O(mn) and O(mnlgn) - algorithm

for the above 2 big O's, what happens if n>>m . How does the big O change? Does it become O(n) in the first case. If yes ,why?

It depends on what you know about what the maximum value of m could be (depending on n).
If both m and n are independent variables O(mn) is O(mn) and cannot be further simplified. If you know that m will never be greater than n, but nothing else, you can also write it as O(n^2). If you know for example that m will never be greater than log n (which would satisfy n >> m), O(mn) can be written as O(n log n).

O(mnlgn) will always be greater than O(mn) regardless of the relative sizes of m and n. You would only remove terms or simplify if one of the terms is considered to be bounded or a fixed constant. According to those statements, n and m are independent dimensions that jointly bound the runtime of an algorithm. They both continue to matter in big-O notation unless one of them has a finite bound. Even in that case, it may still be useful to leave in the bounded dimension m if comparing the runtime bounds of different algorithms that may vary in their complexity relative to m.
O(mnlgn) and O(mn) will not converge even if n >> m. They will always be separated by a factor of m. If m is variable and unbounded, then the rules of Big-O require that it stay.

When n>>m O(mnlgn) would be greater than O(mn).Just solve by taking an example assume n=2^x.Yes when n>>m
O(mn) would converge to O(n).


Is there a way to simplify O(n^c) · O(c^n)?

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to simplify O(nc) · O(cn) but couldn't come up with anything. Is this equal to infinity, or would it fall under one of the more common type of complexities (O(n), O(nc), O(cn), O(n log n), O(log n) or O(n!))?
O(nc) · O(cn) means the set of functions that can be expressed as f(n) · g(n) where f(n) ∈ O(nc) and g(n) ∈ O(cn).
Since nc ∈ O((1+δ)n) for arbitrarily small positive δ, we have O(1n) ⊂ O(nc) ⊂ O((1+δ)n). (Do you see why?)
Additionally, it's a general property of big-O notation that O(foo) · O(bar) = O(foo · bar); so we can always move multiplication inside the O (or pull multiplication outside the O). (Do you see why?)
Combining these two observations, we have O(cn) ⊂ O(nc) · O(cn) ⊂ O((c+δ)n) for arbitrarily small positive δ. So you can reasonably simplify O(nc) · O(cn) to O((c+δ)n). This is analogous to how O(n log n) is sometimes called "quasilinear", because it's a subset of O(n1+δ) for arbitrarily small positive δ.
e^N grows faster then all functions from your list of asymptotically equivalent candidates.
To find out whether g(N) = E^n*n^E and f(N) = e^N have the same order of grows we need the limit of g(N)/f(N) -> 1 when N->infinity. But:
So given function doesn't fall under one of the more common type of complexities (O(n), O(nc), O(cn), O(n log n), O(log n)) - it grows faster.
Following log log plot illustrates and compares order of grows of mentioned functions:
Some algorithms has exponential brute force solution but may be simplified(restrictions added) and become faster. The brute force solution of the traveling salesman problem is O(n!) which is approximately O(N^N).
Nowadays input with N = 30 is solvable in minutes for 2^N. For N = 1..30 you can observe behavior of c^n*n^c and c^N using following loglog plot:

Big-O What are the constants k and n0 in the formal definition of the order of an algorithm?

In my textbook I see the following:
Definition of the order of an algorithm
Algorithm A is order f(n) -- denoted O(f(n)) -- if constants k and n0 exist such that A requires no more than k * f(n) time units to solve a problem of size n >= n0.
I understand: Time requirements for different complexity classes grow at different rates. For instance, with increasing values of n, the time required for O(n) grows much more slowly than O(n2), which grows more slowly than O(n3), and so forth.
I do not understand: How k and n0 fit into this definition.
What is n0? Specifically, why does n have subscript 0, what does this subscript mean?
With question 1 answered, what does a 'a problem of size n >= n0' mean? A larger data set? More loop repetitions? A growing problem size?
What is k then? Why is k being multiplied by f(n)? What does k have to do with increasing the problem size - n?
I've already looked at:
Big Oh Notation - formal definition
Constants in the formal definition of Big O
What is an easy way for finding C and N when proving the Big-Oh of an Algorithm?
Confused on how to find c and k for big O notation if f(x) = x^2+2x+1
1) n > n0 - means that we agree that for small n A might need more than k*f(n) operations. Eg. bubble sort might be faster than quick sort or merge sort for very small inputs. Choice of 0 as a subscript is completely due to author preferences.
2) Larger input size.
3) k is a constant. Suppose one algorithm performs 1000*n operation for input of size n, so it is O(n). Another algorithm needs 5*n^2 operations for input of size n. That means for input of size 100, first algorithm needs 100,000 ops and the second one 50,000 ops. So, for input size about 100 you better choose the second one though it is quadratic, and the first one is linear. On the following picture you can see that n0 = 200, because only with n greater than 200 quadratic function becomes more expensive than linear (here i assume that k equals 1).
n is the problem size, however that is best measured. Thus n0 is a specific constant n, specifically the threshold after which the relationship holds. The specific value is irrelevant for big-oh, being only interested in its existence.
k is also an arbitrary constant, whose bare existence (in conjunction with n0) is important for big-oh.
Naturally, people are also interested in smaller problems, and in fact the perfect algorithm for a big problem might be decidedly inefficient for a small one, due to the constants involved.
It means the first value for n for which the rest holds true (i.e. we're only interested in high enough values for n)
Problem size, usually the size of the input.
It means you don't care about the different (for example) between 3*n^2 and 400*n^2, so any value that is high enough to satisfy the equation is OK.
All of these conditions aim to simplify the O notation, making the difference between simple and complex operations mute (e.g. you don't care if an operation is one or 20 cycles as long as the number is finite).

