update app database regularly without needing an app update - windows-phone-7

I am working on a WP7 app that contains
The rows for each of these entities are populated on first run of the application.
The issues is that when the app gets published, the rows in each of the entities will change (added, deleted, modified). I would like some suggestions on how I should handle this? Any pointers to existing code samples will be great?
I am using an object oriented database to store my entities. The app also allows the user to add their own entities (which get added to the database as personalized (flagged) entities). One solution I was thinking was to read an xml file from the server and then loop through the database entries and make the necessary modifications in the database. So, on the first run, all the entities will just get inserted. On subsequent runs, if the version number attribute in xml is different, then the system populated data is reloaded from xml but the user data is preserved.
Also, maybe only check for the new xml file on the server when internet connection is available and only periodically (like every 2 weeks).
Any other suggestions are welcome. If there is a simpler, cleaner way - please share.

I think it's fair to say that this question has nothing to do with WP7 and everything to do with finding an efficient way to to compute and deliver update deltas.
Timestamp your items. When requesting an update, specify the time of last update. You server can trivially query for items newer than this and return a delta. At the client (ie in the phone) it is not necessary to store a last update time because you can simply add one second to the most recent timestamp in the items present on the phone.


restkit: lazy loading, deleting objects

I have to implement two different behaviours:
1. Lazy loading: download only required objects from server. Let's say I have a table view like in twitter app, scrolling should bring new objects.
My server takes "start" and "amount" arguments and returns the total amount. It also returns objects with some position ID, if that makes sense.
2. I need to delete some objects that are not returned from server anymore. So if local database have entities with IDs of 1-5 and server doesn't return object with id 3 – it should be deleted. There are two deleting scenarios: out of date (could be determined locally and set in a fetch controller) and deleted – couldn't be determined locally.
So how to downloaded deleted? Do I have to return some special objects from server?
3. One more thing: if user is viewing objects with IDs of 10000 – it's probably a good time to delete the first hundred locally. What's the best way to do it?
You want to manage this yourself. The deletion support offered by RestKit isn't going to be enough to cover all of your requirements.
If you have a strong deletion requirement that can't be worked out locally then you either need to delete everything locally and refresh to be sure or have the server return a 'deleted' token that you can pick up and use.

Locking records returned by context? Or perhaps a change to my approach

I'm not sure whether I need a way to lock records returned by the context or simply need a new approach.
Here's the story. We currently have a small number of apps that integrate with our CRM. Some of them open a XrmServiceContext and return a few thousand record to perform updates. These scripts are calling SaveChanges along the way but there will still be accounts near the end that will be saved a couple of minutes after the context return them. If a user updates the record during this time, their changes are overwritten by the script.
Is there a way of locking the records until the context has saved the update back or is there a better approach I should be taking?
In my opinion, this type of database transaction issue is what CRM is currently lacking the most. There is no way to ensure that someone else doesn't monkey with your data, it's always a last-one-in-wins world in CRM.
With that being said, my suggestion would be to only update the attributes you care about. If you're returning all columns for an entity, when you update that entity, you're possibly going to update all the attributes of the entity, even if you only updated one of them.
If you're dealing with a system were you can't tolerate the last-one-in-wins mentality, then you're probably better off not using CRM.
Update 1
CRM 2015 SP1 and above supports Optimistic Updates. Which allows the use of a version number to ensure that no one has updated the record since you retrieved it.
You have a several options here, it just depends on what you want to do. First of all though, if you can move some of these automated processes to off-time hours, then that's the best option.
Another option would be to retrieve each record 1 by 1 instead of by 1000+.
If you are only updating a percentage of the records retrieved, then you would be better off to check before saving if an update occurred (comparing the modified date). If the modified date changed, then you need to do a single retrieve and then save.
At first thought, I would create a field or status that indicates a pending operation and then use JScript in the form OnLoad event to warn/lock the form. When you process completes, it could clear the flag.

Rhomobile inserting into local database using CSV or XML from external web server

I am currently developing a Rhomobile application. I have a backend database which holds customer information. I have got from the webserver a csv string (or XML - I am able to parse the XML using REXML) which contains all the customers. Each time I sync the device I am going to reset the customer table on the device and re-insert all data from the backend database. I am not using RhoSync and the device will be using property bag.
Is it possible to use the CSV or XML data to insert into the customers table? If so, how would I go about it?
At the moment the only option I can see that would work would be to manually loop through the CSV/XML and insert into the database manually; this isn't very elegant.
Any help will be much appreciated, sorry if this is a dumb question; still relatively new to this framework.
I have come to the conclusion that the only way is to loop through the csv/xml, which with the help of a database transaction this doesn't take long.
Using fixed schema also increases the performance a lot as property bag has to do column inserts (so if you have lots of columns - there is lots of inserts per record).
Also in Rhomobile garbage collection is turned off, so if you are trying to process large data sets your device will quickly run out of memory:
The above solves this issue

