Does Knopflerfish OSGi desktop require a connection to - osgi

I'm trying a tutorial for OSGi that uses the knopflerfish desktop. Today, it hangs when I try to open a local .jar file to install it as a new bundle. It spits out a message on the console
[stderr] Error when connecting to '': Connection timed out: connect
and indeed, seems to be down today. It there no way to use this tool without a connection to the mothership?

You can still use the Knopflerfish Desktop. The missing connection should not keep you from using the desktop since you can also use it when you are working offline.
The Knopflerfish web site is/was down as mentioned in a blog post by Christer Larsson (see )


Web deploy failing, says DESTINATION NOT REACHABLE

I honestly don't know where to start apart from mentioning I've tried absolutely everything and I feel like banging my head against the wall!
I've configured my IIS according to the Microsoft docs and also added Web Deploy 3.6.
In my services I have the following running:
In my windows firewall I have opened port 8172:
In my IIS I have enabled remote connections:
Within IIS I have a Site which points to an empty folder, when I right click -> Deploy -> Configure Web Deploy publishing I get this:
Using this, I've set up a publish profile in VS like so:
But get this error why I try and 'Validate' the connection:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("server2021"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
This error indicates that you cannot connect to the server. Make sure the service URL is correct, firewall and network settings on this computer and on the server computer are configured properly, and the appropriate services have been started on the server.
Error details:
Could not connect to the remote computer ("server2021"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
Unable to connect to the remote server
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
I can't even remote to this server, I'm accessing it using TeamViewer.
I've viewed EventViewer logs on my local machine and it just says the same error which VS is spitting out.
I honestly don't know what I'm doing and I'd really really appreciate any help

Cannot connect to RabbitMq from an Asp.Net application

I have a mvc application that interacts with RabbitMq. Everything works great locally.
However, on our deployment server it cannot connect
DEBUG|MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.Integration.RabbitMqConnectionCache|Connecting: muyuser#localhost:5672/|
ERROR|MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.RabbitMqReceiveTransport|RabbitMQ connection failed: Connect failed: muyuser#localhost:5672/|
What I'm able to gather is this
In order to connect to RabbitMq you need a valid .erlang.cookie in (on windows) your User root
As best I can tell, this cookie is created when you install rabbitmq
In development we're using localdb which runs as the developer's user (which has this cookie)
In production the application runs off of IIS which uses the application pool and the built-in ApplicationPoolIdentity account. Which doesn't have a User folder for the .erlang.cookie file to live in.
So the question becomes...what now? How is this intended to work?
Obviously we could create a dedicated user for the web application but our system administrator is understandably very reluctant to do this.
Another clue, is that when I tried to RDP, log in as myself and connect to rabbit I found that I could not. After troubleshooting I discovered that my cookie didn't match up with that of others who could! I replaced it with the one from c:\windows\.erlang.cookie and could then connect from cli. It seems possible like there is a cookie installed somewhere for the applicationpoolidentity but it is an incorrect cookie. What is the location where it would go?
Erlang cookies are used for internode communication, whether it is for clustering RabbitMQ or for contacting RabbitMQ via the command line using rabbitmqctl.
If you have problems with an AMQP connection, then the erlang cookie has nothing to do here.
Take a look at access control to see if your user is properly configured.
At the same time check the server logs to see why the connection is refused.

ColdFusion Builder 3 debugging

I really like the new ColdFusion Builder, but am running into trouble configuring debugging. I've gone through the tutorials on setting up a project and a ColdFusion Server. Everything seems fairly straightforward. I have a standard CF 10 install running on IIS.
Here are my CF Server settings:
Application Server: defaulted to CF+Tomcat Bundle; not sure how to tell if it should be something different
Server home: C:\ColdFusionBuilder3\ColdFusion\cfusion
Document root: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
RDS is enabled, and I am able to start the CF server; however, if I run the project I get a blank page, and I see the error below in the Console. Not sure how to fix it, though. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
[defaultLocal]:Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 6006
[defaultLocal]:(06/10 at 08:53:26) Server is available. Getting server settings.
[defaultLocal]:FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197)
[defaultLocal]:ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
[defaultLocal]:ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
[defaultLocal]:JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:750]
I could only get this working by setting it up as a remote server when using IIS since I have coldfusion running as a windows service. I use port 80.
Also, note that CFBuilder 3, which is extremely buggy, forgets your remote server every time you shut down Eclipse. They are supposed to be patching this. I am very disappointed that we spent any money on this garbage software. Unfortunately, there aren't any IDEs that understand ColdFusion 10+ other than text editors such as Sublime.

