Unable to access my MAC keychain due to this - macos

Recently i tried to change the home folder name of my mac mini. i have gone through a website and followed some instructions to do that. finally i have ended up by creating a completely new user profile with a new home folder name.
after some time i have decide to turn back to my old user and deleted the recently created user.
This is where all my problems started. Now my deleted user folder is in my hardisk with the the follwing name - alpha(deleted). This folder is still being treated as my home folder even after logging in from a different user. I am unable to access even my keychain services through mac. Some softwares are asking me to reinstall on this user.... i ran into chaos with this.
Can some one help me to make my current user as default and renew my keychain access... Please help me as this is of high priority for me..
Thank you

This question should be migrated to apple.stackexchange.com, but you need to go into the newly created account in System Preferences Users pane and change the home folder manually, you may have skipped this step. Usually they will tell you to simply rename your old home folder and set it as the home folder for the new user or simply just rename your home folder and set it as the home folder for the current user.


Windows: XAMPP install folder ini file permission error, Access denied upon configuration save

After installing XAMPP to Windows 10 (all default/recommended installation attributes), I now have an issue changing its configuration after opening it.
Error: Cannot create file "C:\xampp\xampp-control.ini".
Access is denied
Clicking Save to a change in Configuration of Control Panel:
This "Configuration of Control Panel" box opens after clicking the "Config" button at the top right of the running XAMPP app:
I've tried a suggestion to run the XAMPP app with Administrator (elevated) access… but that seems like a major security issue, considering I don't know exactly what XAMPP would or could do with my files that require that permission, whether intended by the people who run XAMPP or not.
I've tried re-installing to another folder, like to C:\Users\Me, or a sub-folder like Documents or a custom one, but I just got different permissions issues that I struggled to figure out.
If you know a solution that worked for you, that avoided running XAMPP with Admin privileges, please let me know. I've gone through a handful of seemingly-related questions here but they seem to be related to MySQL/PHP questions and not Windows file system permissions.
I found a solution after noticing that the file already existed from apparently a past workaround I tried with running XAMPP as Admin... based on the permissions of the file being different than its parent folder. I discovered this by right-clicking the xampp folder or the xampp-control.ini file then selecting Properties and clicking the Security tab, then clicking into each attached user account's permissions.
So, my C:\xampp folder has these permissions: for Admin, basically full access; for my user account, Read, Execute, and Write.
The xampp-control.ini file has only Admin permissions; my user account is not attached to it.
Adding my user account to the xampp-control.ini file's Security, and adding Write permission then allowed XAMPP's config panel to save my changes.
Note that I typed my username into the "Enter the object names to select" box, then clicked Check Names; this auto-populated my username reference (?), though I'm not sure how it would work if it finds multiple results. Then I could click OK to get back to the Permissions box to add "Modify" and "Write" for it. I'm completely OK giving my user account permission to modify and write to this file through the XAMPP app.
Now, that fixes that file for that scenario; now I'm wondering if there will be other permissions issues with other files, because I noticed some other files (that I checked randomly) don't all share the same permissions for my user account!
Maybe I should have instead modified the xampp folder's permissions recursively to give my user account Write and/or Modify access (I'm not sure of the difference, Windows permissions seem far more complicated to understand and use than Linux's and Mac's do).
I think the file permissions were all set by XAMPP during install; I don't know yet that expanding permissions on certain files will not create new problems...
I found a solution after noticing that error, here is my solution
go to xampp installation folder on the c drive
Xampp Destination
then find xammp control panel.exe
Xampp Control Panel
then right click and go to properties(or press ALT+ENTER)
Click Properties
then go to compatibility and enable Run this program as an administrator
Compatibility tab
Your Problem is now fixed

Alfred unable to remember my preferences and always does reset after re-launch

Alfredapp in mac cannot remember my preferences. All my settings would be reverted to default while I relaunch the app.
I don't have Dropbox Sync in settings and I tried to repair the permission in Disk Utility, but it is still not working.
I found out a way to resolve this issue in https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/preferences/ with the fourth one "4. Create a New User Account" is helpful.
But I think I can't switch to an new account. So is there anyway to resolve this ? What happened to my current account ? Can I repair my account to make everything well ?
Thanks a lot.
You can try to set the following configuration:
Advanced->Syncing->Set sync folder
Set the folder to your user's directory. Just like ~/backup/alfred3.
Make sure your Dropbox does not take control of it. Then restart your alfred.