Handling passive deletion updates (ie. archiving instead of deleting)

We are developing an application based on DDD principles. We have encountered a couple of problems so far that we can't answer nor can we find the answers on the Internet.
Our application is intended to be a cloud application for multiple companies.
One of the demands is that there are no physical deletions from the database. We make only passive deletion by setting Active property of entities to false. That takes care of Select, Insert and Delete operations, but we don't know how to handle update operations.
Update means changing values of properties, but also means that past values are deleted and there are many reasons that we don't want that. One of the primary reason is for Accounting purposes.
If we make all update statements as "Archive old values" and then "Create new values" we would have a great number of duplicate values. For eg., Company has Branches, and Company is the Aggregate Root for Branches. If I change Companies phone number, that would mean I have to archive old company and all of its branches and create completely new company with branches just for one property. This may be a good idea at first, but over time there will be many values which can clog up the database. Phone is maybe an irrelevant property, but changing the Address (if street name has changed, but company is still in the same physical location) is a far more serious problem.
Currently we are using ASP.NET MVC with EF CF for repository, but one of the demands is that we are able to easily switch, or add, another technology like WPF or WCF. Currently we are using Automapper to map DTO's to Domain entities and vice versa and DTO's are primary source for views, ie. we have no view models. Application is layered according to DDD principle, and mapping occurs in Service Layer.
Another demand is that we musn't create a initial entity in database and then fill the values, but an entire aggregate should be stored as a whole.
Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.
We also welcome any changes in demands (as this is an internal project, and not for a customer) and architecture, but only if it's absolutely neccessary.
Thank you.
Have you ever come across event sourcing? Sounds like it could be of use if you're interested in tracking the complete history of aggregates.
To be honest I would create another table that would be a change log inserting the old record and deleted records etc etc into it before updating the live data. Yes you are creating a lot of records but you are abstracting this data from live records and keeping this data as lean as possible.
Also when it comes to clean up and backup you have your live date and your changed / delete data and you can routinely back up and trim your old changed / delete and reduced its size depending on how long you have agreed to keep changed / delete data live with the supplier or business you are working with.
I think this would be the best way to go as your core functionality will be working on a leaner dataset and I'm assuming your users wont be wanting to check revision and deletions of records all the time? So by separating the data you are accessing it when it is needed instead of all the time because everything is intermingled.

Can DB2 tell a web-app when a table data is updated?

I have a table of non trivial size on a DB2 database that is updated X times a day per user input in another application. This table is also read by my web-app to display some info to another set of users. I have a large number of users on my web app and they need to do lots of fuzzy string lookups with data that is up-to-the-minute accurate. So, I need a server side cache to do my fuzzy logic on and to keep the DB from getting hammered.
So, what's the best option? I would hate to pull the entire table every minute when the data changes so rarely. I could setup a trigger to update a timestamp of a smaller table and poll that to see if I need refresh my cache, but that seems hacky to.
Ideally I would like to have DB2 tell my web-app when something changes, or at least provide a very lightweight mechanism to detect data level changes.
I think if your web application is running in WebSphere, setting up MQ would be a pretty good solution.
You could write triggers that use the MQ Series routines to add things to a queue, and your web app could subscribe to the queue and listen for updates.
If your web app is not in WebSphere then you could still look at this option but it might be more difficult.
A simple solution could be to have a timestamp (somewhere) for the latest change on to table.
The timestamp could be located in a small table/view that is updated by either the application that updates the big table or by an update-trigger on the big table.
The update-triggers only task would be to update the "help"-timestamp with currenttimestamp.
Then the webapp only checks this timestamp.
If the timestamp is newer then what the webapp has then the data is reread from the big table.
A "low-tech"-solution thats fairly non intrusive to the exsisting system.
Hope this solution fits your setup.
Having the database push a message to your webapp is certainly doable via a variety of mechanisms (like mqseries, etc). Similar and easier is to write a java stored procedure that gets kicked off by the trigger and hands the data to your cache-maintenance interface. But both of these solutions involve a lot of versioning dependencies, etc that could be a real PITA.
Another option might be to reconsider the entire approach. Is it possible that instead of maintaining a cache on your app's side you could perform your text searching on the original table?
But my suggestion is to do as you (and the other poster) mention - and just update a timestamp in a single-row table purposed to do this, then have your web-app poll that table. Similarly you could just push the changed rows to this small table - and have your cache-maintenance program pull from this table. Either of these is very simple to implement - and should be very reliable.
