sinatra-authentication gem not looking for correct views? - ruby

I am attempting to write a small blogging engine for myself in sinatra and mongoid and am trying to use the sinatra-authentication gem to do login/out.
I have gotten sinatra, mongoid, and haml all working but when I visit any sinatra-authentication page nginx throws an internal server error.
this is the error I am getting
Errno::ENOENT - No such file or directory - /opt/nginx/html/
you can see all my files including more from my nginx error log here
get '/' works confirming Sinatra is working
get '/haml' works confirming haml is working
get '/private' redirects to '/login' confirming sinatra-authentication is working
get '/login' internal server error
Ruby 1.9.2
Nginx 0.8.54
Passenger 3.0.2

sinatra-authentication assumes you're using a layout unless the current request is an XMLHttpRequest (see the code). You have two options:
Create a layout for your application in views/layout.haml as described a couple paragraphs down at
Override sinatra-authentication's use_layout? method as such:
module Sinatra
module Helpers
def use_layout?


how force a Ruby Sintra app to redirect http to https

I have a classic Sinatra app which at some point just stopped redirecting http requests to https. (I'm not sure when it stopped automatically redirecting, perhaps in the last year or so when I upgraded some things including the Sinatra gem to v 2.2)
The Gemfile.lock has:
rack-ssl (1.4.1)
The app initialization contains:
require 'rack/ssl'
use Rack::SSL
None of that has changed in my code.
But currently, if I navigate to it stays on http, instead of redirecting to https like it used to.
I've also tried adding
set :force_ssl, true
But that had no effect.

Can't get custom error pages to work in Padrino

I started to build a website with padrino. At the moment the main class of my app is the simplest thing in the world:
class App < Padrino::Application
enable :sessions
get :index do
send_file 'public/view/index.html'
error 404 do
send_file 'public/view/errors/404.html'
So the views are simply htmls - the idea behind it is to use angularjs to render all the thingies provided by a rest api. I guess that's fairly standard.
My problem is - although it works fine for rendering the home page (localhost:3000/), the custom error doesn't work at all; let's say I try localhost:3000/test - the standard "Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty" page is rendered instead.
I'm running padrino 0.12.4 with WEBrick 1.3.1. What am I doing wrong here?
I believe what's going on here is that when you go to localhost:3000/test, your Sinatra app is looking for the "test" action under your App Controller. Obviously this action is not being found because it's not listed as a route! Therefore explicitly tell Sinatra to return a 404 page if the diddy wasn't found:
error Sinatra::NotFound do
content_type 'text/plain'
[404, 'Not Found']

Jekyll site via Sinatra and Heroku - can't route to new posts

I created a 'Hello, World' app using Sinatra and then pushed to Heroku and all worked.
I've since created a basic Jekyll blog, and am trying to access it via Heroku using the following routes:
get '/?' do"_site/index.html")
get '/.*.*' do"_site/#{params[:splat]}")
not_found do"_site/error/index.html")
The route to the index works fine link to my site
but as soon as I click to the first post it always fails.
I have tried so many variations of different routes for the :splat and get, just can't seem to get it to work? Any ideas?
In the route that's failing, before the statement, add warn "splat = #{params[:splat]}" and that will output the result to the terminal, and you can see what it's actually getting, e.g.
get '/.*.*' do
warn "splat = #{params[:splat]}""_site/#{params[:splat]}")
You could also try using an absolute path to the files, though if you're getting the index page then it suggests it's not needed:
config do
set :statics, File.expand_path(File.join(settings.root, "_site"))
get '/.*.*' do File.join settings.statics, params[:splat] )
Unless there's something else you were planning to use Sinatra's routes for, you could probably remove the Sinatra routes entirely and just make the "_site" folder the public_folder, and then Sinatra will do the serving of the static files for you:
config do
set :public_folder, File.expand_path(File.join(settings.root, "_site"))
# no more to do...

Strange issue in Sinatra

ok so this is very strange (well is to me), everything in my master branch works fine, I then created a new branch called twitter to conduct some twitter feed implementation. I have done this and was working yesterday on my linux machine.. I have pulled the branch today in a windows environment but when i load the app i now get the regular Sinatra 404 Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty.
This is my profile.rb file
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require './config/config.rb' if File.exists?('./config/config.rb')
require 'sinatra/jsonp'
require 'twitter'
require 'sinatra/static_assets'
class Profile < Sinatra::Base
helpers Sinatra::Jsonp
enable :json_pretty
register Sinatra::StaticAssets
##twitter_client =
:consumer_key => ENV["CONSUMER_KEY"],
:consumer_secret => ENV["CONSUMER_SECRET"],
:oauth_token => ENV["OAUTH_TOKEN"],
:oauth_token_secret => ENV["OAUTH_SECRET"],
get '/' do
erb :index
get '/feed' do
jsonp ##twitter_client.user_timeline('richl14').map(&:attrs)
require './profile'
run Profile
Does anyone have any ideas of what i need to be looking at to solve this? Can anyone speak from experience with this?
When you use the classic Sinatra style you use require 'sinatra' and then add routes to the top level. These routes get added to the Sinatra::Application. When you directly run this file, e.g. with ruby my_app.rb, Sinatra runs a built in web server, which will serve the Sinatra::Application app.
When you use the modular style, you use require 'sinatra/base', and then add routes to your Sinatra::Base subclass. In this case directly executing the file doesn’t start the built in server.
In your case you are using the modular style, but have used require 'sinatra'. You create your Profile app, but when you run the file directly Sinatra launches the built in server and serves the Sinatra::Application app. Since you haven’t added any routes to this (they’ve all been added to Profile) it runs but all requests return 404.
One way to get your app to launch you is to use rackup. This will launch the Profile app that you have explicitly set in your (Explicitly starting your webserver will also work, e.g. using thin start).
Another possibility would be to add a line like this to the end of your Profile class:
run! if app_file == $0
This tells Sinatra to start the build in server running the Profile app if the file is the same as the Ruby file being executed, in a similar way to how the classic style app is launched. If you use this method you should change require 'sinatra' to require 'sinatra/base' otherwise you will get two servers launched, one after the other (in fact you should probably make that change anyway).
See the Sinatra docs for more info about the difference between classic and modular style.

Sinatra error when handling .php routes

I'm creating a Sinatra app to replace a legacy PHP based app.
get '/page.php' do
# ... do something
I'm trying to define a route like this but I get "Sinatra doesn't know this ditty." error page.
At the top of the page, I have this
configure do
mime_type :php, 'text/html'
Any idea how to tell Sinatra to use the whole path including the file extension as part of it?
