Sinatra error when handling .php routes - ruby

I'm creating a Sinatra app to replace a legacy PHP based app.
get '/page.php' do
# ... do something
I'm trying to define a route like this but I get "Sinatra doesn't know this ditty." error page.
At the top of the page, I have this
configure do
mime_type :php, 'text/html'
Any idea how to tell Sinatra to use the whole path including the file extension as part of it?


Can't get custom error pages to work in Padrino

I started to build a website with padrino. At the moment the main class of my app is the simplest thing in the world:
class App < Padrino::Application
enable :sessions
get :index do
send_file 'public/view/index.html'
error 404 do
send_file 'public/view/errors/404.html'
So the views are simply htmls - the idea behind it is to use angularjs to render all the thingies provided by a rest api. I guess that's fairly standard.
My problem is - although it works fine for rendering the home page (localhost:3000/), the custom error doesn't work at all; let's say I try localhost:3000/test - the standard "Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty" page is rendered instead.
I'm running padrino 0.12.4 with WEBrick 1.3.1. What am I doing wrong here?
I believe what's going on here is that when you go to localhost:3000/test, your Sinatra app is looking for the "test" action under your App Controller. Obviously this action is not being found because it's not listed as a route! Therefore explicitly tell Sinatra to return a 404 page if the diddy wasn't found:
error Sinatra::NotFound do
content_type 'text/plain'
[404, 'Not Found']

What does this do in my routes.rb file?

I am looking at a gist showing me how to handle CORS request in a Rails app. My routes.rb needs to have this bit of code in it.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
controller :whatever, path: '/whatever' do
match 'post_action', via: [ :post, :options]
If I was looking at a post resource, could someone show me how to set this up? I mainly do not understand the match function.
It will match the /whatever/post_action with the Controller/Action whatever#post_action. One useful tool you could use to see what your routes.rb are doing is to run the command:
rake routes
That will display all the routing table of your Rails app.
You can find more info in the Rails guide
Take care!
Actually match is not the good way to handle routes.
In rails 4 also it removed.
You can use the following code to use it:-
resource :whatever do
post 'post_action'
To test your routes
rake routes

Error handlers don't run in modular Sinatra app

I have a Sinatra application that uses the modular style. Everything works fine apart from my error handler blocks which don't get invoked. Here's the relevant code:
require_relative './routes/base'
require_relative './routes/routing'
module Example
class App < Sinatra::Application
use Routes::Base
use Routes::Routing
require 'sinatra/base'
module Example
module Routes
class Base < Sinatra::Application
configure do
# etc.
# Error pages.
error 404 do # <- Doesn't get invoked.
erb :not_found
error 500 do # <- Doesn't get invoked.
erb :internal_server_error
module Example
module Routes
class Routing < Base
get '/?' do
erb :home
Why don't my error handlers work?
Thanks in advance.
The use method is for adding middleware to an app, you can’t use it to compose an app like this.
In your example you actually have three different Sinatra applications, two of which are being run as middleware. When a Sinatra app is run as middleware then any request that matches one of its routes is handled by that app, otherwise the request is passed to the next component in the Rack stack. Error handlers will only apply if the request has been handled by the same app. The app that you have defined the error handlers in has no routes defined, so all requests will be passed on down the stack — the error handlers will never be used.
One way to organise a large app like this would be to simply use the same class and reopen it in the different files. This other question has an example that might be useful: Using Sinatra for larger projects via multiple files.

Jekyll site via Sinatra and Heroku - can't route to new posts

I created a 'Hello, World' app using Sinatra and then pushed to Heroku and all worked.
I've since created a basic Jekyll blog, and am trying to access it via Heroku using the following routes:
get '/?' do"_site/index.html")
get '/.*.*' do"_site/#{params[:splat]}")
not_found do"_site/error/index.html")
The route to the index works fine link to my site
but as soon as I click to the first post it always fails.
I have tried so many variations of different routes for the :splat and get, just can't seem to get it to work? Any ideas?
In the route that's failing, before the statement, add warn "splat = #{params[:splat]}" and that will output the result to the terminal, and you can see what it's actually getting, e.g.
get '/.*.*' do
warn "splat = #{params[:splat]}""_site/#{params[:splat]}")
You could also try using an absolute path to the files, though if you're getting the index page then it suggests it's not needed:
config do
set :statics, File.expand_path(File.join(settings.root, "_site"))
get '/.*.*' do File.join settings.statics, params[:splat] )
Unless there's something else you were planning to use Sinatra's routes for, you could probably remove the Sinatra routes entirely and just make the "_site" folder the public_folder, and then Sinatra will do the serving of the static files for you:
config do
set :public_folder, File.expand_path(File.join(settings.root, "_site"))
# no more to do...

Static page routing in Sinatra (Ruby)

You can serve static files with Sinatra by placing them in public/ (by default) -- I have an index.html in there at the moment, but how can I make the root point to that file without having to parse it as a template?
To be clear, I can access /index.html successfully, and I'd like to route / to be the same static file, but without redirecting. Any idea how to do this?
Probably a better answer will eventually come, until then this is my shot at it.
If this is not what you want:
get '/' do
redirect '/index.html'
You might do something like this:
get '/' do'public/index.html').readlines
I'd go with the first one though, Not sure why you want to avoid that redirect
Just set enable :static inside of your app class. Like so:
class App < Sinatra::Base
# Set the app root; this is where the 'public' and 'views'
# directories are found (by default).
set :root, File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../app")
# Allow the app to serve static files from the 'public' directory in :root
enable :static
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
send_file File.join(settings.public_folder, 'index.html')
As described at Serving static files with Sinatra
using passenger this seems to work right out of the box. having an index.html file in the public directory and no routing brings up the index.html when accessing the root url.
I think this is only an issue because Sinatra/Rack doesn't have the concept of a default file to serve if you just go to /. In a webserver like Apache or Nginx this is taken care of for you and usually defaults to index.html index.htm (if either exists it will get served when going to a directory with no actual filename on the end).
When everyone says this is built into Passenger, I think they really mean that it's built into Apache/Nginx. Apache/Nginx will check if the static file exists and serve it if it does, the request will never get to Rack, which is awesome for performance.
I wouldn't want to set up a redirect to the 404 page as this sort of violates the whole idea of HTTP: there should be one endpoint for everything that end point should return the true state of that endpoint. Meaning that if you go to /asdf you want the webserver to report a 404 because that's what is actually going on. If you do a redirect, now your site is saying "I used to have something here, but it moved" and then the page it redirects you to, even though it says 404 in the text on the page, is actually reported by the web server as a 200, meaning "everything is fine with this page!"
There is a gem "sinatra-index" to solve this problem.