How to handle Big O when one variable is known to be smaller than another one?

We have 4 algorithms, all of them with complexity depending on m and n, like:
Alg1: O(m+n)
Alg2: O(mlogm + nlogn)
Alg3: O(mlogn + nlogm)
Alg4: O(m+n!) (ouch, this one sucks, but whatever)
Now, how do we handle this if we now that n>m? My first thought is: Big O notation "discard" constant and smaller variables because it doesn't matter when, but sooner or later the "bigger term" will overwhelm all the others, making them irrelevant in the computation cost.
So, can we rewrite Alg1 as O(n), or Alg2 as O(mlogm)? If so, what about the others?
yes you can rewrite it if you know that it is always the case that n>m. Formally, have a look at this
if we know that n>m (always) then it follows that
O(m+n) < O(n+n) which is O(2n) = O(n) (we don't really care about the 2)
also we can say the same thing about the other algorithms as well
O(mlogm + nlogn) < O(nlogn + nlogn) = O(2nlogn) = O(nlogn)
I think you can see where the rest of them are going. But if you do not know that n > m then you cannot say the above.
EDIT: as #rici nicely pointed out, you also need to be careful as well, since it'll always depend on the given function. (Note that O((2n)!) can not be simplified to O(n!))
With a bit of playing around you can see how this is not true
(2n)! = (2n) * (2n-1) * (2n-2)... < 2(n) * 2(n-1) * 2(n-2) ...
=> (2n)! = (2n) * (2n-1) * (2n-2)... < 2^n * n! (After combining all of the 2 coefficients)
Thus we can see that O((2n)!) is more like O(2^n * n!) to get a more accurate calculation you can see this thread here Are the two complexities O((2n + 1)!) and O(n!) equal?
Consider the problem of finding the k largest elements of an array. There's a nice O(n log k)-time algorithm for solving this using only O(k) space that works by maintaining a binary heap of at most k elements. In this case, since k is guaranteed to be no bigger than n, we could have rewritten these bounds as O(n log n) time with O(n) memory, but that ends up being less precise. The direct dependency of the runtime and memory usage on k makes clear that this algorithm takes more time and uses more memory as k changes.
Similarly, consider many standard graph algorithms, like Dijkstra's algorithm. If you implement Dijkstra's algorithm using a Fibonacci heap, the runtime works out O(m + n log n), where m is the number of nodes and n is the number of edges. If you assume your input graph is connected, then the runtime also happens to be O(m + m log m), but that's a less precise bound than the one that we had.
On the other hand, if you implement Dijkstra's algorithm with a binary heap, then the runtime works out to O(m log n + n log n). In this case (again, assuming the graph is connected), the m log n term strictly dominates the n log n term, and so rewriting this as O(m log n) doesn't lose any precision.
Generally speaking, you'll want to give the most precise bounds that you can in the course of documenting the runtime and memory usage of a piece of code. If you have multiple terms where one clearly strictly dominates the other, you can safely discard those lower terms. But otherwise, I wouldn't recommend discarding one of the variables, since that loses precision in the bound you're giving.

How is O(N) algorithm also an O(N^2) algorithm?

