Programmatically slide to next Panorama item - windows-phone-7

Is it possible to programmatically move from one panorama page/item to the next and get the same kind of animated sliding effect you get when sliding with a finger?
I can use the PanoramaControl.DefaultItem property to move to the expected item/page, but you won't get the animated sliding effect. Any ideas here?

Its possible, just put the setting of the DefaultItem between a SlideTransition Completed event and you are done:
public static class PanoramaExtensions
public static void SlideToPage(this Panorama self, int item)
var slide_transition = new SlideTransition() { };
slide_transition.Mode = SlideTransitionMode.SlideLeftFadeIn;
ITransition transition = slide_transition.GetTransition(self);
transition.Completed += delegate
self.DefaultItem = self.Items[item];
Use my_panorama.SlideToPage(1) to slide to the second page.

You can use below code :
panoramaRoot.DefaultItem = (PanoramaItem)panoramaRoot.Items[1];

it is not programatically possible to change the selected index of a panorama control. As you mention the only way of setting the index is using the DefaultItem property which is only useful when navigationg to the page which contains the panorama.
Here is another post that discusses it.

I think the easiest way to achieve this would be to create separate visual states for each item and create animated slide transitions for transitioning to each state. Then you can use VisualStateManager.GoToState(<page>, <state>, true); to initiate the state change.

No - the panorama control doesn't support programmatic manipulation like this.
If you want an experience like this, then you could try a hand-written panorama control - e.g.


Show modal page on only a portion of the screen

I am developing an iPad app using Xamarin.Forms.
I would like my settingspage to be modal so it lay over the previous page like a popup.
I have been trying all solutions I could find and most of them seems to recommend me to call this from a button:
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(ModalSettingsPage);
What happens when I use it is that my settingspage comes in from below as a modal page but not as a popup, it covers the entire screen.
This is my current code:
//Setup button (action bar)
ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem
// Text = "Setup",
Icon = "settings1.png",
Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Default,
Command = new Command(() => Navigation.PushModalAsync(new ModalSettingsPage())) //Action to perfome on click , open modal view
Also, does anyone now if there is any good way to positions the ToolbarItems? I have two items and would like each one to be positioned at each side, but by default they are both positioned to the right.
With the evolution of Forms (currently 4.5.0), it has now become simple to push a modalpage which is not fullscreen. Use the following in your code-behind of your xaml contentpage:
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration;
using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific;
namespace YourAppWithAModalPage
public class ModalPage : ContentPage
public ModalPage()
// iOS Solution for a ModalPage (popup) which is not fullscreen
There is nothing pre-made in Forms to give you a popup like I think you want. Instead, you would have to create this or use a third-party solution. For example, here is a "popup" implementation that might work for you.

Windows Phone 7: How to notify data is updated in ListBox?

I have above scenario: If user click on ListBox, it will either have sub items (again ListBox) or detail view.
So what i did currently is: Whenever user clicks any item, made a web call and filled up the same ListBox if clicked item is having further sub items.
Now, issue comes in picture:
Suppose i am in 4th screen (detail view),
Moved to the 3rd and 2nd screen with data maintained as stack (Its working fine, yes i am maintaining data in ObservableCollection<ObservableCollection<MyObjects>> so while moving back, i am fetching data from there)
Now, if i click any item in screen 2, it will open detail view for the screen 3 ListBox data.
Means that ListBox is not getting notified that we have filled data inside OnBackKeyPress()
FYI, i am filling up ListBox and WebBrowser in the same page., so my problem is that how do i notify ListBox once i filled up data from stack which i have maintained?
Yes i have also implemented INotifyPropertyChanged but don't know why its not working.
Please check my code:
ListBox and WebView screen:
RootPageItem class file with the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged:
sorry for pasting code in above way, i did as question is being long.
How do i notify ListBox that data is changed from OnBackKeyPress?
And what is the behavior if you set:
listBox1.ItemsSource = null;
listBox1.ItemsSource = listRootPageItems;
This is just wrong architecture. Instead of reloading the same listbox, please add a single page for each screen. Share data between them inside the App class (internal static) and use the built in navigation stack for handling "going back". Don't override OnBackKeyPress for this purpose.
You will get your desired functionality for "free" with easier to maintain and use codebase.
Oops it was a silly mistake i made.
I forgot to set items[] array inside OnBackKeyPress() but was accessing while clicking item, hence its having items[] data of last step we moved in forward direction, it was executing the same data.
Now, i have just included a single line and it has solved my problem.
items = listRootPageItems.ToArray(); // resolution point
So final code of onBackKeyPress() is:
* While moving back, taking data from stack and displayed inside the same ListBox
* */
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e)
listBox1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
webBrowser1.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
listBox1.SelectedIndex = -1;
if (dataStack.Count != 0)
listBox1.ItemsSource = null;
listRootPageItems = dataStack[dataStack.Count-1];
listBox1.ItemsSource = listRootPageItems;
items = listRootPageItems.ToArray(); // resolution point
e.Cancel = true;

