Integrateing openfeint in xcode using unity3d - xcode

I want to make an openfeint leaderboard in xcode using Unity3d.
I am using Unity 3.2 and openfeint 2.9.1.
I have built correctly as well as what they told in openfeint Unity support readme.txt and open feint web link.
But I'm getting error like
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.2 failed with exit code 1
What am I doing wrong?
I'm working with ios 4.2.
I have tried and corrected well all unity player settings and set the target ios platform from 3.0 to 3.2 but I am getting the same error.
Can any one point out what am doing wrong.?
Thank you.

The solution is easy but took time as it happens :)
In Editor\OpenFeint\XCode\ You must remove UnitySetAudioSessionActive() in the methods dashboardDidDisappear() and dashboardWillDisappear().
And everything becomes OK. Don't understand why it is there at all when UnityPause() is there?
UPDATED: You must remove UnitySetAudioSessionActive() ONLY in the methods dashboardWillAppear() and dashboardDidDisappear() (or sound will stop playing after disabling device there...
by that I thought you will get out from your OpenFeint Problem ..
Vivek Shah


RN ios build with Xcode: Why I am getting so many warnings (buildtime)?

so I build up an app with React Native (v 0.64). And I made up ios build using Xcode (version 12.3). The app gets build and works without any crash or bug - on simulator and also on real iPhone (latest iOS versions 14.3).
Despite working everything fine, I get during buildtime a LOT of warnings (196). Mostly they are of a two kinds- Nullability issue or Deprecations.
I got all my node modules updated to latest versions and I think the podfile is okay too. But the warnings appear at almost every library I am using, so it makes me assume that I am missing some more general point (maybe wrong podfile or something like that). What I am missing?
I am about to publish on App store in next days (after working several weeks on this project) and this makes me worried so much. I attach screen from the Xcode of mentioned errors (part of those). Any help would be much appreciated in advance. Thank you.

GPUImage won't compile on iOS 12

I have these errors:
Cocoa.h File Not Found (in GPUImageView.h)
Unknown Type Name: **NSOpenGLContext, CVOpenGLESTextureCacheRef (GPUImageContext)
Now, I tried to fix all these errors, but ended up making things worse.
I know OpenGL ES is deprecated in iOS 12, but as I understand deprecation, it should still be working for the moment, right?
For error #1, I don't understand what's a MAC OS framework (cocoa.h) doing in here (some of the references are not surrounded with #IFDEF MAC_OS statements).
As for error #2, these types are defined within the AppKit framework (also a MAC_OS framework, not an iOS framework).
I have considered switching to GPUImage2, but it's a ton of work as it's not as easy as swapping the frameworks, I'll have a lot of code to rewrite. I also see Brad Larson (the semi-God behind this framework) has already started working on GPUImage3 which will use Metal instead of OpenGL ES but it's still work-in-progress but it won't be a simple swap from GPUImage v1 to GPUImage v3.
I found a way to fix it. Maybe it will help someone with the same problem. The GPUImage main folder contains the iOS and the MAC projects.
Go to the framework folder, and delete the GPUImageMac.xcodeproj file.
Then go to the Source folder located within the framework folder, and delete the whole folder named Mac.
Clean your project and rebuild. VoilĂ !
Good luck!

Swift 2.0 Xcode 7.1 Google Maps SDK

While Xcode was version 7.0 I had an app that worked perfectly well. I made the cocoapod file, set it up and everything ran perfect.
I just updated to 7.1 and now all I get are 21 errors that say "/Users/Johnathan/Desktop/Parse Default/GoogleMaps/Google Maps/Pods/GoogleMaps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/Headers/GoogleMaps.h:14:9: Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'GoogleMaps'"
I'm not sure what to do or how to update/edit this. I am not very familiar with cocoapods. Please help. I can't get my app to run. Thanks.
And if it helps all I did was update Xcode and it went from working to not working.
See this thread below for a solution as it seems to be most up to date.
In essence, you will need to add a Bridge Header (see comment 7)
Here it is:

How to update Kobold2D 2.1 project to MacOS10.10 / XCode 6.1?

we've got a major project written in Kobold2D by Steffen Itterheim, (which is itself a wrapper for Cocos 2.1), and since upgrading to XCode 6.1/OS X 10.10, the new iOS 8 framework seems to render many parts of the Kobold-library and the Cocos implementation unusable, or it seems to need a rewrite.
Has anyone updated a Kobold2D project successfully to iOS8 yet?
Are there simple ways to upgrade it, or is it necessary to rewrite the entire library?
If there are no simple ways to upgrade, has anyone migrated a project from Kobold to cocos 3 yet?
Any hints would be much appreciated!
PS. I have seen this question: How to convert Kobold2D into a new Cocos2D 3.x project? - but the answer is not very helpful, as this solution would omit iOS 8.
We actually have created a script to make the necessary changes to Kobold2D. You can find it in this post:
Basically all you need to do is run
curl | sh
in the terminal, when you are in the root folder of your project.
I have just compiled my Kobold2D 2.1 project using XCode 6.0.1. It breaks initially at several lines, but it's easy to fix. I only found a couple of errors:
Multiple methods named 'setPosition:' found
[_target setPosition: newPos];
Fix: cast the object to CCNode
[(CCNode*)_target setPosition: newPos];
Do this for all errors found
You also need to import "ccNode.h" at the top of the file.
Use of undeclared identifier 'MPMovieControlModeHidden'
I found that the #ifdef__ #endif enclosing the offending line was commented out. Uncomment them to fix the problem.

PhoneGap 2.1.0 iOS Mac Xcode CordovaLib

Trying to get some solid documentation on how to get the iPhone emulator in Xcode running with my PhoneGap 2.1.0 project. I pulled it down from a git repo that I originally built on my Mac Pro, now want to run it on my Mac Air. There is a lot of confusion of the terminologies between PhoneGap and Cordova that make it near impossible for a beginner to figure out how to set up a project.
The problem I'm getting when I open my PhoneGap project in XCode is this error:
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found
Clearly the Cordova class files aren't being seen by XCode, although I included the path to the CordovaLib classes in Preferences -> Source Trees (~/Documents/CordovaLib/.
Just want to get this thing running! Thanks!
Not sure if this will help you, but I am starting to try to get to grips with PhoneGap/Cordova, and found this excellent guide on getting it going.
It uses Cordova, which I am led to believe is the source of PhoneGap (Still SLightly Confused tbh), hopefully it will help you in one way or another, it certainly got me up and running :)