I was reading about Big-O Notation
So, any algorithm that is O(N) is also an O(N^2).
It seems confusing to me, I know that Big-O gives upper bound only.
But how can an O(N) algorithm also be an O(N^2) algorithm.
Is there any examples where it is the case?
I can't think of any.
Can anyone explain it to me?
"Upper bound" means the algorithm takes no longer than (i.e. <=) that long (as the input size tends to infinity, with relevant constant factors considered).
It does not mean it will ever actually take that long.
Something that's O(n) is also O(n log n), O(n2), O(n3), O(2n) and also anything else that's asymptotically bigger than n.
If you're comfortable with the relevant mathematics, you can also see this from the formal definition.
O notation can be naively read as "less than".
In numbers if I tell you x < 4 well then obviously x<5 and x< 6 and so on.
O(n) means that, if the input size of an algorithm is n (n could be the number of elements, or the size of an element or anything else that mathematically describes the size of the input) then the algorithm runs "about n iterations".
More formally it means that the number of steps x in the algorithm satisfies that:
x < k*n + C where K and C are real positive numbers
In other words, for all possible inputs, if the size of the input is n, then the algorithm executes no more than k*n + C steps.
O(n^2) is similar except the bound is kn^2 + C. Since n is a natural number n^2 >= n so the definition still holds. It is true that, because x < kn + C then x < k*n^2 + C.
So an O(n) algorithm is an O(n^2) algorithm, and an O(N^3 algorithm) and an O(n^n) algorithm and so on.
For something to be O(N), it means that for large N, it is less than the function f(N)=k*N for some fixed k. But it's also less than k*N^2. So O(N) implies O(N^2), or more generally, O(N^m) for all m>1.
*I assumed that N>=1, which is indeed the case for large N.
Big-O notation describes the upper bound, but it is not wrong to say that O(n) is also O(n^2). O(n) alghoritms are subset of O(n^2) alghoritms. It's the same that squares are subsets of all rectangles, but not every rectangle is a square. So technically it is correct to say that O(n) alghoritm is O(n^2) alghoritm even if it is not precise.
Definition of big-O:
Some function f(x) is O(g(x)) iff |f(x)| <= M|g(x)| for all x >= x0.
Clearly if g1(x) <= g2(x) then |f(x)| <= M|g1(x)| <= M|g2(x)|.
For an algorithm with just a single Loop will get a O(n) and algorithm with a nested loop will get a O(n^2).
Now consider the Bubble sort algorithm it uses the nested loop in it,
If we give an already sort set of inputs to a bubble sort algorithm the inner loop will never get executed so for a scenario like this it gets O(n) and for the other cases it gets O(n^2).

