Is there a way to simplify O(n^c) · O(c^n)? - algorithm

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to simplify O(nc) · O(cn) but couldn't come up with anything. Is this equal to infinity, or would it fall under one of the more common type of complexities (O(n), O(nc), O(cn), O(n log n), O(log n) or O(n!))?

O(nc) · O(cn) means the set of functions that can be expressed as f(n) · g(n) where f(n) ∈ O(nc) and g(n) ∈ O(cn).
Since nc ∈ O((1+δ)n) for arbitrarily small positive δ, we have O(1n) ⊂ O(nc) ⊂ O((1+δ)n). (Do you see why?)
Additionally, it's a general property of big-O notation that O(foo) · O(bar) = O(foo · bar); so we can always move multiplication inside the O (or pull multiplication outside the O). (Do you see why?)
Combining these two observations, we have O(cn) ⊂ O(nc) · O(cn) ⊂ O((c+δ)n) for arbitrarily small positive δ. So you can reasonably simplify O(nc) · O(cn) to O((c+δ)n). This is analogous to how O(n log n) is sometimes called "quasilinear", because it's a subset of O(n1+δ) for arbitrarily small positive δ.

e^N grows faster then all functions from your list of asymptotically equivalent candidates.
To find out whether g(N) = E^n*n^E and f(N) = e^N have the same order of grows we need the limit of g(N)/f(N) -> 1 when N->infinity. But:
So given function doesn't fall under one of the more common type of complexities (O(n), O(nc), O(cn), O(n log n), O(log n)) - it grows faster.
Following log log plot illustrates and compares order of grows of mentioned functions:
Some algorithms has exponential brute force solution but may be simplified(restrictions added) and become faster. The brute force solution of the traveling salesman problem is O(n!) which is approximately O(N^N).
Nowadays input with N = 30 is solvable in minutes for 2^N. For N = 1..30 you can observe behavior of c^n*n^c and c^N using following loglog plot:


Polynomial in n code? what does it mean [duplicate]

