Crystal Reports - display caption from dataset, not column name - visual-studio-2010

I have a Crystal Report that is is simply from a DataSet which I populate at runtime. The problem is, on the report I want some of the columns to have different capations - for example, I have the following fields in my report
Sell Total
Profit Total
Net Total
I want all of these columns to be displayed just as 'Total' on my report - I have tried setting the 'Caption' property but Crystal seems to ignore this, and there appears to be no way on the IFIeldObject to change the text.

It's a bit tricky to visualize what you are trying to do. That said, one route might be to actually just hide the fields that Crystal Reports is using and make your own formula driven labels in the group/section footer, or whatever area you see these in.
Unless I've misunderstood, and it is somewhere that can't have the captions replaced easily (charts come to mind).


How can you display option sets within a SSRS report?

I'm new to Stack overflow and new to SSRS report building. I'm currently building a report that needs to display each option from and option set in a different column I also need to pull date a last and next date range for each option it is page grouped by a company name and then further grouped by the employee's full name. any help would be very much appreciated.
Excel mock-up
Report table layout
I need it to out put like the Excel image ideally if possible, I've found the value id's but i'm stumped as to how if I can at all display them in the columns I've labelled.
It looks like you need to use a matrix control in your report. It will display your values in a pivot view like Excel.
Microsoft Documentation

SAP Crystal Report in Visual Studio 2010 add summary total to report footer to a desktop application

In an existing Visual Studio 2010 desktop application that uses existing Crystal reports, there is a summary amount that appears in the report footer section of the current crystal report. The current calculation is usually close but it changes every time the crystal report is executed. Note I am new to working with Crystal reports and no one else at my company knows how to work with crystal reports. Since I have not been to figure how I can modify the calculation so that the amount is correct, I would like to create a new calculation for this field.
I have tried the following:
Running totals placed into the report footer but I get the result of #####.
I have tried formula fields placed into the report footer but I get the result of #######.
I have tried to use insert summary of the purchase amount in the report footer and I get the ##### message.
I have followed the directions in the following link and it did not work:
Thus can you tell me how to summarize the purchase amount from every detail that is placed into the report so the total appears in the report footer? Also I may need to also reset the value to zero everytime the report is executed. **I am not certain if I need this option.
Look the approach you are following is completely fine and correct. You can use either way to get the summary. The best will be put the Summary field in the Report Footer.
Whenever you place any numerical summary field in any section, or any numeric value fields in crystal, make sure you allot proper width to the text object or the formula field placed in report.
In case, the value is in millions, and width is less and only proper to show thousands, you will get "####" rather than the value. This indicates you have increase the width of the field.
Let me know if this helps, and in case you face any other issue?

BIRT: Fit to whole page in report design?

I have a report and want to fix it to 1 page (A4) regardless of the number of rows in the table. Usually it's 10 rows but can be more in some cases.
Anyway I need to use BIRT in a fixed context (3rd party application), eg. no option to adjust the BIRT viewer or url params. Therefore how can I add this option to my report design so that it is applied automatically?
I don't think it is possible to force a render option from the report-design. If it was it would probably achieved by using this code fragment from "beforeRender" script of the report:
I tried it, it appears at this stage the BIRT task has already applied render options and therefore this new value is ignored.
If you have access to the source code of this third party app it is quite easy to add a "Fit to" PDF render option.
Otherwise you will have to change the report-design and make it a little bit more dynamic: there are many design tips allowing to fit a report in a single page, one of them is to change the height of some items by script depending on the number of rows of the table.

Changing columns order on export to CSV from SSRS 2008

We have a report developed in another tool that the user exports to Excel to manipulate the data. In the old tool, the columns are being saved in the same order as the dataset returned by the stored procedure. But in SSRS the columns sort is changed to the order that they are displayed on the screen. The user is a nut case and can't convince her to change the order of the columns on the screen report to match her old report sort, but on the other hand does not want to adapt to the new column order. Unfortunately the easiest solution (i.e. replacing the user :-)) is not implementable. Is there a property that I can use to change the sorting on the columns when they are exported. Without knowing much about it, I imagined ZIndex would have done something like that. But it is set to 0 and disabled, so I can't change it's value.
I know it's years later but for the benefit of anyone who is in this predicament, a similar idea: in the same report, you create another tablix that will be your "output" tablix, where you arrange things as you please using the same dataset. Make this tablix with visibility hidden, and set it to "output" as necessary. Turn off all outputs from the first tablix. So you have basically a ghost tablix that only works when you export to csv.

Crystal XI - Include a group total for values where the group field is null

I'm using Crystal Reports for VS2010, programmatically generating the identity of the 'group-by' fields at run time using VB.NET in a WinForms application.
Two group-by fields - the outer total is correct, and the inner sub-totals are correct, but no sub-total is shown for all the detail records that don't have a value for the group-by field.
So for instance, grouping by Country, where the address in the detail records don't have a value for country.
It just makes the report look stupid, since the sub-totals don't add up to the totals.
Is there an easy way of generically including a sub-total for the ones that don't have the group-by value?
It sounds as though some of your sections are being conditionally suppressed on whether the group is null. I suggest you open the report in the Crystal Reports designer, and check the Section Expert (either select from the toolbar or right-click in the grey margin to the left of the report layout area and select Section Expert) for each section to see whether the relevant sections are being conditionally suppressed (the x-2 button next to Suppress would be coloured red).
It would also be worth checking whether any sections are being suppressed programmatically, and whether any of the sections are being suppressed when blank (although if a sub-total is displayed even in sections with null group values, this shouldn't matter).
