nhibernate doesn't get a chance to update? - ajax

I am building a small web application, where the user is granted the ability to rate items.
In my application I am using nhibernate and asp.net mvc.
All the rating requests are sent by jquery (ajax/post).
When the user votes an item, I check if the item has been previously voted. If so, I update the last voting value to the new one received. If not, I just add a new rating to my table.
I have noticed something very strange. This works well, but when I click several times really fast something gets screwed up. I get multiple ratings, it seems as if nhibernate doesn't bother checking if the user has previously voted and just returns a false value.
Is this possible? How can I see what's going under the hood?
thank you

You probably have a concurrency problem. I assume that you get a thread and transaction per click. Clicking very fast results in parallel transactions which can't see what others are doing.
You have a typical problem that items which aren't in the database (the new votes) can't be locked.
The solutions are:
Use lock to avoid multiple votes of the same user being stored at the same time. This doesn't work when you have multiple servers (or AppDomains) on the same database, because the lock is restricted to the AppDomain.
Use table locks in the database to lock out the whole votes table that only one transaction can add votes at the same time.

Have you turned on NHibernate logging?
Add the following to the hibernate.config.xml file:
<property name="show_sql">true</property>
The sql generated can be seen in the console or test runner output if you are running unit tests. You can also configure log4net to write NHibernate logging information to file (See https://web.archive.org/web/20110514164829/http://blogs.hibernatingrhinos.com/nhibernate/archive/2008/07/01/how-to-configure-log4net-for-use-with-nhibernate.aspx)
Lastly, how are you using NHibernate? Are you using a repository pattern? Its hard to determine what is wrong with your application without some idea of the code.


Locking records returned by context? Or perhaps a change to my approach

I'm not sure whether I need a way to lock records returned by the context or simply need a new approach.
Here's the story. We currently have a small number of apps that integrate with our CRM. Some of them open a XrmServiceContext and return a few thousand record to perform updates. These scripts are calling SaveChanges along the way but there will still be accounts near the end that will be saved a couple of minutes after the context return them. If a user updates the record during this time, their changes are overwritten by the script.
Is there a way of locking the records until the context has saved the update back or is there a better approach I should be taking?
In my opinion, this type of database transaction issue is what CRM is currently lacking the most. There is no way to ensure that someone else doesn't monkey with your data, it's always a last-one-in-wins world in CRM.
With that being said, my suggestion would be to only update the attributes you care about. If you're returning all columns for an entity, when you update that entity, you're possibly going to update all the attributes of the entity, even if you only updated one of them.
If you're dealing with a system were you can't tolerate the last-one-in-wins mentality, then you're probably better off not using CRM.
Update 1
CRM 2015 SP1 and above supports Optimistic Updates. Which allows the use of a version number to ensure that no one has updated the record since you retrieved it.
You have a several options here, it just depends on what you want to do. First of all though, if you can move some of these automated processes to off-time hours, then that's the best option.
Another option would be to retrieve each record 1 by 1 instead of by 1000+.
If you are only updating a percentage of the records retrieved, then you would be better off to check before saving if an update occurred (comparing the modified date). If the modified date changed, then you need to do a single retrieve and then save.
At first thought, I would create a field or status that indicates a pending operation and then use JScript in the form OnLoad event to warn/lock the form. When you process completes, it could clear the flag.

update app database regularly without needing an app update

I am working on a WP7 app that contains
The rows for each of these entities are populated on first run of the application.
The issues is that when the app gets published, the rows in each of the entities will change (added, deleted, modified). I would like some suggestions on how I should handle this? Any pointers to existing code samples will be great?
I am using an object oriented database to store my entities. The app also allows the user to add their own entities (which get added to the database as personalized (flagged) entities). One solution I was thinking was to read an xml file from the server and then loop through the database entries and make the necessary modifications in the database. So, on the first run, all the entities will just get inserted. On subsequent runs, if the version number attribute in xml is different, then the system populated data is reloaded from xml but the user data is preserved.
Also, maybe only check for the new xml file on the server when internet connection is available and only periodically (like every 2 weeks).
Any other suggestions are welcome. If there is a simpler, cleaner way - please share.
I think it's fair to say that this question has nothing to do with WP7 and everything to do with finding an efficient way to to compute and deliver update deltas.
Timestamp your items. When requesting an update, specify the time of last update. You server can trivially query for items newer than this and return a delta. At the client (ie in the phone) it is not necessary to store a last update time because you can simply add one second to the most recent timestamp in the items present on the phone.

