How to record/get memory requests that Last-Level Cache sends to Memory Controller? - caching

When there is a LLC miss, the memory request is sent to the MC to get data from memory.
Are there any tools that can get information (address/[read or write]/accurate timing) of the memory request sent by the LLC to the MC?
I want this information to be an input for my MC simulator, so that I can schedule them.
I used a tool called pin before. But it only records virtual memory addresses and can't get accurate timing.

As far as I know, there are no tools to get information from the memory requests sent by the Last-Level Cache (LLC) to the Memory Controller (MC) in a physical processor. Intel processors have hardware counters that allow for monitoring requests to DRAM, but no information about the address is available, its purpose is to count the number of requests.
You can use full system simulators like Simics or M5 to generate memory request traces with timing information. You can also get back to Pin and attach a cycle-accurate CPU simulator, but you will have to model the logical-physical address translation.


How can I improve SPDK performance on userspace DMA access?

I am working on a userspace PCI driver which uses SPDK/VFIO APIs to do dma access.
Currently for each DMA allocation request I need to fill up structure spdk_vfio_dma_map then call system call ioctl(fd, VFIO_IOMMU_MAP_DMA, &dma_map) to map the DMA region through IOMMU. Then later call ioctl(fd, VFIO_IOMMU_UNMAP_DMA, &dma_map) to unmap the IOMMU mapping.
This is working fine so far and looks like it's what SPDK examples are using. However I am wondering if there is a way to pre-allocate all memory buffer in userspace then in each DMA allocation request just use the pre-allocated memory instead of doing ioctl call each time?
Any idea is well appreciated.
Don't know if I get the issue but the whole idea (of DPDK and SPDK) is to allocate all the memory you are using on application start or driver probe.
If you are using memory that is under application control all the time then you don't need to do VFIO_IOMMU_MAP_DMA and VFIO_IOMMU_UNMAP_DMA every DMA transaction. If this is not the case you have two options:
Copy the payload to the memory that is already registered in VFIO_IOMMU_MAP_DMA.
First option is better for huge memory blocks, while second is better for small IO chunks.

Coherent DMA memory on ARM

I'm new to ARM/Linux and there are things that aren't clear to me. ( I might be completely off on this)
I'm trying to get a coherent mem allocated for my device driver (i.e, a region that is non-cached or write-through).
So I attempt to do that with dma_alloc_coherent in Linux.
When I inspect the page table attributes, I notice that I get "Shareable device" memory type.
There are a few memory types regarding the cache policy as in the link below:
I was expecting that I would get a non-cacheable or a write-through memory. What is the cache policy of the"Shareable Device" type?? and how does it differ from explicit non-cacheable and write-through memory types??
Actually depending on the ARM architecture release is possible that cached memory regions are coherent after DMA transfers. There is an extension in the AMBA spec (AXI Coherent Extensions) that keeps the coherence of caches memories after another master has performed a transfer, in other words, that after another core or DMA performs a transfer, your cache will have the updated values (or at least the tags are marked as invalid).
It means that, if the kernel of linux is aware of your ARM architecture release it trusts on the coherency mechanism to update caches and thus the pages are marked as shareable.
Please see the issue D of the ACE Protocol Specification on ARM site (registration required) for more information.

