Show modal page on only a portion of the screen - xamarin

I am developing an iPad app using Xamarin.Forms.
I would like my settingspage to be modal so it lay over the previous page like a popup.
I have been trying all solutions I could find and most of them seems to recommend me to call this from a button:
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(ModalSettingsPage);
What happens when I use it is that my settingspage comes in from below as a modal page but not as a popup, it covers the entire screen.
This is my current code:
//Setup button (action bar)
ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem
// Text = "Setup",
Icon = "settings1.png",
Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Default,
Command = new Command(() => Navigation.PushModalAsync(new ModalSettingsPage())) //Action to perfome on click , open modal view
Also, does anyone now if there is any good way to positions the ToolbarItems? I have two items and would like each one to be positioned at each side, but by default they are both positioned to the right.

With the evolution of Forms (currently 4.5.0), it has now become simple to push a modalpage which is not fullscreen. Use the following in your code-behind of your xaml contentpage:
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration;
using Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific;
namespace YourAppWithAModalPage
public class ModalPage : ContentPage
public ModalPage()
// iOS Solution for a ModalPage (popup) which is not fullscreen

There is nothing pre-made in Forms to give you a popup like I think you want. Instead, you would have to create this or use a third-party solution. For example, here is a "popup" implementation that might work for you.


How to create a custom WebView Control Xamarin forms

I am trying to create a custom control for webview, i am trying to get a checkbox inside a webview Reason :- we have a bunch of text to be displayed and unless the user reaches the end of the scroll he cannot move to the next page and at the end of the scroll there is a checkbox where user has to check the the checkbox and then he can process. here i have tried putting the checkbox and webview inside the stacklayout but the issue is webview have its own scroll bar and and stacklayout scroll bar does not work when a user try to scroll as the webview scroller scrolls out also when i try to close the Webview Page with back button the webview gets close and not the page
i am not sure what approach should i apply here.
i am getting my html data from my webapi.
anyone with some solution would be appreciable
here is my custom renderer which i have wrote but the piece missing here is how can i add another xamarin control inside this
public class CustomPdfViewRenderer : WebViewRenderer
public CustomPdfViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<WebView> e)
if (Control != null)
Control.Settings.BuiltInZoomControls = true;
Control.Settings.DisplayZoomControls = false;
Control.Settings.LoadWithOverviewMode = true;
Control.Settings.UseWideViewPort = true;
You can try the following approach:
Add checkbox to HTML
When the user check checkbox call some JavaScript function
When JavaScript function is called, call C# function (Xamarin) which will enable the user to process to the next page (or some other Xamarin side stuff)
Here is how you can call C# function from JavaScript :HybridWebView

How to present an iOS Modal View in MvvmCross

How can I present a modal view on iOS using MvvmCross?
Using Xamarin Studio on iOS and the MvvmCross NuGet version 4.2.2, none of the MvxModalSupportTouchViewPresenter, MvxModalNavSupportTouchViewPresenter or IMvxModalTouchView are even available.
Does the ViewModel even need to know about the fact that a particular view is presented as a modal view on iOS?
MvvmCross is a strong Page navigation framework. Default navigation using ShowViewModel<AViewModel> will use the stack metaphor: one on top of another on Android, slide atop each other on iOS, and use < on either platform to go back.
You can tell the ViewPresenter that a given view is modal by giving it a hint, in the form of an interface marker, by adopting IMvxModalIosView.
At the View Level
Adopt the IMvxModalIosView protocol:
public partial class AView : MvxViewController, IMvxModalIosView
At the AppDelegate Level
Replace var setup = new Setup(this, Window) by:
var presenter = new MvxModalSupportIosViewPresenter(this, Window);
var setup = new Setup(this, presenter);
At the ViewModel Level
No change required. The ViewModel is actually not made aware of the modal presentation. Invoke:
ShowViewModel<AViewModel> // May be modal on certain platforms
To close a Page and go back to the previous one, regardless of your presentation style, use Close(this) on that very ViewModel. This will close a modal dialog, or pop a pushed view. A complete, bindable ICommand may look like this:
public ICommand BackCommand {
get { return new MvxCommand(() => Close(this)); }
Notes: In MvvmCross 4.2.2, Touch has been renamed iOS, so IMvxModalTouchView is now IMvxModalIosView. The new using are:
using MvvmCross.iOS.Platform;
using MvvmCross.iOS.Views.Presenters;
Using MvvmCross 5.5.2 all I had to get a modal was to add the following MvxModalPresentation attribute to my iOS view:
ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.PageSheet,
ModalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyle.CoverVertical
public class ExampleModalView : MvxViewController
public ExampleModalView() {
Launching the modal is simple with the IMvxNavigationService service
await _navigationService.Navigate<ExampleModalViewModel>();
ExampleModalViewModel just needs to be a plain MvvmCross view model inheriting from MvxViewModel.
A useful reference for this is ModalView.cs in the iOS playground project:

Navigation Drawer back button Xamarin

I am using this binding for this awesome Material Drawer Library by MikePenz.
I have implemented the Navigation Drawer with this library and I have also managed to change the hamburger menu to the back arrow when I go level deep. Now I have some problems to get the back arrow to work correctly. When I click on the back arrow, rather than going back to the previous page, it opens up the navigation drawer.
After looking into the original library, I have identified, the following code is responsible to manage the back arrow button. I would appreciate , if someone can help me a bit to write this listener code in C#.
.withOnDrawerNavigationListener(new Drawer.OnDrawerNavigationListener() {
public boolean onNavigationClickListener(View clickedView) {
//this method is only called if the Arrow icon is shown. The hamburger is automatically managed by the MaterialDrawer
//if the back arrow is shown. close the activity
//return true if we have consumed the event
return true;
Here is the binding libray that I use : MaterialDrawer-Xamarin
And this is the link to the original Library : MaterialDrawer
Try something like this:
var result = new DrawerBuilder()
//Add some items here
new DividerDrawerItem()
and implement Drawer.IOnDrawerNavigationListener in your activity like this:
public bool OnNavigationClickListener(View clickedView)
return true;

In NativeScript on Android, how do I prevent a SearchBar from gaining focus on page load?

I have a SeachBar inside a ScrollView. In iOS all is good. On Android the ScrollView automatically scrolls to the SearchBar, adds focus to it and displays the soft keyboard. I can hide the softkeyboard by adding android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" as an activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file but I can't work out how to prevent the focus (and hence the auto scroll). Any help would be much appreciated.
Using Angular2:
<StackLayout (loaded)="onSearchLayoutLoaded($event)">
<SearchBar hint="search here" (loaded)="onSearchBarLoaded($event)">
onSearchLayoutLoaded(event) {
if ( {;
onSearchBarLoaded(event) {
if ( {;
This eliminates unnecessarily having to use template reference variables.
For Android you need to do a couple of things. If you were using a native Android layout, lets say LinerLayout you would set android:focusableInTouchMode="true" and that should work for most use cases. So with NativeScript you're going to use the associated method on the parent of your SearchBar and then call `clearFocus() on the searchbar.
function removeSearchFocus() {
// get the parent of the searchbar
var parent = page.getViewById('parentLayout');
var searchBar = page.getViewById('mySearchBar');
if ( {;;;
Then attach this function to one of the page navigation event, or dump the important pieces into a current page event you might already have in your app. Just assign the parent an ID and the SearchBar so you can get it by the ID and this should work.
How about adding a endEditing to the page loaded or loading event?
searchBar = page.getViewById('your-searchbar');
or set focus to another element, where you want the focus to be, e.g.
somethingElse = page.getViewById('your-top-bar');

Showing different toolbar buttons on each page with Xamarin Forms

I have 2 pages in my Xamarin Forms app. My first page has 4 icons in the toolbar. My second page is a login page and has a tick and a cross in the toolbar.
I can't get the login page to show any icons unless I make it a navigation page. I also have to clear ToolBarItems on the first page before calling PushAsync() otherwise it complains there are too many toolbar items.
If I call PopAsync() on the login page it does not return to the first page. I'm guessing this is due to their being 2 navigation pages. I also tried PopToRootAsync().The back button works however.
My question is - how do I show different toolbar icons on 2 different pages in a way that allows navigation to work?
I'm testing this on Windows Phone 8.0
Here is the code calling the login page:
private async void ShowLoginPage()
var page = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage());
await Navigation.PushAsync(page);
and here is the code to return to the first page:
private void Cancel()
I'm running Xamarin.Forms v1.2.2.6243
One thing you could try is to keep your Login Page inside of a NavigationPage, and then instead of running PopAsync() within the Login Page after they have logged in successfully, simply replace the MainPage with your old Navigation page:
In your App class:
public NavigationPage AppNavPage = new NavigationPage(new FirstPage());
public App() {
MainPage = AppNavPage;
In your FirstPage:
private async void ShowLoginPage() {
var page = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage());
await Navigation.PushAsync(page);
In Login Page:
private async void OnCreateClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {
bool loginInfoIsGood = CheckLoginInfo(); //Check their login info
if(loginInfoIsGood) {
Application.Current.MainPage = App.AppNavPage;
Otherwise, I have also done a custom renderer for the NavigationRenderer on iOS to insert toolbar items onto the right side of the Navigation Bar and have overridden some Menu related stuff on Android to change the icon text/colors.
One option that you have, and one that I implemented in my own app, is a custom renderer that removes the navigation header from the app and then you could build your own custom header. With this approach, you do lose some of the native feel of the app, and you have to implement much of the transitional functionality your self. However, it gives you alot more control over the look.
CustomRenderer that removes the navigationBar:
//add using statements
// add all view here that need this custom header, might be able to build a
//base page that others inherit from, so that this will work on all pages.
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(yourView), typeof(HeaderRenderer))]
class HeaderRenderer : PageRenderer
public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
this.NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden(true, true);
After this you can build a header view that can be placed on the top of every page (I am using xaml) so I don't know if it is relevant in you application.
Edit: You might need to change this renderer for differnt page types.