Best strategy for retrieving large dynamically-specified tables on an ASP.NET page

Looking for a bit of advice on how to optimise one of our projects. We have a ASP.NET/C# system that retrieves data from a SQL2008 data and presents it on a DevExpress ASPxGridView. The data that's retrieved can come from one of a number of databases - all of which are slightly different and are being added and removed regularly. The user is presented with a list of live "companies", and the data is retrieved from the corresponding database.
At the moment, data is being retrieved using a standard SqlDataSource and a dynamically-created SQL SELECT statement. There are a few JOINs in the statement, as well as optional WHERE constraints, again dynamically-created depending on the database and the user's permission level.
All of this works great (honest!), apart from performance. When it comes to some databases, there are several hundreds of thousands of rows, and retrieving and paging through the data is quite slow (the databases are already properly indexed). I've therefore been looking at ways of speeding the system up, and it seems to boil down to two choices: XPO or LINQ.
LINQ seems to be the popular choice, but I'm not sure how easy it will be to implement with a system that is so dynamic in nature - would I need to create "definitions" for each database that LINQ could access? I'm also a bit unsure about creating the LINQ queries dynamically too, although looking at a few examples that part at least seems doable.
XPO, on the other hand, seems to allow me to create a XPO Data Source on the fly. However, I can't find too much information on how to JOIN to other tables.
Can anyone offer any advice on which method - if any - is the best to try and retro-fit into this project? Or is the dynamic SQL model currently used fundamentally different from LINQ and XPO and best left alone?
Before you go and change the whole way that your app talks to the database, have you had a look at the following:
Run your code through a performance profiler (such as Redgate's performance profiler), the results are often surprising.
If you are constructing the SQL string on the fly, are you using .Net best practices such as String.Concat("str1", "str2") instead of "str1" + "str2". Remember, multiple small gains add up to big gains.
Have you thought about having a summary table or database that is periodically updated (say every 15 mins, you might need to run a service to update this data automatically.) so that you are only hitting one database. New connections to databases are quiet expensive.
Have you looked at the query plans for the SQL that you are running. Today, I moved a dynamically created SQL string to a sproc (only 1 param changed) and shaved 5-10 seconds off the running time (it was being called 100-10000 times depending on some conditions).
Just a warning if you do use LINQ. I have seen some developers who have decided to use LINQ write more inefficient code because they did not know what they are doing (pulling 36,000 records when they needed to check for 1 for example). This things are very easily overlooked.
Just something to get you started on and hopefully there is something there that you haven't thought of.
As far as I understand you are talking about so called server mode when all data manipulations are done on the DB server instead of them to the web server and processing them there. In this mode grid works very fast with data sources that can contain hundreds thousands records. If you want to use this mode, you should either create the corresponding LINQ classes or XPO classes. If you decide to use LINQ based server mode, the LINQServerModeDataSource provides the Selecting event which can be used to set a custom IQueryable and KeyExpression. I would suggest that you use LINQ in your application. I hope, this information will be helpful to you.
I guess there are two points where performance might be tweaked in this case. I'll assume that you're accessing the database directly rather than through some kind of secondary layer.
First, you don't say how you're displaying the data itself. If you're loading thousands of records into a grid, that will take time no matter how fast everything else is. Obviously the trick here is to show a subset of the data and allow the user to page, etc. If you're not doing this then that might be a good place to start.
Second, you say that the tables are properly indexed. If this is the case, and assuming that you're not loading 1,000 records into the page at once and retreiving only subsets at a time, then you should be OK.
But, if you're only doing an ExecuteQuery() against an SQL connection to get a dataset back I don't see how Linq or anything else will help you. I'd say that the problem is obviously on the DB side.
So to solve the problem with the database you need to profile the different SELECT statements you're running against it, examine the query plan and identify the places where things are slowing down. You might want to start by using the SQL Server Profiler, but if you have a good DBA, sometimes just looking at the query plan (which you can get from Management Studio) is usually enough.

(ASP.NET) How would you go about creating a real-time counter which tracks database changes?

