PhoneGap 2.1.0 iOS Mac Xcode CordovaLib - xcode

Trying to get some solid documentation on how to get the iPhone emulator in Xcode running with my PhoneGap 2.1.0 project. I pulled it down from a git repo that I originally built on my Mac Pro, now want to run it on my Mac Air. There is a lot of confusion of the terminologies between PhoneGap and Cordova that make it near impossible for a beginner to figure out how to set up a project.
The problem I'm getting when I open my PhoneGap project in XCode is this error:
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found
Clearly the Cordova class files aren't being seen by XCode, although I included the path to the CordovaLib classes in Preferences -> Source Trees (~/Documents/CordovaLib/.
Just want to get this thing running! Thanks!

Not sure if this will help you, but I am starting to try to get to grips with PhoneGap/Cordova, and found this excellent guide on getting it going.
It uses Cordova, which I am led to believe is the source of PhoneGap (Still SLightly Confused tbh), hopefully it will help you in one way or another, it certainly got me up and running :)


XCode doesn't archive unity build

I am trying to push a unity app to the app store (this is a first for me).
Unity builds the project fine, however when I import it in XCode, Archiving or building doesn't work.
The problem occurs when precompiling Prefix.pch
I need to use the geolocalization of the device in order to run my app.
I think that is what creates the framework related issues I am getting (it seems that the errors are in the APK and not in my code).
There files that are giving me errors are located in ios15.5>Frameworks>CoreLocation
I suppose CoreLocation is not imported ?
I did however try to Embed the CoreLocation framework in the Targets>General Tab like so but I have no idea if that is the way to do it:
I am definitely missing something but I don't know what to do at this point.
I am trying to do this using a mac mini with Monterrey OS, XCode 13.4, unity 2021.3.7.
My target os is iOS14.
If someone could give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated !
It seems this question was already answered here:
In the files generated by the unity builds, in
there are files named Locale.h and that are conflicting with the Locale.h file of the project.
Renaming them to LocaleTools.h and seemed to do the trick

RN ios build with Xcode: Why I am getting so many warnings (buildtime)?

so I build up an app with React Native (v 0.64). And I made up ios build using Xcode (version 12.3). The app gets build and works without any crash or bug - on simulator and also on real iPhone (latest iOS versions 14.3).
Despite working everything fine, I get during buildtime a LOT of warnings (196). Mostly they are of a two kinds- Nullability issue or Deprecations.
I got all my node modules updated to latest versions and I think the podfile is okay too. But the warnings appear at almost every library I am using, so it makes me assume that I am missing some more general point (maybe wrong podfile or something like that). What I am missing?
I am about to publish on App store in next days (after working several weeks on this project) and this makes me worried so much. I attach screen from the Xcode of mentioned errors (part of those). Any help would be much appreciated in advance. Thank you.

Why is my build failing using Meteor and XCode 7.3?

I never had a problem building with Meteor and XCode before, but after upgrading to Meteor with React I'm getting a whole lot of build issues. XCode has asked me if I wanted to upgrade to Swift, but I've been reluctant afraid that it may stop previous builds from other projects from working.
I converted to swift, but I still am having many errors although less then before. Is there an easy fix for this?
Apple have upgraded to xcode 8 now and that has caused all kinds of problems with new versions of swift which are not compatible. This is the case in many areas not just meteor projects. The meteor webapp has been updated to allow for this so I would recommend that you go to xcode 8 as well.
Given that meteor generates all of the code you shouldn't need to worry about compatibility

How to add Mac OSX to cordova project

I currently have a Cordova project with 2 platforms: Android and iOS
I'm trying to add "OSX" with this:
However the documentation is quite hard to follow and I can't seem to get it to work properly.
Does anyone have any idea on how to do this? or more precise step by step instructions?
The Cordova CLI does not support OSX project targets.
In your project working directory root, type in:
cordova platform list
... to see the available and installed platforms.
just wondering if anyway gots this running ? actually I tried to load cordova from master. Later I tried to applied the patch which did NOT worked. So I did what the patch did by hand.
Anyway after the full cycle still "platform list" does not changed ?
So I assume there are more steps to be done, before OSX is added as a new platform?

XCode 3 - core compile errors with clean installation and iPhone 4 SDK

This is a copy of another question from AskDifferent, since I'm being adviced to put this question here instead.
This has been asked once elsewhere but nobody could give the guy an answer... and I Google seem to only know that single occurrence of the problem!
So I'm the second guy in history to experience this and my problem is:
I'm running XCode 3.2.3 on Snow Leopard 10.6.4 (I think, it's the minimal required OS version for this XCode version) with iOS SDK 4.0.2
I create a new empty Cordoba (PhoneGap) project
I set up my Base SDK in Project Settings to iPhone Simulator 4.0 per instructions on PhoneGap's website
I don't change any other setting at all
when I hit "Build and Run" button, XCode starts compilation and finished with 3 errors and 10 warnings
Now, I don't mind those warning, but I cannot successfully compile because of those 3 errors now. No idea how to fix this, I'm totally new to PhoneGap or Mac OS for that matter.
The errors I get are:
/Users/[name]/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/CDVLocation.m:123:32 /Users/[name]/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/CDVLocation.m:123:32: error: use of undeclared identifier 'kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorized'
/Users/[name]/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/CDVCapture.m:783:70 /Users/[name]/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/CDVCapture.m:783:70: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NSEC_PER_MSEC'
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
I would appreciate any advice from you guys, as I'm completely at a dead-end here.
CLAuthorizationStatus, and thus kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorized are only available in 4.2 and later.
Check this for more info:
As to your other error, google pulls up this: How to resolve Phonegap error while Building the app