Trying to understand Big-oh notation

Hi I would really appreciate some help with Big-O notation. I have an exam in it tomorrow and while I can define what f(x) is O(g(x)) is, I can't say I thoroughly understand it.
The following question ALWAYS comes up on the exam and I really need to try and figure it out, the first part seems easy (I think) Do you just pick a value for n, compute them all on a claculator and put them in order? This seems to easy though so I'm not sure. I'm finding it very hard to find examples online.
From lowest to highest, what is the
correct order of the complexities
O(n2), O(log2 n), O(1), O(2n), O(n!),
O(n log2 n)?
What is the
worst-case computational-complexity of
the Binary Search algorithm on an
ordered list of length n = 2k?
That guy should help you.
From lowest to highest, what is the
correct order of the complexities
O(n2), O(log2 n), O(1), O(2n), O(n!),
O(n log2 n)?
The order is same as if you compare their limit at infinity. like lim(a/b), if it is 1, then they are same, inf. or 0 means one of them is faster.
What is the worst-case
computational-complexity of the Binary
Search algorithm on an ordered list of
length n = 2k?
Find binary search best/worst Big-O.
Find linked list access by index best/worst Big-O.
Make conclusions.
Hey there. Big-O notation is tough to figure out if you don't really understand what the "n" means. You've already seen people talking about how O(n) == O(2n), so I'll try to explain exactly why that is.
When we describe an algorithm as having "order-n space complexity", we mean that the size of the storage space used by the algorithm gets larger with a linear relationship to the size of the problem that it's working on (referred to as n.) If we have an algorithm that, say, sorted an array, and in order to do that sort operation the largest thing we did in memory was to create an exact copy of that array, we'd say that had "order-n space complexity" because as the size of the array (call it n elements) got larger, the algorithm would take up more space in order to match the input of the array. Hence, the algorithm uses "O(n)" space in memory.
Why does O(2n) = O(n)? Because when we talk in terms of O(n), we're only concerned with the behavior of the algorithm as n gets as large as it could possibly be. If n was to become infinite, the O(2n) algorithm would take up two times infinity spaces of memory, and the O(n) algorithm would take up one times infinity spaces of memory. Since two times infinity is just infinity, both algorithms are considered to take up a similar-enough amount of room to be both called O(n) algorithms.
You're probably thinking to yourself "An algorithm that takes up twice as much space as another algorithm is still relatively inefficient. Why are they referred to using the same notation when one is much more efficient?" Because the gain in efficiency for arbitrarily large n when going from O(2n) to O(n) is absolutely dwarfed by the gain in efficiency for arbitrarily large n when going from O(n^2) to O(500n). When n is 10, n^2 is 10 times 10 or 100, and 500n is 500 times 10, or 5000. But we're interested in n as n becomes as large as possible. They cross over and become equal for an n of 500, but once more, we're not even interested in an n as small as 500. When n is 1000, n^2 is one MILLION while 500n is a "mere" half million. When n is one million, n^2 is one thousand billion - 1,000,000,000,000 - while 500n looks on in awe with the simplicity of it's five-hundred-million - 500,000,000 - points of complexity. And once more, we can keep making n larger, because when using O(n) logic, we're only concerned with the largest possible n.
(You may argue that when n reaches infinity, n^2 is infinity times infinity, while 500n is five hundred times infinity, and didn't you just say that anything times infinity is infinity? That doesn't actually work for infinity times infinity. I think. It just doesn't. Can a mathematician back me up on this?)
This gives us the weirdly counterintuitive result where O(Seventy-five hundred billion spillion kajillion n) is considered an improvement on O(n * log n). Due to the fact that we're working with arbitrarily large "n", all that matters is how many times and where n appears in the O(). The rules of thumb mentioned in Julia Hayward's post will help you out, but here's some additional information to give you a hand.
One, because n gets as big as possible, O(n^2+61n+1682) = O(n^2), because the n^2 contributes so much more than the 61n as n gets arbitrarily large that the 61n is simply ignored, and the 61n term already dominates the 1682 term. If you see addition inside a O(), only concern yourself with the n with the highest degree.
Two, O(log10n) = O(log(any number)n), because for any base b, log10(x) = log_b(*x*)/log_b(10). Hence, O(log10n) = O(log_b(x) * 1/(log_b(10)). That 1/log_b(10) figure is a constant, which we've already shown drop out of O(n) notation.
Very loosely, you could imagine picking extremely large values of n, and calculating them. Might exceed your calculator's range for large factorials, though.
If the definition isn't clear, a more intuitive description is that "higher order" means "grows faster than, as n grows". Some rules of thumb:
O(n^a) is a higher order than O(n^b) if a > b.
log(n) grows more slowly than any positive power of n
exp(n) grows more quickly than any power of n
n! grows more quickly than exp(kn)
Oh, and as far as complexity goes, ignore the constant multipliers.
That's enough to deduce that the correct order is O(1), O(log n), O(2n) = O(n), O(n log n), O(n^2), O(n!)
For big-O complexities, the rule is that if two things vary only by constant factors, then they are the same. If one grows faster than another ignoring constant factors, then it is bigger.
So O(2n) and O(n) are the same -- they only vary by a constant factor (2). One way to think about it is to just drop the constants, since they don't impact the complexity.
The other problem with picking n and using a calculator is that it will give you the wrong answer for certain n. Big O is a measure of how fast something grows as n increases, but at any given n the complexities might not be in the right order. For instance, at n=2, n^2 is 4 and n! is 2, but n! grows quite a bit faster than n^2.
It's important to get that right, because for running times with multiple terms, you can drop the lesser terms -- ie, if O(f(n)) is 3n^2+2n+5, you can drop the 5 (constant), drop the 2n (3n^2 grows faster), then drop the 3 (constant factor) to get O(n^2)... but if you don't know that n^2 is bigger, you won't get the right answer.
In practice, you can just know that n is linear, log(n) grows more slowly than linear, n^a > n^b if a>b, 2^n is faster than any n^a, and n! is even faster than that. (Hint: try to avoid algorithms that have n in the exponent, and especially avoid ones that are n!.)
For the second part of your question, what happens with a binary search in the worst case? At each step, you cut the space in half until eventually you find your item (or run out of places to look). That is log2(2k). A search where you just walk through the list to find your item would take n steps. And we know from the first part that O(log(n)) < O(n), which is why binary search is faster than just a linear search.
Good luck with the exam!
In easy to understand terms the Big-O notation defines how quickly a particular function grows. Although it has its roots in pure mathematics its most popular application is the analysis of algorithms which can be analyzed on the basis of input size to determine the approximate number of operations that must be performed.
The benefit of using the notation is that you can categorize function growth rates by their complexity. Many different functions (an infinite number really) could all be expressed with the same complexity using this notation. For example, n+5, 2*n, and 4*n + 1/n all have O(n) complexity because the function g(n)=n most simply represents how these functions grow.
I put an emphasis on most simply because the focus of the notation is on the dominating term of the function. For example, O(2*n + 5) = O(2*n) = O(n) because n is the dominating term in the growth. This is because the notation assumes that n goes to infinity which causes the remaining terms to play less of a role in the growth rate. And, by convention, any constants or multiplicatives are omitted.
Read Big O notation and Time complexity for more a more in depth overview.
See this and look up for solutions here is first one.