Group of buttons?

I have a question - is there any way to define a few buttons as a 1 group, and make 1 animation that will start for this group, instead of making an separate animation start for each of them?
Put them all in a ViewGroup and animate that. All children will be part of the animation. A ViewGroup is the base class for any layout class, that means you can use a LinearLayout, RelativeLayout or anything else that you find suitable.
You can try to set to all buttons same onTouchListener, like:
Of course your app needs to implement onTouchListener, and then you can write your onTouchListener:
public void onClick(View v) {
// write your code what you want your buttons to do
// You can also write some different codes for buttons by using id
if(v.getId() == button1.getId())
//do something when button1 clicked...

How to make an auto hiding menu bar with Qt4

I am trying to make a Qt application which has an auto hiding menu bar. How can i do that?
That's an interesting task ! Ok, lets see... I'd suggest you putting a code that keeps track of mouse cursor movement in QMainWindow::centralWidget(). You need to call QWidget::setMouseTracking(true) first to be able to keep track of your mouse movement (they are turned off by default). The code can look like this:
QMainWindow *mainWindow = new QMainWindow;
MyWidget * myWidget = new MyWidget(mainWindow);
And then in your widget QWidget::mouseMove() event you need to detect whether you are in the correct area. The code can look like this:
void MyWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event) {
bool menuVisible = inCorrectArea(event->pos());
There are several ways to get access to "mainWindow" in your MyWidget. One of them is to store a pointer in MyWidget private variable when you pass MainWindow in its MyWidget constructor. You can also issue a signal from your MyWidget and handle it in MainWindow.
Hope this helps.

WP7 transition between Canvas's in a Grid

I have two canvas's in a Grid, full scene "images" that I want to transition, I wonder how I would go about transitioning between these two Canvas controls.
Programatically I add the first canvas to the grid, then I add the second canvas to the grid, and remove the first, what I really want to do is transition between them.
Any suggestions on how I might achieve this programatically?
Edit: I have implemented this method, but am having problems, anyone able to tell me if I'm using it wrong?
private void doTransitionIn(Canvas slide)
SlideTransition slideLeft = new SlideTransition();
slideLeft.Mode = SlideTransitionMode.SlideDownFadeIn;
ITransition transition = slideLeft.GetTransition(slide);
transition.Completed += delegate { transition.Stop(); }; transition.Begin();
private void doTransitionOut(Canvas slide)
SlideTransition slideLeft = new SlideTransition();
slideLeft.Mode = SlideTransitionMode.SlideDownFadeOut;
ITransition transition = slideLeft.GetTransition(slide);
transition.Completed += delegate { transition.Stop(); }; transition.Begin();
And here is how I use it:
The problem with this is that the animation only seems to start from part way down the screen, as in, i only see it slide the last 20 or so pixels, it doesn't slide all the way.
Depending on what you mean by "transition" I'd look at creating a StoryBoard to animate the hiding/showing of each canvas.
I would recommend using the TransitioningContentControl which is part of the Silverlight Toolkit. To use this control, make your first Canvas the Content of this control. To transition, simply change the Content to your next Canvas and the TransitioningContentControl does the rest!
There are a number of blog posts that provide tutorials for this control:
