magento configurable product have no “Add to cart” button - magento

I have created a configurable product and also added two products in it with proper size and color option but in the frontend in product details page, there is no add to cart button or select size/color option.I also added quantity and selected in stock option for both of the products.Here is my screenshot.
Please help.

Also set In Stock for configurable product also and do reindexing.

Configurable product needs to be set to in stock, Enabled, and have Associated Products
Simple Products need to have QTY, in stock, Enabled, and associated with a Parent (can only do that on the parent).
After those are set, you will need to clear cache and reindex.


not able to create configurable products in magento from backend

I have created Color and size attribute with type drop-down in configurable Attribute Set. Also I have added many color and Size to that attribute.
I have created configurable Set with the Configurable Product type. then Select both drop-down. Then I put name, SKU, Images, price, inventory keep as In stock. And assign the product to category. Also set Website. After that I create associate products.
I am not able to see the configurable products on frontend.
//Please reconfirm following points for configurable and associate simple products. .
2.Reindexing and Clear cache.
More details refer this link

Magento configurable product not showing all posible combinations

I am using an attribute set for all the jeans products which have waist size, inseam and color. I managed to add the products to the configurable product but now all the options don't show in the front end. I already add all the options to the attributes and also linked the single products to the configurable product. The first product I created shows the correct attributes but the second one doesnt, instead it shows exactly the same options than the first product even when the extra options were already added as single products.
This is the product in question:
This is the product showing correctly:
01) check the quantity in all simple products and make it as in stock
02) after changed go to configuration and re-index

Showing message while adding configurable product to cart (magento)

While adding configurable product from product list page to cart showing a warning like "Please specify the product's option(s)." in magento version
Any ideas?
Yes this is because configurable product are association of simple product, customer have to choose one option from dropdown of simple product, and this is required field, so if you add to cart from product list then it will give you this error. Because you have to choose one option.

Magento - Configurable products - No option to select... No Add to cart button

I have a problem with my configurable products (Everything is OK for simple products - Add to cart button is available).
Indeed, in the frontend, these products are displayed but :
The container where I should select values for option(s) does not appear
... CSQ? : The "Add to cart" button does not appear for these products.
I tried and checked:
Status, Visibility, Qty, In stock for Simple products
Attributes set
to use a standard theme
Simple products are associated to my configurable products
If I create a new attribute, a new attribute set just for this attribute, 2 simple products and 1 configurable product, I have the same issue... I see my product, but the option remains unavailable.
What is the root cause?
Magento =
The following worked for me with this issue:
1) You have to do this for all configurable products
2) Go to the configurable product in "Manage Products" tab
3) Add a space after product name
4) Remove space that you just added
5) Hit the "Save" button
Basically you dont have to change anything just hit the save button. Its very weird but it works for me :P

Why are my related products not displaying on my product page?

I have gone to admin -> manage product -> product information page -> related products
Then I added a product that is related, and saved.
I went to that product and refreshed the page, but nothing changed. Why not?
Also, be sure to check that the product you're trying to see in 'Related Products' is not already in your cart. Magento has a default filter applied that removes items in the cart from the related products collection.
Login to Admin
Go to System -> Index Management
Select All checkboxes
Select 'Reindex Data' from Actions selection list
Click Submit button
Reference: Magento Up-sells Cross-sells and Related products are not showing up
Related Products appear in product info page, in the right column.
Cross Sell items appear in the shopping cart.
Upsells for this product are items that your customers would ideally buy instead of the product they’re viewing.These appear on the product info page underneath the product description.
As a result, I understand that you would show products bottom of the product info page, you should choose upsells instead of related products.
If you want related products ( which I can misunderstanding you ) do following things :
Check related product status is enabled.
Check visibility status set "Catalog" or "Catalog Search"
If everything is fine, check the inventory of related products.Stock should be greater than 0.
Last thing, related products must be include a category. Click "categories" link to check and see if the product added in a category.
Click on the "Reset Filter" button on top of the related product listing. It will list all products in table. Or you can clear cache + reindex data.
I had the same issue. After some time ago, I found that the products are not made to be visible in the visibility section, and that the products are not set to be in any website.
Hope this is the answer, and should be, because if you set up everything right there is nothing that can make problems.
Make sure the product and related product are under the same website. This isn't apparent when adding the relating products.
One possible pitfall you can run into is that you use a template without a right column. In that case you have to use unsetChild and insert to move the related product block.
