FileSystemObject: what is the difference between GetFolder and GetParentFolderName? - filesystemobject

In FileSystemObject, what is the difference between GetFolder and GetParentFolderName?

One gets the folder the object is referencing, the other gets the folder that contains the folder your object is referencing.
Folder A
- Folder B
GetFolder("Folder B") returns "Folder B"
GetParentFolder("Folder B") returns "Folder A"

If you are referring to FileSystemObject from VBScript then there is no GetParentFolder method. On the other hand there is a GetParentFolderName method. Given a filename, the GetParentFolderName method returns a string value representing the folder that the file is in; whereas, the GetFolder method will return the a Folder object.


HP-UFT object not found in object repository error

Getting the following error while executing script:
WebList object was not found in the Object Repository.
Check the Object Repository to confirm that the object exists or to find the correct name for the object.
Line (1221): "objParent.WebList(vstrObjectName).select vstrValue".
I understand, it shouldn't be as simple as the object isn't available in the repository but in in case- Try to use 'Locate in repository'
It looks like Line (1221) is trying to access a WebList object by name, but the name is stored in a variable; it is not a string literal in the code.
There might be 3 different things going on here.
1) if you were attempting to use Descriptive Programming, then it sounds like the contents of vstrObjectName didn't include the ":=" symbol that would make QTP believe the string is a description... So, QTP thinks the string stored in vstrObjectName must be the name of an object in the Object Repository.
I would like to guess that you were trying to use descriptive programming, since (based on the fact that the parent, and the parameter are also both contained in variables) it looks like you are avoiding using any string literals in that line.
2) If you were attempting to control an object with a name from the Object repository, then either the string contained in vstrObjectName didn't contain a valid object name (that belongs to objParent), or
3) the object refered to by objParent isn't the one you were expecting.
In any of these cases, if it were me, the first thing I would do is add a print statement before line 1221 as:
Print "vstrObjectName:'" & vstrObjectName & "'"
...and run it again. That should show the string that you were referencing. I would guess that the resulting output line is not what you expected.
Another thing to check is to make sure that the action or function that contains that line is executed from within an action that contains that named object in it's OR scope. (i.e. open the action and hit CTRL-R, it shows the combined OR that is visible to that action). If the line is in a function library, and it gets called from an action that doesn't have the object in it's local OR, or an attached shared OR, then you will get the same error. This kind of problem is very easy to cause if you use multiple actions, and the action containing the call to the function that contains your line (line 1221) doesn't actually have that object available to it due to it's OR scope.
To answer the question you asked - how to add object into the OR - you could use several methods - recording, guispy's add to OR button, manually add from the OR screen, etc... but in the end, you need that object in the OR to have a name that matches whatever is in vstrObjectName.
Some potential examples where an object can be selected:
Dynamically change the object based on the name of the object in the object repository:(must exist in the repository)
Dim objectname
objectname = "SAP Work Manager"
msgbox WpfWindow(objectname).Exist
Select an object that does not exist in the Object repository, by its properties:
Example page of UFT tips

How copy file in Ruby (custom Puppet type)?

I am creating a custom puppet type. I am quiet new to Ruby, so I have a little problem. I have two params, dest and file:
newparam(:dest) do
desc "The destination of the file"
validate do |value|
unless Puppet::Util.absolute_path?(value)
fail Puppet::Error, "File paths must be fully qualified, not '#{value}'"
newparam(:file) do
desc "The file to be copied."
FileUtils.cp(file, dest)
# As source I would like to use the value passed by :file.
# As destination I would like to use the value passed by :dest above
As source I would like to use the value passed by :file.
As destination I would like to use the value passed by :dest.
How can I achieve this?
I think you need to take a step back and think about what your type is supposed to model.
Are you trying to recreate the file type's source property? (Do you really need to?)
Your dest should likely be a property, and the copying will happen during its sync action. But this model will be rather clunky abstraction. You should create a new question, describe what your type needs to do and ask for advice on how to approach your greater problem.