Could someone explain the difference between polynomial-time, non-polynomial-time, and exponential-time algorithms?
For example, if an algorithm takes O(n^2) time, then which category is it in?
Below are some common Big-O functions while analyzing algorithms.
O(1) - Constant time
O(log(n)) - Logarithmic time
O(n log(n)) - Linearithmic time
O((log(n))c) - Polylogarithmic time
O(n) - Linear time
O(n2) - Quadratic time
O(nc) - Polynomial time
O(cn) - Exponential time
O(n!) - Factorial time
(n = size of input, c = some constant)
Here is the model graph representing Big-O complexity of some functions
graph credits
Check this out.
Exponential is worse than polynomial.
O(n^2) falls into the quadratic category, which is a type of polynomial (the special case of the exponent being equal to 2) and better than exponential.
Exponential is much worse than polynomial. Look at how the functions grow
n = 10 | 100 | 1000
n^2 = 100 | 10000 | 1000000
k^n = k^10 | k^100 | k^1000
k^1000 is exceptionally huge unless k is smaller than something like 1.1. Like, something like every particle in the universe would have to do 100 billion billion billion operations per second for trillions of billions of billions of years to get that done.
I didn't calculate it out, but ITS THAT BIG.
O(n^2) is polynomial time. The polynomial is f(n) = n^2. On the other hand, O(2^n) is exponential time, where the exponential function implied is f(n) = 2^n. The difference is whether the function of n places n in the base of an exponentiation, or in the exponent itself.
Any exponential growth function will grow significantly faster (long term) than any polynomial function, so the distinction is relevant to the efficiency of an algorithm, especially for large values of n.
Polynomial time.
A polynomial is a sum of terms that look like Constant * x^k
Exponential means something like Constant * k^x
(in both cases, k is a constant and x is a variable).
The execution time of exponential algorithms grows much faster than that of polynomial ones.
Exponential (You have an exponential function if MINIMAL ONE EXPONENT is dependent on a parameter):
E.g. f(x) = constant ^ x
Polynomial (You have a polynomial function if NO EXPONENT is dependent on some function parameters):
E.g. f(x) = x ^ constant
More precise definition of exponential
The definition of polynomial is pretty much universal and straightforward so I won't discuss it further.
The definition of Big O is also quite universal, you just have to think carefully about the M and the x0 in the Wikipedia definition and work through some examples.
So in this answer I would like to focus on the precise definition of the exponential as it requires a bit more thought/is less well known/is less universal, especially when you start to think about some edge cases. I will then contrast it with polynomials a bit further below
The most common definition of exponential time is:
where polynomial is a polynomial that:
is not constant, e.g. 1, otherwise the time is also constant
the highest order term has a positive coefficient, otherwise it goes to zero at infinity, e.g. 2^{-n^2 + 2n + 1}
so a polynomial such as this would be good:
2^{n^2 + 2n + 1}
Note that the base 2 could be any number > 1 and the definition would still be valid because we can transform the base by multiplying the exponent, e.g.:
8^{polymonial(n)} = (2^3)^{polymonial(n)} = 2^{3 * polymonial(n)}
and 3 * polymonial(n) is also a polynomial.
Also note that constant addition does not matter, e.g. 2^{n + 1} = 2 * 2^{n} and so the + 1 does not matter for big O notation.
Therefore, two possible nice big O equivalent choices for a canonical "smallest exponential" would be for any small positive e either of:
(1 + e)^{n}
for very small e.
The highest order term of the polynomial in the exponent in both cases is n^1, order one, and therefore the smallest possible non-constant polynomial.
Those two choices are equivalent, because as saw earlier, we can transform base changes into an exponent multiplier.
Superpolynomial and sub-exponential
But note that the above definition excludes some still very big things that show up in practice and that we would be tempted to call "exponential", e.g.:
2^{n^{1/2}}. This is a bit like a polynomial, but it is not a polynomial because polynomial powers must be integers, and here we have 1/2
Those functions are still very large, because they grow faster than any polynomial.
But strictly speaking, they are big O smaller than the exponentials in our strict definition of exponential!
This motivates the following definitions:
superpolynomial: grows faster than any polynomial
subexponential: grows less fast than any exponential, i.e. (1 + e)^{n}
and all the examples given above in this section fall into both of those categories. TODO proof.
Keep in mind that if you put something very small on the exponential, it might go back to polynomial of course, e.g.:
2^{log_2(n)} = n
And that is also true for anything smaller than log_2, e.g.:
2^{log_2(log_2(n))} = log_2(n)
is sub-polynomial.
Important superpolynomial and sub-exponential examples
the general number field sieve the fastest 2020-known algorithm for integer factorization, see also: What is the fastest integer factorization algorithm? That algorithm has complexity of the form:
e^{(k + o(1))(ln(n)^(1/3) * ln(ln(n)))^(2/3)}
where n is the factored number, and the little-o notation o(1) means a term that goes to 0 at infinity.
That complexity even has a named generalization as it presumably occurs in other analyses: L-notation.
Note that the above expression itself is clearly polynomial in n, because it is smaller than e^{ln(n)^(1/3) * ln(n))^(2/3)} = e^{ln(n)} = n.
However, in the context of factorization, what really matters is note n, but rather "the number of digits of n", because cryptography parties can easily generate crypto keys that are twice as large. And the number of digits grows as log_2. So in that complexity, what we really care about is something like:
e^{(k + o(1))(n^(1/3) * ln(n)^(2/3)}
which is of course both superpolynomial and sub-exponential.
The fantastic answer at: What would cause an algorithm to have O(log log n) complexity? gives an intuitive explanation of where the O(log log n) comes from: while log n comes from an algorithm that removes half of the options at each step, and log log n comes from an algorithm that reduces the options to the square root of the total at each step! contains a list of algorithms which might be of interest to quantum computers, and in most cases, the quantum speedup relative to a classical computer is not strictly exponential, but rather superpolynomial. However, as this answer will have hopefully highlighted, this is still extremely significant and revolutionary. Understanding that repository is what originally motivated this answer :-)
It is also worth noting that we currently do not expect quantum computers to solve NP-complete problems, which are also generally expected to require exponential time to solve. But there is no proof otherwise either. See also: asks about any interesting algorithms that have been proven superpolynomial (and presumably with proof of optimality, otherwise the general number sieve would be an obvious choice, but we don't 2020-know if it is optimal or not)
Proof that exponential is always larger than polynomial at infinity
Discussions of different possible definitions of sub-exponential
polynomial time O(n)^k means Number of operations are proportional to power k of the size of input
exponential time O(k)^n means Number of operations are proportional to the exponent of the size of input
Polynomial examples: n^2, n^3, n^100, 5n^7, etc….
Exponential examples: 2^n, 3^n, 100^n, 5^(7n), etc….
o(n sequre) is polynimal time complexity while o(2^n) is exponential time complexity
if p=np when best case , in the worst case p=np not equal becasue when input size n grow so long or input sizer increase so longer its going to worst case and handling so complexity growth rate increase and depend on n size of input when input is small it is polynimal when input size large and large so p=np not equal it means growth rate depend on size of input "N".
optimization, sat, clique, and independ set also met in exponential to polynimal.
Here's the most simplest explaination for newbies:
A Polynomial:
if an expression contains or function is equal to when a constant is the power of a variable e.g.
f(n) = 2 ^ n
An Exponential:
if an expression contains or function is qual to when a variable is the power of a constant e.g.
f(n) = n ^ 2

