Kendo UI treelist hide button - kendo-ui

I am using Kendo UI TreeList & Grid for jquery. I want to hide a command button based on row values. In grid, I attached dataBound event to evaluate the model value and show/hide command button, below codes works fine
var delButton = e.container.find(".k-grid-Delete");
if (...) delButton.hide();
For TreeList, the same code seems also fine. However, when I add inline edit featrue, the same codes works differently.
When click "Edit" or "Add", the grid stay the original visible status, but treelist show all the button.
When click "Cancel", I triggered dataBound event in cancel event so the UI can be refreshed, then the grid show correctly but treelist still show all the buttons even if the dataBound is executed with correct logic.
Does anybody know how to resolve this issue?
Ziff Dai


Kendo Grid - Pop up Editor issue

We are using pop up editor in the Kendo Grid control to edit the record.
My kendo grid has the below extra Controls as below.
Kendo dropdownlist
Div control
Add button
Remove button
A dropdown which has list of values that user will select and press the ADD button which is next to it.
then those values will be added to div control dynamically at runtime.
click on update in the editor, My controller updation action is getting fired.
Now i want to remove the items from the div tag using the Remove button. this time my controller update method is not firing.
I suspect that the changes in div is not firing the change event as the div control items dynamically added and removed.
How can i trigger the change event in the Remove button click function in jquery once i removed the div elements.
Please help me on this, trying this since 2 weaks.

How to hide/show JQGrid inline navigation button from javascript

Hide and show Add and Cancel button programmatically in JQGrid
You can make Add and Cancel button hidden of visible in the same way like any other elements on the HTML page. You can use, jQuery.hide or jQuery.css with "display", "none" or "display", "" parameters. Thus the only thing which you need is to get DOM elements which represent the buttons. You can get the elements by id for example.
jqGrid assigns ids to all standard buttons. The ids of buttons added by inlineNav will be build from grid id as prefix and strings "_iladd" (for Add button), "_iledit" (for Edit button), "_ilsave" (for Save button) and "_ilcancel" (for Cancel button). So if you have the grid with id="mygrid" then $("#mygrid_iladd").hide() can be used to hide the Add button and $("#mygrid_ilcancel").hide() to hide the Cancel button. To hide both buttons you can use $("#mygrid_iladd,#mygrid_ilcancel").hide().

KendoUI Grid: Cannot intercept and cancel sort event if there are any pending changes

Browser: IE 9
Context: An editable, sortable(server side) KendoUI grid is populated.
Issue: The objective is to pop up a message if there are any unsaved changes.
User clicks on a cell
User edits the text in the cell
User clicks on the column header
The grid’s datasource does not catch the edit. Dirty property of the data item is false.
Kendo UI grid always sorts the column. I have been unable to find a way to intercept the sort event and warn the user and cancel the sort event.
Any help is appreciated.
Version: kendoui.aspnetmvc.2013.2.716
In order to cancel the sort event, call event.preventDefault() in the requestStart event of the datasource.
hasChanges() method of the datasource returns false if
Grid columns are reorderable. (.Reorderable(r => r.Columns(true))
//Kendo htmlhelper code)
Sorting is done on the server
User edits the text in a cell and click on the column header
If you remove the Reorderable setting, hasChanges() method of datasource returns true.
Opening a support ticket for this issue.
In the meantime, if you would like to catch the edit with hasChanges() method when user edits the cell and clicks the column header do not set the Reorderable to true.
Here is a video demonstrating the KendoUI Grid issue
Response from Telerik
Basically this is happening because when reordering the event that is used is the mousedown event.
When the mousedown event is triggered the model is still not updated.
As a work-around I can suggest you the following resolution:
Put this in a script block after initializing the Grid. This way if the Grid is still in edit mode, no matter if you have made a change or not the Dragging will be prevented.
$(function () {
    var gr = $('#Grid').data().kendoGrid;
    gr.thead.on('mousedown', function (e) {
        if (gr.tbody.find('.k-edit-cell').length) {


I Have three records which I want to display in three Accordion Panes
which (every pane) will have a Header and a content ( Two label controls, 1 text box and 1 checkbox and 1 link button)
I am able to display data on the accrodion from database but when I am trying to Update the text in textbox by clicking link button the LINKBUTTON doesnot fire and unabel to make the update. How can we create Update event working ??
I am creating the Accordion Panes and Content controls statically and directly assigning the values to the controls from Code behind in Page Load.
I was able to do it using the "ItemCommand" event of the Accordion Panel by using the Command Name property of a Link Button which will update the Text Boxes.
It works for me now but I felt JQUERY will be a better option which has no postback, css issues..

jqgrid link to modal dialog of another grid

I try to implement the link from one grid to the modal dialog of another grid. I made an example
to illustrate this problem. If you choose in a context menu (right mouseclick) of each row of the picture grid, you will find some Actions. One of them is "Go to scan info". Here I would like to have a link to modal dialog of grid "Scans" and modal dialog should put the user depending whether the scan record for the selected picture allready exist or not, to the Add/Edit modal dialog.
Does anybody already implemented something like that?
Let us we have two grids on one page: one with id="grid" and another with id="scan". Exactly like you call jQuery('#grid').jqGrid('editGridRow',id) on double-click on the first grid you can call jQuery('#scan').jqGrid('editGridRow',id) in the context menu "Go to scan info". The only thing which you have to know is to know the ids on the second grid. Before calling of jQuery('#scan').jqGrid('editGridRow',id) you can impelemt any additional logic (like testing whether "the scan record for the selected picture allready exist or not").
If I understand, you need insert another jqgrid into modal dialog. Did you try to insert jqgrid function into open event of jquery dialog?
You have to call jqgrid function on demand, not in document.ready statement in this case.
Imo this could work (not tested yet):
$( ".selector" ).dialog({
open: function(event, ui) {
... all of options...
