What are the 'hiq' and 'siq' fields in dstat cpu output - metrics

dstat CPU metrics have two fields named hiq and siq. What do these fields represent? Are they some sort of hardware interrupts and software interrupts?

They are from /proc/stat (http://www.linuxhowtos.org/System/procstat.htm):
hiq - irq: servicing interrupts
siq - softirq: servicing softirqs


How to record/get memory requests that Last-Level Cache sends to Memory Controller?

When there is a LLC miss, the memory request is sent to the MC to get data from memory.
Are there any tools that can get information (address/[read or write]/accurate timing) of the memory request sent by the LLC to the MC?
I want this information to be an input for my MC simulator, so that I can schedule them.
I used a tool called pin before. But it only records virtual memory addresses and can't get accurate timing.
As far as I know, there are no tools to get information from the memory requests sent by the Last-Level Cache (LLC) to the Memory Controller (MC) in a physical processor. Intel processors have hardware counters that allow for monitoring requests to DRAM, but no information about the address is available, its purpose is to count the number of requests.
You can use full system simulators like Simics or M5 to generate memory request traces with timing information. You can also get back to Pin and attach a cycle-accurate CPU simulator, but you will have to model the logical-physical address translation.

QEMU-KVM and Perf Statistics

I got some VMs running on an IBM Power8 using QEMU-KVM and I want to get statistics about LLC misses.
How can I do that in order to get statistics for each VM separately?
You want to have these data from the whole VM or for one application running on a VM?
I tested it on a Ubuntu 15.04 image over QEMU-KVM, and I am able to get it using perf. In this case, I am getting the LLC stats regarding to a gzip operation. Take a look:
$ perf stat -e LLC-loads,LLC-load-misses gzip -9 /tmp/vmlinux
Performance counter stats for 'gzip -9 /tmp/vmlinux':
263,653 LLC-loads
10,753 LLC-load-misses # 4.08% of all LL-cache hits
4.006553608 seconds time elapsed
For more detailed/explanatory content about some POWER events, refer to these documents:
Comprehensive PMU Event Reference – POWER7
Commonly Used Metrics for Performance Analysis – POWER7
The former is a more of a reference, and the latter is more of a tutorial (including a section about cache/memory hierarchy w/ hits/misses).
Those should be listed in: https://www.power.org/events/Power7

From Kernel Space to User Space: Inner-workings of Interrupts

I have been trying to understand how do h/w interrupts end up in some user space code, through the kernel.
My research led me to understand that:
1- An external device needs attention from CPU
2- It signals the CPU by raising an interrupt (h/w trance to cpu or bus)
3- The CPU asserts, saves current context, looks up address of ISR in the
interrupt descriptor table (vector)
4- CPU switches to kernel (privileged) mode and executes the ISR.
Question #1: How did the kernel store ISR address in interrupt vector table? It might probably be done by sending the CPU some piece of assembly described in the CPUs user manual? The more detail on this subject the better please.
In user space how can a programmer write a piece of code that listens to a h/w device notifications?
This is what I understand so far.
5- The kernel driver for that specific device has now the message from the device and is now executing the ISR.
Question #3:If the programmer in user space wanted to poll the device, I would assume this would be done through a system call (or at least this is what I understood so far). How is this done? How can a driver tell the kernel to be called upon a specific systemcall so that it can execute the request from the user? And then what happens, how does the driver gives back the requested data to user space?
I might be completely off track here, any guidance would be appreciated.
I am not looking for specific details answers, I am only trying to understand the general picture.
Question #1: How did the kernel store ISR address in interrupt vector table?
Driver calls request_irq kernel function (defined in include/linux/interrupt.h and in kernel/irq/manage.c), and Linux kernel will register it in right way according to current CPU/arch rules.
It might probably be done by sending the CPU some piece of assembly described in the CPUs user manual?
In x86 Linux kernel stores ISR in Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT), it format is described by vendor (Intel - volume 3) and also in many resources like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interrupt_descriptor_table and http://wiki.osdev.org/IDT and http://phrack.org/issues/59/4.html and http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/Advanced_Interrupts.
Pointer to IDT table is registered in special CPU register (IDTR) with special assembler commands: LIDT and SIDT.
If the programmer in user space wanted to poll the device, I would assume this would be done through a system call (or at least this is what I understood so far). How is this done? How can a driver tell the kernel to be called upon a specific systemcall so that it can execute the request from the user? And then what happens, how does the driver gives back the requested data to user space?
Driver usually registers some device special file in /dev; pointers to several driver functions are registered for this file as "File Operations". User-space program opens this file (syscall open), and kernels calls device's special code for open; then program calls poll or read syscall on this fd, kernel will call *poll or *read of driver's file operations (http://www.makelinux.net/ldd3/chp-3-sect-7.shtml). Driver may put caller to sleep (wait_event*) and irq handler will wake it up (wake_up* - http://www.makelinux.net/ldd3/chp-6-sect-2 ).
You can read more about linux driver creation in book LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS (2005) by Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman: https://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/
Chapter 3: Char Drivers https://lwn.net/images/pdf/LDD3/ch03.pdf
Chapter 10: Interrupt Handling https://lwn.net/images/pdf/LDD3/ch10.pdf