Why do we ignore co-efficients in Big O notation?

While searching for answers relating to "Big O" notation, I have seen many SO answers such as this, this, or this, but still I have not clearly understood some points.
Why do we ignore the co-efficients?
For example this answer says that the final complexity of 2N + 2 is O(N); we remove the leading co-efficient 2 and the final constant 2 as well.
Removing the final constant of 2 perhaps understandable. After all, N may be very large and so "forgetting" the final 2 may only change the grand total by a small percentage.
However I cannot clearly understand how removing the leading co-efficient does not make difference. If the leading 2 above became a 1 or a 3, the percentage change to the grand total would be large.
Similarly, apparently 2N^3 + 99N^2 + 500 is O(N^3). How do we ignore the 99N^2 along with the 500?
The purpose of the Big-O notation is to find what is the dominant factor in the asymptotic behavior of a function as the value tends towards the infinity.
As we walk through the function domain, some factors become more important than others.
Imagine f(n) = n^3+n^2. As n goes to infinity, n^2 becomes less and less relevant when compared with n^3.
But that's just the intuition behind the definition. In practice we ignore some portions of the function because of the formal definition:
f(x) = O(g(x)) as x->infinity
if and only if there is a positive real M and a real x_0 such as
|f(x)| <= M|g(x)| for all x > x_0.
That's in wikipedia. What that actually means is that there is a point (after x_0) after which some multiple of g(x) dominates f(x). That definition acts like a loose upper bound on the value of f(x).
From that we can derive many other properties, like f(x)+K = O(f(x)), f(x^n+x^n-1)=O(x^n), etc. It's just a matter of using the definition to prove those.
In special, the intuition behind removing the coefficient (K*f(x) = O(f(x))) lies in what we try to measure with computational complexity. Ultimately it's all about time (or any resource, actually). But it's hard to know how much time each operation take. One algorithm may perform 2n operations and the other n, but the latter may have a large constant time associated with it. So, for this purpose, isn't easy to reason about the difference between n and 2n.
From a (complexity) theory point of view, the coefficients represent hardware details that we can ignore. Specifically, the Linear Speedup Theorem dictates that for any problem we can always throw an exponentially increasing amount of hardware (money) at a computer to get a linear boost in speed.
Therefore, modulo expensive hardware purchases two algorithms that solve the same problem, one at twice the speed of the other for all input sizes, are considered essentially the same.
Big-O (Landau) notation has its origins independently in number theory, where one of its uses is to create a kind of equivalence between functions: if a given function is bounded above by another and simultaneously is bounded below by a scaled version of that same other function, then the two functions are essentially the same from an asymptotic point of view. The definition of Big-O (actually, "Big-Theta") captures this situation: the "Big-O" (Theta) of the two functions are exactly equal.
The fact that Big-O notation allows us to disregard the leading constant when comparing the growth of functions makes Big-O an ideal vehicle to measure various qualities of algorithms while respecting (ignoring) the "freebie" optimizations offered by the Linear Speedup Theorem.
Big O provides a good estimate of what algorithms are more efficient for larger inputs, all things being equal; this is why for an algorithm with an n^3 and an n^2 factor we ignore the n^2 factor, because even if the n^2 factor has a large constant it will eventually be dominated by the n^3 factor.
However, real algorithms incorporate more than simple Big O analysis, for example a sorting algorithm will often start with a O(n * log(n)) partitioning algorithm like quicksort or mergesort, and when the partitions become small enough the algorithm will switch to a simpler O(n^2) algorithm like insertionsort - for small inputs insertionsort is generally faster, although a basic Big O analysis doesn't reveal this.
