How many prints had been accured via crystalreport in VB6? - vb6

I have a crystal report viewer object in a VB form and I need to know how many times it was printed.
actually I want to know "how many times a user hit the print button on the crystal report object"

The CrystalReportsViewer control has a PrintButtonClicked event within which you could keep a count. You will have to keep track of which report is currently being displayed in the reportviewer though.


telerik report barcode control add blank page

I have a Telerik report that is working as expected. The report list items in several pages.
The report consist of several columns displaying items' fields.
Once I add a barcode control to the items' columns, the report begin to produce a blank page after every single page.
I am sure that the barcode control is behind this issue as once I remove the barcode control, things are back to normal.
Even If I add a textbox instead of barcode the report print as expected.
I have tried all the available features to get rid of the added blank page but could not succeed.
Please advise and many thanks
ps. I am using Telerik Reporting Q1 2016
I believe your issue is related to the barcode.
I have found that the field can grow and cause objects to move around when you don't want them.
I would put the barcode on to another report against the same data to see how wide the actual barcode is. This will help you get an idea as to what Telerik is doing and then come up with a game plan.

JSONObject["caption"] not found

We are using form designer of servicenow to change elements on a form.
The table used to create the form is extended by the task table and contains a workflow with approvals and various stages.
When we try to change something within form designer, it does not matter what it is, renaming a field from summary to summarys for instance and clicking save.
The action gives this error:
JSONObject["caption"] not found
Only some forms are affected by this issue, for instance incident forms, change forms all open and can be changed and saved.
I have a feeling that this error is related to a known issue but i just wondered if anyone on here has seen it.
NB: It is not possible to share my JSON response because it's all done behind the scenes by servicenow. I am in a form design view and I am simply clicking save on a form change
Thank you for your time
This has now been resolved.
Turned out a title on a form header had more than 40 characters and this was causing the error on form save.
Max limit on a title

SAP Crystal Report in Visual Studio 2010 add summary total to report footer to a desktop application

In an existing Visual Studio 2010 desktop application that uses existing Crystal reports, there is a summary amount that appears in the report footer section of the current crystal report. The current calculation is usually close but it changes every time the crystal report is executed. Note I am new to working with Crystal reports and no one else at my company knows how to work with crystal reports. Since I have not been to figure how I can modify the calculation so that the amount is correct, I would like to create a new calculation for this field.
I have tried the following:
Running totals placed into the report footer but I get the result of #####.
I have tried formula fields placed into the report footer but I get the result of #######.
I have tried to use insert summary of the purchase amount in the report footer and I get the ##### message.
I have followed the directions in the following link and it did not work:
Thus can you tell me how to summarize the purchase amount from every detail that is placed into the report so the total appears in the report footer? Also I may need to also reset the value to zero everytime the report is executed. **I am not certain if I need this option.
Look the approach you are following is completely fine and correct. You can use either way to get the summary. The best will be put the Summary field in the Report Footer.
Whenever you place any numerical summary field in any section, or any numeric value fields in crystal, make sure you allot proper width to the text object or the formula field placed in report.
In case, the value is in millions, and width is less and only proper to show thousands, you will get "####" rather than the value. This indicates you have increase the width of the field.
Let me know if this helps, and in case you face any other issue?

Birt hyperlinked reports in single page

Is it possible to have 3 reports all linked to each other on a single page.
Suppose I have 3 reports. First one drills down to second and second drills down to third i.e. on clicking on first report the second opens and on clicking on second the third opens. Also the second report needs parameters which are passed down from the first report.
Now these reports open up in a new page on clicking. I want the second report to open below second report and third below second. Is this possible??
Short answer:
Longer answer:
There are a number of different ways of combining reports and linking them to each other in BIRT. Reports can be delivered as web pages, PDF, Excel, etc. Obviously differing deliveries would want different solutions.
If your are delivering to PDF where the report would be printed, you can essentially put three reports (tables) on the same document which all show the results based on the same parameters
If you are delivering as web pages you can have links in pretty much any place on the report that will jump to another report using a value as a parameter (i.e. Report1 = everything for a week; click on "Monday" see Report2 with just everything from Monday; click on "Noon" and see Report3 with just everything from Noon.

Crystal Reports - display caption from dataset, not column name

I have a Crystal Report that is is simply from a DataSet which I populate at runtime. The problem is, on the report I want some of the columns to have different capations - for example, I have the following fields in my report
Sell Total
Profit Total
Net Total
I want all of these columns to be displayed just as 'Total' on my report - I have tried setting the 'Caption' property but Crystal seems to ignore this, and there appears to be no way on the IFIeldObject to change the text.
It's a bit tricky to visualize what you are trying to do. That said, one route might be to actually just hide the fields that Crystal Reports is using and make your own formula driven labels in the group/section footer, or whatever area you see these in.
Unless I've misunderstood, and it is somewhere that can't have the captions replaced easily (charts come to mind).