Here is the issue.
On a site I've recently taken over it tracks "miles" you ran in a day. So a user can log into the site, add that they ran 5 miles. This is then added to the database.
At the end of the day, around 1am, a service runs which calculates all the miles, all the users ran in the day and outputs a text file to App_Data. That text file is then displayed in flash on the home page.
I think this is kind of ridiculous. I was told they had to do this due to massive performance issues. They won't tell me exactly how they were doing it before or what the major performance issue was.
So what approach would you guys take? The first thing that popped into my mind was a web service which gets the data via an AJAX call. Perhaps every time a new "mile" entry is added, a trigger is fired and updates the "GlobalMiles" table.
I'd appreciate any info or tips on this.
Thanks so much!
Answering this question is a bit difficult since there we don't know all of your requirements and something didn't work before. So here are some different ideas.
First, revisit your assumptions. Generating a static report once a day is a perfectly valid solution if all you need is daily reports. Why hit the database multiple times throghout the day if all that's needed is a snapshot (for instance, lots of blog software used to write html files when a blog was posted rather than serving up the entry from the database each time -- many still do as an optimization). Is the "real-time" feature something you are adding?
I wouldn't jump to AJAX right away. Use the same input method, just move the report from static to dynamic. Doing too much at once is a good way to get yourself buried. When changing existing code I try to find areas that I can change in isolation wih the least amount of impact to the rest of the application. Then once you have the dynamic report then you can add AJAX (and please use progressive enhancement).
As for the dynamic report itself you have a few options.
Of course you can just SELECT SUM(), but it sounds like that would cause the performance problems if each user has a large number of entries.
If your database supports it, I would look at using an indexed view (sometimes called a materialized view). It should support allows fast updates to the real-time sum data:
SELECT SUM([Count]) AS TotalMiles,
COUNT_BIG(*) AS [EntryCount],
FROM Miles
If the overhead of that is too much, #jn29098's solution is a good once. Roll it up using a scheduled task. If there are a lot of entries for each user, you could only add the delta from the last time the task was run.
UPDATE GlobalMiles SET [TotalMiles] = [TotalMiles] +
(SELECT SUM([Count])
FROM Miles
WHERE UserId = #id
AND EntryDate > #lastTaskRun
WHERE UserId = #id
If you don't care about storing the individual entries but only the total you can update the count on the fly:
UPDATE Miles SET [Count] = [Count] + #newCount WHERE UserId = #id
You could use this method in conjunction with the SPROC that adds the entry and have both worlds.
Finally, your trigger method would work as well. It's an alternative to the indexed view where you do the update yourself on a table instad of SQL doing it automatically. It's also similar to the previous option where you move the global update out of the sproc and into a trigger.
The last three options make it more difficult to handle the situation when an entry is removed, although if that's not a feature of your application then you may not need to worry about that.
Now that you've got materialized, real-time data in your database now you can dynamically generate your report. Then you can add fancy with AJAX.
If they are truely having performance issues due to to many hits on the database then I suggest that you take all the input and cram it into a message queue (MSMQ). Then you can have a service on the other end that picks up the messages and does a bulk insert of the data. This way you have fewer db hits. Then you can output to the text file on the update too.
I would create a summary table that's rolled up once/hour or nightly which calculates total miles run. For individual requests you could pull from the nightly summary table plus any additional logged miles for the period between the last rollup calculation and when the user views the page to get the total for that user.
How many users are you talking about and how many log records per day?

Can DB2 tell a web-app when a table data is updated?

I have a table of non trivial size on a DB2 database that is updated X times a day per user input in another application. This table is also read by my web-app to display some info to another set of users. I have a large number of users on my web app and they need to do lots of fuzzy string lookups with data that is up-to-the-minute accurate. So, I need a server side cache to do my fuzzy logic on and to keep the DB from getting hammered.
So, what's the best option? I would hate to pull the entire table every minute when the data changes so rarely. I could setup a trigger to update a timestamp of a smaller table and poll that to see if I need refresh my cache, but that seems hacky to.
Ideally I would like to have DB2 tell my web-app when something changes, or at least provide a very lightweight mechanism to detect data level changes.
I think if your web application is running in WebSphere, setting up MQ would be a pretty good solution.
You could write triggers that use the MQ Series routines to add things to a queue, and your web app could subscribe to the queue and listen for updates.
If your web app is not in WebSphere then you could still look at this option but it might be more difficult.
A simple solution could be to have a timestamp (somewhere) for the latest change on to table.
The timestamp could be located in a small table/view that is updated by either the application that updates the big table or by an update-trigger on the big table.
The update-triggers only task would be to update the "help"-timestamp with currenttimestamp.
Then the webapp only checks this timestamp.
If the timestamp is newer then what the webapp has then the data is reread from the big table.
A "low-tech"-solution thats fairly non intrusive to the exsisting system.
Hope this solution fits your setup.
Having the database push a message to your webapp is certainly doable via a variety of mechanisms (like mqseries, etc). Similar and easier is to write a java stored procedure that gets kicked off by the trigger and hands the data to your cache-maintenance interface. But both of these solutions involve a lot of versioning dependencies, etc that could be a real PITA.
Another option might be to reconsider the entire approach. Is it possible that instead of maintaining a cache on your app's side you could perform your text searching on the original table?
But my suggestion is to do as you (and the other poster) mention - and just update a timestamp in a single-row table purposed to do this, then have your web-app poll that table. Similarly you could just push the changed rows to this small table - and have your cache-maintenance program pull from this table. Either of these is very simple to implement - and should be very reliable.