Mac App Sandbox testing - how remove existing folder access permissions

I'm currently adding Sandboxing support to my app.
Having give permission to my app to access a folder (by dragging it onto my Window) and I would now like to revoke that permission so that I can retest what happens before that permission is given.
How can I do that?
I'm not yet using URL bookmarks, and yet the permission persists across restarts of the application. I don't know if this is because it's a folder rather than a file?
Before you change the permissions of file or folder, you must store the current one for later use. I have never seen a method or system-call to restore previous permissions after a change.

Adding files to all users 'My Documents' folders in Windows

I am creating an installer (using Inno Setup) for a windows application. The app has initial documents that I need to store in the users 'My Documents' folder.
Here is the issue, I install it as an Admin, but there may be one or many non admin users on that machine. How can i add that same folder to all the possible current (and future user's) My Documents folder?
Here is what i have tried so far-
1) I could try to pick up all usernames - This however, wont work for future user creations :(
2) I have tried to add it to the systems %allusersprofile%\Documents folder. It does not get reflected to individual My Documents folders.
I believe there should be a way, but have been unable to find a clean solution off the internet till now. Can anyone direct me towards the right path?
Mucho Thanks!
There isn't really a construct for this in Windows. You have a few options:
Put the document in some common place (like %allusersprofile%\Documents, or %program files%\yourCompany\yourApp\documents) and create a start menu link/icon that points to either the folder with the documents or the document itself.
Put the document into the Default User documents folder. When a new user is created, their profile is setup to mirror that of the default user. This doesn't help you with current users, but it does help you for users who haven't been created (logged on)
I'd go with option 1 because it's relatively standard and its what your average user is going to expect.
Look at Inno Setup Shell Folder Constants : {commondocs}

Eclipse workspace as htdocs in XAMPP not working in Mac?

I've bought a MacBook Air(I've been converted from a PC guy to a Mac) today and I have recently installed XAMPP and Eclipse for Mac and I try to set the workspace for Eclipse as the htdocs folder in XAMPP. I always get the warning:
Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different one!
The directory i try to set is /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs
I've been trying to set an another directory it works fine as long as it is not the one above. What have I done wrong? I want the directory above. Pls. help
The solution is this:
Go into the htdocs folder and hit CMD+I to bring up the "Get Info" window
In this window, go to the bottom right and click on the padlock icon, enter your password to unlock the permissions settings in the window
You'll see a list of users and their respective permissions. Change the "admin"'s permission to "Read & Write"
Click the padlock once more to save your changes and lock the permissions for the htdocs folder
Start up Eclipse and then select htdocs as your workspace, and
Voila! You're done.
Hope that helps.
It's likely a permissions issue. The application may not be requesting admin rights to write to (or in some way control) that directory, it may just be silently failing. Generally, you need to supply admin rights to modify anything under /Applications/.
I wouldn't recommend using /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/ as your workspace anyway. Your workspace should either be in your home directory (Documents or perhaps even Library though the former would be more intuitive), or in some other shared location if multiple users need to access it. Bundling it with the application itself would risk losing the data during an application upgrade, or in some other way confusing the issue.
Why do you want your data in the /Applications/ directory?
The problem here is that this workspace is locked. The quick solution is to delete /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/.metadata/.lock
The slightly longer solution is to try the following command whenever such a situation occurs:
find /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs -name "lock" -exec echo {} \;
This will show you any file in that directory that has lock in the name. Remember that hidden files start with a . (such as .lock or .metadata).
The even longer answer is that /Applications is outside of the userspace and should not be used for user documents (like code files). These should ideally be moved to somewhere in /Users or into a directory specifically created for this purpose (such as /home or /shared). I'm particularly fond of having a /Users/Shared directory for sharing files between accounts.
