What is the safe way to redefine methods in core classes like File, String etc. I'm looking for implementing something similar to the Java Security Manager in (J)Ruby.
I'm looking for a way to redefine a method by first seeing which class/script has called this method and if that class/script belong to a list of some blacklisted classes (that I keep track of) I want to raise an exception, If the calling class belong to a non-blacklisted class then allow the operation. something like:
class String
alias_method :old_length, :length
def length
raise "bad boy"
I tried this in JRuby, but this works only alternatively. One time the new length method is called and next time the old length method is called. I guess the alias doesn't work properly in JRuby! >.<
If something works sometimes, but not at other times, it's more likely to be your code that's the problem, not JRuby. Select isn't broken
Some open source code I'm integrating in my application has some classes that include code to that effect:
class SomeClass < SomeParentClass
def self.new(options = {})
super().tap { |o|
# do something with `o` according to `options`
def initialize(options = {})
# initialize some data according to `options`
As far as I understand, both self.new and initialize do the same thing - the latter one "during construction" and the former one "after construction", and it looks to me like a horrible pattern to use - why split up the object initialization into two parts where one is obviously "The Wrong Think(tm)"?
Ideally, I'd like to see what is inside the super().tap { |o| block, because although this looks like bad practice, just maybe there is some interaction required before or after initialize is called.
Without context, it is possible that you are just looking at something that works but is not considered good practice in Ruby.
However, maybe the approach of separate self.new and initialize methods allows the framework designer to implement a subclass-able part of the framework and still ensure setup required for the framework is completed without slightly awkward documentation that requires a specific use of super(). It would be a slightly easier to document and cleaner-looking API if the end user gets functionality they expect with just the subclass class MyClass < FrameworkClass and without some additional note like:
When you implement the subclass initialize, remember to put super at the start, otherwise the magic won't work
. . . personally I'd find that design questionable, but I think there would at least be a clear motivation.
There might be deeper Ruby language reasons to have code run in a custom self.new block - for instance it may allow constructor to switch or alter the specific object (even returning an object of a different class) before returning it. However, I have very rarely seen such things done in practice, there is nearly always some other way of achieving the goals of such code without customising new.
Examples of custom/different Class.new methods raised in the comments:
Struct.new which can optionally take a class name and return objects of that dynamically created class.
In-table inheritance for ActiveRecord, which allows end user to load an object of unknown class from a table and receive the right object.
The latter one could possibly be avoided with a different ORM design for inheritance (although all such schemes have pros/cons).
The first one (Structs) is core to the language, so has to work like that now (although the designers could have chosen a different method name).
It's impossible to tell why that code is there without seeing the rest of the code.
However, there is something in your question I want to address:
As far as I understand, both self.new and initialize do the same thing - the latter one "during construction" and the former one "after construction"
They do not do the same thing.
Object construction in Ruby is performed in two steps: Class#allocate allocates a new empty object from the object space and sets its internal class pointer to self. Then, you initialize the empty object with some default values. Customarily, this initialization is performed by a method called initialize, but that is just a convention; the method can be called anything you like.
There is an additional helper method called Class#new which does nothing but perform the two steps in sequence, for the programmer's convenience:
class Class
def new(*args, &block)
obj = allocate
obj.send(:initialize, *args, &block)
def allocate
obj = __MagicVM__.__allocate_an_empty_object_from_the_object_space__
class BasicObject
private def initialize(*) end
The constructor new has to be a class method since you start from where there is no instance; you can't be calling that method on a particular instance. On the other hand, an initialization routine initialize is better defined as an instance method because you want to do something specifically with a certain instance. Hence, Ruby is designed to internally call the instance method initialize on a new instance right after its creation by the class method new.
I was thinking wouldn't it be cool to have a print method defined in the Ruby Object class? Consider the following:
class Object
def print
puts self.to_s
23.times &:print
Is there any issue in having something like this? Seems like a good feature to have. It also appears easy to read.
There's already Object#inspect defined. Plus, there's already Kernel#print defined as private method in Object class and every class that inherits from it.
This method already exists in the Ruby standard library. However, it has a different name: display.