Interrupt handling on an SMP ARM system with a GIC

I wanted to know how interrupt handling works from the point any device is interrupted.I know of interrupt handling in bits and pieces and would like to have clear end to end picture of interrupt handing.Let me put across what little I know about interrupt handling.
Suppose an FPGA device is interrupted through electrical lines and get some data .Device driver for this FPGA device already had code (Interrupt handler) registered using request_irq function.
So now FPGA device have an IRQ line which it get after to call request_irq ,using this IRQ line device send data to the General Interrupt controller and GIC will do many to one translation of IRQ lines and send the signal to CPU core which then call below minimal code
SUB lr, lr, #4 ; modify LR
SRSFD #0x12! ; store SPSR and LR to IRQ mode stack
PUSH {r0-r3, r12} ; store AAPCS registers on to the IRQ mode stack
BL IRQ_handler_to_specific_device
POP {r0-r3, r12} ; restore registers
RFEFD sp! ; and return from the exception using pre-modified LR
IRQ_handler_to_specific_device is nothing is what we registered in Device driver using request_irq() call.
I still don't how CPU core comes to know about the interrupt source?(from which device interrupt is coming)
Also what is role of call like do_irq and shared interrupts works?
Need some help in understanding end to end picture on how interrupts are handled on ARM architecture?
The GIC is divided into two sections. The first is called the distributor. This is global to the system. It has several interrupt sources physically routed to it; although it maybe within an SOC package. The second section is replicated per-CPU and it called the cpu interface. The distributor has logic on how to distribute the shared peripheral interrupts or SPI. These are the type of interrupt your question is asking about. They are global hardware interrupts.
In the context of Linux, this is implemented in irq-gic.c. There is some documentation in gic.txt. Of specific interest,
reg : Specifies base physical address(s) and size of the GIC registers. The
first region is the GIC distributor register base and size. The 2nd region is
the GIC cpu interface register base and size.
The distributor must be accessed globally, so care must be taken to manage it's registers. The CPU interface has the same physical address for each CPU, but each CPU has a separate implementation. The distributor can be set up to route interrupts to specific CPUs (including multiples). See: gic_set_affinity() for example. It is also possible for any CPU to handle the interrupt. The ACK register will allocate IRQ; the first CPU to read it, gets the interrupt. If multiple IRQs pend and there are two ACK reads from different CPUs, then each will get a different interrupt. A third CPU reading would get a spurious IRQ.
As well, each CPU interface has some private interrupt sources, that are used for CPU-to-CPU interrupts as well as private timers and the like. But I believe the focus of the question is how a physical peripheral (unique to a system) gets routed to a CPU in an SMP system.

what do these trace events stand for?

I just learned to use ftrace and perf and there are some stuff they are in common I don't understand--trace events. I guess they are some kernel internal functions, ftrace will record their name when they're called if they're enabled. Is that right? All the evens are sorted in groups listed below. Would someone tell me what they stand for or where I can get information about them in detail. thx.
block btrfs compaction drm ext3 ext4 fs ftrace gpio header_event header_page irq jbd jbd2 kmem mce module napi net power raw_syscalls rcu regmap regulator rpm sched scsi signal skb sock syscalls timer udp vfs vmscan vsyscall workqueue writeback xen xfs
Each of those is the name of the code in the linux kernel which printed the log message. For example, rcu is the lockless list code. It stands for Read Copy Update. The names will roughly match up with names of files or directories in the kernel source. Look in the Documentation directory of the kernel source for more information.
