Implementing onItemClick and onItemLongClick on an Android GridView - android-gridview

How do I implement onItemLongClick and onItemClick for a GridView so that GridView items respond to both events?

I found that the trick is in the return value of the longclick listener call back. If you return true, onclick will not be called after the longclick is called and simple click will invoke only onclick. It worked fine for me.


Kendo UI treelist hide button

I am using Kendo UI TreeList & Grid for jquery. I want to hide a command button based on row values. In grid, I attached dataBound event to evaluate the model value and show/hide command button, below codes works fine
var delButton = e.container.find(".k-grid-Delete");
if (...) delButton.hide();
For TreeList, the same code seems also fine. However, when I add inline edit featrue, the same codes works differently.
When click "Edit" or "Add", the grid stay the original visible status, but treelist show all the button.
When click "Cancel", I triggered dataBound event in cancel event so the UI can be refreshed, then the grid show correctly but treelist still show all the buttons even if the dataBound is executed with correct logic.
Does anybody know how to resolve this issue?
Ziff Dai

Does keypress events not apply to Backbone.js Views

I don't understand if anything is wrong in this idea but the Backbone Views just don't trigger keypress, keyup events. I have created a simple shopping list app is JsBin for you to inspect. In the chrome inspector the ul of the view shows the keyup event but it does not occur when i hit some keys in the keyboard. I need the idea to navigate Treeview using the keyboard events
In addition to the question #rkw linked You might want to have a look at this SO question Why audio events are not firing with BackboneJS but others are?
Basically backbone.js uses delegation to bind events, which only works with delegate-able events.
You can bind to the keypress manually in the initializer
initialize: function () {
$(document).bind('keyup', this.navigate);

Jqgrid Edit Form Change Event of Select doesnt fire when scrolling thorugh records

I have been following this example,, as it is just what I need. I have got it working but it doesnt work when scrolling through records. If you bring up the form and scroll from a UK record to a US record, the list doesnt change. The onChange event only fires when the user selects from the select drop down.
Is there a way around this?
Thanks for your help.
My old demo uses 'change' event handler defined in the dataEvents property of the editoptions. In the dataEvents array one can define other event handlers.
You need just bind keyup to the column exactly like it's described in the answer. In the body of the event handler you can do the same actions as in the body of the 'change' event handler (you can place the code in a function and call it from the both handlers). In the way you should be able to solve the problem.
UPDATED: I updated the old answer and another one which was origin for the demo which you used. The new demo support the navigation buttons (the buttons to edit the 'next' or the 'previous' row) in the editing form.

WP7 Listbox - clearing selected item

I am using a listbox in a data template - and from an earlier post I cannot reference the listbox directly in the code behind.
As a result I am capturing the last selected object in the selectionchanged event for the listbox and using this when I want to navigate.
I now need to also clear the selected object in the listbox -can I do this in the selectionchanged event (after storing it away).
Alternatively I could use the MouseLeftButtonDown event on the listbox (which I understand is the equivalent of a 'click') but can I get the selected object in the listbox in this event.
In the selection changed event set <ListboxName>.SelectedIndex = -1;
Also, do not use the MouseLeftButtonDown event. This will fire whenever the user touches the ListBox, even if they're just trying to scroll up / down and not actually selecting an item.
If you can't change the SelectedIndex in code behind then, instead of detecting the SelectionChanged event you could detect a Tap event on the ListBoxItem.

Why some time jquery click event fails?

My page is divided into two parts vertically.Left part is like a menu section. Clicking on
any menu brings the proper data related to that menu in the right part of the page. I am
doing it using ajax call and the only div on the right part get refreshed. I am using jquery click event for that ..
$("#left_part").click(function() { // ajax call here });
Now I have some more jquery action on the right part. (say Show hide some div which also work on click event.)
But when new div reloads on the right part those click event on the right part is not working.
But when I bind the click event it works.
$("#some_right_part").click(function() {/ some hide show here )}; Not working
$("#some_right_part").bind('click', function(event){ // some hide show here )}; works fine
Important: When I am on fresh page (no ajax call yet to bring right part) $("#some_right_part").click(function() {/ some hide show here )}; works fine.
But what I know is: $().click(function) calls $().bind('click',function)
So, What is the reason behind this? Or What is the perfect way to solve such problem
When you assign a click event via $().click when the page loads, the click event is bound to all matching elements. However, when you do the ajax call and recieve new markup - the new elements are not bound to the click event because they did not exist when you first called $().click.
There is a way to get a click event to be bound to all elements and all future elements that may be created. You must use the live method like so:
$('#elements').live('click', function() {
// do logic