23.times &:display
# 012345678910111213141516171819202122
As you can see, it does not write a newline after the object's string representation; it is ill-suited for object inspection.
The main issue with adding methods to Object is that they become universal and may clash with similarly named methods in other libraries or in your project.
There are already multiple simple ways to output data or convert to string form in Ruby core, so the risk of a clash (on a very useful method name) likely outweighs any benefits from nicer syntax even in your own code.
If you have a smaller set of classes in your own project, where you feel this would be a useful feature to have, then this is an ideal use case for mix-ins.
Define a module:
module CanPrintSelf
def print
puts self.to_s
And include it in any class you want to have the feature:
class MyClass
include CanPrintSelf
my_object = MyClass.new
So you can have this feature if you like it, and you don't need to modify Object.
Currently reading a Ruby style guide and I came across an example:
def no_op; end
What is the purpose of empty body methods?
There are a number of reasons you might create an empty method:
Stub a method that you will fill in later.
Stub a method that a descendant class will override.
Ensure a class or object will #respond_to? a method without necessarily doing anything other than returning nil.
Undefine an inherited method's behavior while still allowing it to #respond_to? the message, as opposed to using undef foo on public methods and surprising callers.
There are possibly other reasons, too, but those are the ones that leapt to mind. Your mileage may vary.
There may be several reasons.
One case is when a class is expected to implement a specific interface (virtually speaking, given that in Ruby there are no interfaces), but in that specific class that method would not make sense. In this case, the method is left for consistency.
class Foo
def say
class Bar
def say
class Null
def say
In other cases, it is left as a temporary placeholder or reminder.
There are also cases where the method is left blank on purpose, as a hook for developers using that library. The method it is called somewhere at runtime, and developers using that library can override the blank method in order to execute some custom callback. This approach was used in the past by some Rails libraries.
This is not specific to Ruby, but I happen to be using Ruby at the moment.
Here is a class that provides text printing functionality.
class Printer
# some static methods
def self.fancy_print(text)
# do fancy formatting
def self.print(text)
# some instance methods
def initialize(text)
#text = text
def print
#somehow call fancy_print(#text)
Is it bad design to provide both instance and static methods in a class?
Sometimes I would like to keep several instances of Printer lying around. Other times, I just need to say Printer.print(text) and just grab that text without bothering to store it for later, hence resulting in a static print method and an instance print method.
No, it's not bad design.
It's completely normal–some methods are class methods, some are instance methods. I'm not sure what the perceived issue might even be. It's somewhat difficult to even find classes with only one or the other, although in Java you frequently see static utility classes.
Edit IMO the question is misleading; you're actually asking if it's bad design to have static and instance methods of the same name.
It's tricky if both are public because it isn't necessarily obvious how to use the class. In other words, is it designed to be used via the static, or instance method? Both? What's different about them? Should that difference be... differentiated by a name?
Ultimately it depends on context and usage–there's no single answer.
That's okay, I think. Here's how you would code the Printer#print method
class Printer
def print
There is nothing wrong with having class methods and instance methods for a specific class, as long as they make sense belonging to the class.
I.e. what does fancy_print do? Is it something specific to the Printer class. If it is, then you shouldn't worry.
On the other hand, if it is to be used for any string value, you can do something cheekier, i.e. adding this method to the string class
String.class_eval do
def fancy_print
## implementation
Now you can do "Hello".fancy_print
Hope this answer was of any use. Also write test cases!
In Ruby, is there a way to get the name of the class that creates an instance of MyClass?
I know that I could pass it in as an argument on my initialize method, but I want to know if any data is already there that has to do with the class that created an instance of MyClass in side of MyClass.
So it would be like
class MyClass
def initialize
#who_called_me = who_called_me.name
def who_called_me
puts #who_called_me
Although this is not portable between implementations and versions, this is a crude solution:
What this does is it gets the current stack, skips the strings for initialize, allocate, and new, and then gets the method name out of the string. Again, this is a total hack, and is based around unspecified behavior. I would not suggest using this unless absolutely necessary.
In general, this is evil. I've seen an equivalent in C#, but it produced violently cruel side effects, not to mention ugly-as-heck code.
In Ruby, if you really had to do this, you'd probably start with Kernel.caller. But please don't do that.