar !tmp1 -x*\f2
And this is what is stored in the .rar file:
Similarly, if you use -x*\a, all a folders are excluded, storing this:
Finally, combining both parameters (-x*\f2 -x*\a), you get this:
To manage large list of files to be excluded, you can create text fie and write all excluded files/folders relative to the source folder:
1) create file list.txt, write the name of excluded files/folders
note: * refer to the source, all files/folders are relative to the source folder
2) Run the command
rar a -r -x#list.txt target.rar source-folder