Failure instantiating web-service client on xcode app upload

I'm using XCode 4.0.2 to upload my iPhone app to the iTunes app store but get the following error messages:
Failure instantiating web-service client
An exception has occurred: Unable to open url:
Could not connect to Apple's web service
Unable to authenticate the package: 450416349.itmsp
I've got the latest Java version (1.6) and have double checked the network settings in the Java preferences.
Any ideas?
Got to the bottom of it. Running a TCP dump on our firewall discovered that some (but not all) of the requests that XCode made were using the configured proxy, and others were not.
We allowed the proxy to be bypassed completely to test and it all worked fine.
Have you tried using Application Loader? Try that and see if it works. Hope this helps.

Unable to run junit tests in Eclipse

I and my colleagues have an intermittent problem running junit tests or tomcat from within Eclipse.
Sometimes the tests will run.
Sometimes they will not.
There appears to be no pattern and we are not in sync. IE mine might run and others will fail.
Stopping/starting Eclipse can resolve the issue (sometimes).
Pulling out the network cable ALWAYS resolves the problem (while it is out).
When it fails the following happens.
On trying to run the class the Console screen appears with the red box.
The console screen stays blank for about 30 seconds and then the following appears:
Could not connect to: : 2083 Connection
refused: connect at
Method) at
The port number varies.
I found a forum post that told me follow this
But this did not work.
We are all on Microsoft XP based machines connecting to the internet via an
ISA server/proxy.
I am running Eclipse 3.3.3 and MyEclipse 6.0.1
Any ideas please ?
I have concentrated on junit instead of tomcat as it is much quicker & easier to reproduce.
Yep I had seen the McQueeney link with no luck.
We have done some more digging and interestingly when you run junit from Eclipse, Eclipse decides to go & check for updates, Yes that's right - everytime you run a junit (& I guess tomcat and others).
We removed a colleague's access restrictions to the WWW through the ISA server and low & behold the problem disappeared.
We are still monitoring this to see if it is the solution.
Watch this space.
I have tried looking through the Eclipse set up to see if I can stop it trundling off everytime to the WWW but have not seen a suitable option yet.
Some suggestions...:
Did you look at tomcat logs ?
Do you see in them some ClientAbortException: Broken pipe. ?
It looks like the server thinks the client is closing the connection at times.
And like the client is getting the connection reset by the server (connection reset), and the server is not listening sometimes (connection refused).
If you are testing from behind a firewall/proxy server, you may need to provide TomCat with the firewall/proxy server hostname and port number.
Restarting eclipse should be enough:
Apparently the JUnit runner thread in Eclipse attaches to an Eclipse server thread to run the tests. It would seem the client thread was trying to connect to the wrong port (3393) or that the server thread that had been listening on port 3393 for runtime requests failed.
The solution McQueeney found is here (thank you!)
One suggestion I find interesting is:
I had to change the jre that my Eclipse project uses to make sure that JUnit and my project were using the same jre. After a restart of Eclipse the error was gone.
I hope you will find a definitive cause for this.
I had the same problem, when my network driver was broken.
JUnit und Eclipse communicate via ICP (InterProcess Communication), better said: via TCP.
To run it successfully, you have repair your network drivers.
Try to reinstall TCP/IP protocols or turn it back to a system restore point.
Good luck!
So your JUnit only works, if there's a connection to the internet?
Or was it a one time action and now, it works without an internet connection?
Strange world... Are there any hints in a log file?