Unknown symbol flush_cache_range in linux device driver

I am just writing my very first linux device driver, and I have ran into a problem. I want to prevent one memory region from being cached, so I have been trying to use flush_cache_range() and flush_tlb_range() to flush the cache for this memory region. Everything compiles well, but when I try to load the kernel module I get the following errors:
Unknown symbol flush_cache_range (err 0)
Unknown symbol flush_tlb_range (err 0)
I find this very strange. Shouldn't they be defined in kernel?
I know that alternatively I could also use dma_alloc_coherent() to allocate a non-cached memory region. But I don't have a device structure and passing NULL for this parameter didn't cause any errors, but I also couldn't see any of the data that was supposed to be there.
Some information about my system: I'm trying to get this running on a ARM microcontroller with an integrated FPGA (the Xilinx Zynq). The FPGA copies some data to a memory location specified by the CPU. Now I want to access this memory without getting old data from the caches.
Any help is very appreciated.
You cannot use functions such as flush_cache_range() because they are not intended to be used by modules.
To allocate memory that can be accessed by a DMA device, you must use dma_alloc_coherent().
This requires a valid device structure so that it can do proper mapping between memory addresses and bus addresses.
If your device is not on a bus that is handled by an existing framework (such as PCI), you have to create a platform device.
A few notes:
1- flush_cache_range doesn't "prevent one memory region from being cached" .. It just simply flush (clean + invalidate) the caches. Any future writes/reads to this memory region through the same virtual range will go through the cache again.
2- If the FPGA is writing to memory and then the CPU are going to read from this memory, probably flushing the cache isn't the correct thing to do any way. Usually what you need to do is to invalidate the memory region and then tell the FPGA to write.
3- Please take a look at "${kernel-src}/Documentation/DMA-API.txt" in the kernel sources. It has plenty of information about how you can safely ( cache maintenance + phys_to_dma translation ) use a specific region of memory for DMA.

Windows kernel memory protection

In Windows the high memory of every process (0x80000000 or 0xc0000000)
Is reserved for kernel code, user code cannot access these regions of memory, if it tries so an access violation exception will be thrown.
I wish to know how is the kernel space protected ?
Is it via memory segmentations or via paging ?
I would like to hear a technical explanation.
Thanks a lot,
Assuming you are talking about x86 and x64 architectures.
Memory protection is achieved using the paging system. Each page table entry on an x86/x64 CPU has a bit to indicate whether it is a user or supervisor page. Accesses to supervisor pages are only permitted for code running with CPL<3, whereas accesses to non supervisor pages are possible regardless of CPL.
CPL is the "Current Privilege Level" which is sometimes referred to as Ring. Windows only uses two rings, although the CPU implements 4. Ring 0 is the CPU mode in which what Windows refers to as "kernel mode" runs. Ring 3 is the CPU mode in which "User mode" runs. Since code running at CPL=3 cannot access supervisor pages, this is how memory protection is implemented.
The answer for ARM is likely to be similar, but different.
That's an easy one and doesn't require talking about rings and kernel behavior. Accessing virtual memory at a particular address requires that address to be mapped, the operating system has to allocate a memory page for that address. The low-level winapi function that does that is VirtualAlloc(). Which takes an optional address, first argument. The OS will simply fail a request for an unmappable address. Otherwise the exact same mechanism that prevents you from mapping any address in the lowest 64KB of the address space.

Why would a device driver cause page faults?

I have a Windows console application that uses a parallel IO card for high speed data transmission. (General Standards HPDI32ALT)
My process is running in user mode, however, I am sure somewhere behind the device's API there is some kernel mode driver activity (PCI DMA transfers, reading device status registers etc..) The working model is roughly this:
at startup: I request a pointer to an IO buffer from API.
in my main loop:
block on API waiting for room in device's buffer (low watermark)
fill the IO buffer with transmission data
begin transmission to device by passing it the pointer to the IO buffer (during this time the API uses DMA on PCI bus to move the data to the card)
block on API waiting for IO to complete
The application appears to be working correctly with proper data rate and sustained throughput for long periods of time, however, when I look at the process in sys internals tool process explorer I see a large number of page faults (~6k per second). I am moving ~30MB/s to the card.
I have plenty of RAM and am reasonably sure the page faults are not disk IO related.
Any thoughts on what could be causing the page faults? I also have a receive side to this application that is using an identical IO card in receive mode. The receive mode use of the API does not cause a large number page faults.
Could the act of moving the IO buffer to kernel mode cause page faults?
So your application asks the driver for a memory buffer and you copy the send data into that buffer? That's a pretty strange model, usually you let the application manage the buffers.
If you're faulting 6K pages/s and you're only transfering 30MB/s, you're almost getting a page fault for every page you transfer. When you get the data buffer from the driver, is it always zero filled? I'm wondering if you're getting demand zero faults for every transfer.