How do you customize the identifier used by MinispadeFilter in rake-pipeline

Per this question: Setting up rake-pipeline for use with handlebars alongside Google App Engine
I'm using a MinispadeFilter as my dependency management system via rake-pipeline.
The weird thing I'm seeing is the coffeescript and handlebars files have their minispade identifier set to a tmp directory (I'm assuming, where the work is being done).
Is there a way to set that to a root path such that it is normalized? Likewise my js files, while not pointing to a tmp path, are pointing to the original assets path instead of the public path. I know its just an identifier, but should I expect them to reference the public path?
The MinispadeFilter is pretty dumb about generating module identifiers by default. It just names them after the path of the input files. You're seeing the tmp dirs in there from handlebars and coffeescript because the minispade filter is getting the module id from the place where the pipeline turns them into javascript.
The filter takes a :module_id_generator option which allows you to customize the generation of module ids. If you're not familiar with Ruby, this may be a little heavy for you, so bear with me. The module_id_generator option takes a Ruby proc, which is like an anonymous function in JS. The filter then takes this proc that you pass in and executes it for each input file, passing your proc a FileWrapper object representing the input file, and your proc should return a string that will be used as the module id for that file.
Here's a match block from one of my projects:
match "**/*.js" do
minispade :module_id_generator => proc { |input| input.path.sub(/lib\//, 'timelog/').sub(/\.js$/, '') }
concat "js/app.js"
The :module_id_generator is a proc which takes a FileWrapper named input and turns it into the module id I want. The input file's path is available as the path method on input. In this case, my JS files are in a lib/ directory, so I use Ruby's sub method to replace the beginning lib/ part of the path with timelog (the name of the project) then again to remove the .js extension. So a js file named lib/models.js would get a module id of timelog/models.

Check for COM Object Collection Propertys Existence

I have been pondering this one for a while. I am programatically (in VB6) sifting through Outlook PSTs, indexing items that are in them. I have happened on to one that is a little corrupted and this is where I am having difficulty. My program attaches the PST and starts drilling down through the folders (olFolder). These Outlook created objects are supposed to have a collection that would normally hold sub folders (appropriately named Folders).
During the execution of my code I recursively call the process folder function to process all folders in the current folder, but I have one that does not have a collection. This causes an exception because I am checking the count of folders in the collection and there is nothing to check. I understand how to check for the existence of an object, but I am having a hard time checking for the existence of a collection in and object.
The expression:
If Not fl.Folders Is Nothing Then
ends up throwing the exception too. The exception that I am getting is the following:
Could not complete the operation because the service provider does not support it.
This is only when trying to access this corrupted folder which appears to have a Folders Collection Property that is FUBARed.
Alright; in this case I am just going to put in some in-line error handling.
If Not Err.Number = -2147221246 Then
'Do the thing with the other thing
End If
If you are talking about checking whether obj.Coll.Count = 0, then see if obj.Coll Is Nothing.
well when i work web services on vb6 i have check some cases if property exist. i used that method.
It is slow but i hope that help you.
Public Function HasProperty(ByRef obj As Object, ByVal nameProperty As String) As Boolean
On Local Error GoTo hasProperty_Error
Dim Result
Result = CallByName(obj, nameProperty, VbGet)
hasProperty = True
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 438 Then
hasProperty = False
End If
Resume hasProperty_Done
End Function

ms access linked image relitive path

I have an Image object.
I have the Picture type set to linked, so I can change the picture if I want.
I have the Picture property set to the picture name.
I would think that access would use relitive addressing and simple looking in the current directory for the image. But it does not and I get an error telling me it cannot find the picture.
Anyone have a solution? (Other than setting the Picture type to embedded or using the full file address?)
Tried this:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim file As String
file = CurrentDb().Name
file = Replace(file, ".mdb", ".bmp")
Me.Image46.Picture = file
End Sub
It works, except I still get the error message. I click O.K. and it works. Just need the error message to go away.
SOLUTION: Use the above code (or the code posted in the answer below) and then set the 'picture type' to "embedded" and then delete the 'picture' field so that it says "(none)".
Save and run.
It should work.
You could set the property on the forms OnLoad event like this
Me.imgMy_image.picture=getDBPath & “mypicture.bmp”
Here is the getDBPath function
Public Function GetDBPath() As String
Dim strFullPath As String
Dim I As Integer
strFullPath = CurrentDb().Name
For I = Len(strFullPath) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(strFullPath, I, 1) = "\" Then
GetDBPath = Left(strFullPath, I)
Exit For
End If
End Function
Before anyone comments yes I know in access 2000 and above you can use currentproject.path but I’m stuck in the land that time forgot so need that custom function, it still works with later versions of access
Current folder depends of the way you open database in Access. At least, if you open it thru "File-Open", current folder changes to the folder of MDB file. But if you open via double-clicking MDB in explorer, it does not.