The constant factors often aren't very interesting, and so they're omitted - certainly a difference in factors on the order of 1000 is interesting, but usually the difference in factors are smaller, and then there are many more constant factors to consider that may dominate the algorithms' constants. Let's say I've got two algorithms, the first with running time 3*n and the second with running time 2*n, each with comparable space complexity. This analysis assumes uniform memory access; what if the first algorithm interacts better with the cache, and this more than makes up for the worse constant factor? What if more compiler optimizations can be applied to it, or it behaves better with the memory management subsystem, or requires less expensive IO (e.g. fewer disk seeks or fewer database joins or whatever) and so on? The constant factor for the algorithm is relevant, but there are many more constants that need to be considered. Often the easiest way to determine which algorithm is best is just to run them both on some sample inputs and time the results; over-relying on the algorithms' constant factors would hide this step.
An other thing is that, what I have understood, the complexity of 2N^3 + 99N^2 + 500 will be O(N^3). So how do we ignore/remove 99N^2 portion even? Will it not make difference when let's say N is one miilion?
That's right, in that case the 99N^2 term is far overshadowed by the 2N^3 term. The point where they cross is at N=49.5, much less than one million.
But you bring up a good point. Asymptotic computational complexity analysis is in fact often criticized for ignoring constant factors that can make a huge difference in real-world applications. However, big-O is still a useful tool for capturing the efficiency of an algorithm in a few syllables. It's often the case that an n^2 algorithm will be faster in real life than an n^3 algorithm for nontrivial n, and it's almost always the case that a log(n) algorithm will be much faster than an n^2 algorithm.
In addition to being a handy yardstick for approximating practical efficiency, it's also an important tool for the theoretical analysis of algorithm complexity. Many useful properties arise from the composability of polynomials - this makes sense because nested looping is fundamental to computation, and those correspond to polynomial numbers of steps. Using asymptotic complexity analysis, you can prove a rich set of relationships between different categories of algorithms, and that teaches us things about exactly how efficiently certain problems can be solved.
Big O notation is not an absolute measure of complexity.
Rather it is a designation of how complexity will change as the variable changes. In other words as N increases the complexity will increase
Big O(f(N)).
To explain why terms are not included we look at how fast the terms increase.
So, Big O(2n+2) has two terms 2n and 2. Looking at the rate of increase
Big O(2) this term will never increase it does not contribute to the rate of increase at all so it goes away. Also since 2n increases faster than 2, the 2 turns into noise as n gets very large.
Similarly Big O(2n^3 + 99n^2) compares Big O(2n^3) and Big O(99n^2). For small values, say n < 50, the 99n^2 will contribute a larger nominal percentage than 2n^3. However if n gets very large, say 1000000, then 99n^2 although nominally large it is insignificant (close to 1 millionth) compared to the size of 2n^3.
As a consequence Big O(n^i) < Big O(n^(i+1)).
Coefficients are removed because of the mathematical definition of Big O.
To simplify the definition says Big O(f(n)) = Big O(f(cn)) for a constant c. This needs to be taken on faith because the reason for this is purely mathematical, and as such the proof would be too complex and dry to explain in simple terms.
The mathematical reason:
The real reason why we do this, is the way Big O-Notation is defined:
A series (or lets use the word function) f(n) is in O(g(n)) when the series f(n)/g(n) is bounded. Example:
f(n)= 2*n^2
g(n)= n^2
f(n) is in O(g(n)) because (2*n^2)/(n^2) = 2 as n approaches Infinity. The term (2*n^2)/(n^2) doesn't become infinitely large (its always 2), so the quotient is bounded and thus 2*n^2 is in O(n^2).
Another one:
f(n) = n^2
g(n) = n
The term n^2/n (= n) becomes infinetely large, as n goes to infinity, so n^2 is not in O(n).
The same principle applies, when you have
f(n) = n^2 + 2*n + 20
g(n) = n^2
(n^2 + 2*n + 20)/(n^2) is also bounded, because it tends to 1, as n goes to infinity.
Big-O Notation basically describes, that your function f(n) is (from some value of n on to infinity) smaller than a function g(n), multiplied by a constant. With the previous example:
2*n^2 is in O(n^2), because we can find a value C, so that 2*n^2 is smaller than C*n^2. In this example we can pick C to be 5 or 10, for example, and the condition will be satisfied.
So what do you get out of this? If you know your algorithm has complexity O(10^n) and you input a list of 4 numbers, it may take only a short time. If you input 10 numbers, it will take a million times longer! If it's one million times longer or 5 million times longer doesn't really matter here. You can always use 5 more computers for it and have it run in the same amount of time, the real problem here is, that it scales incredibly bad with input size.
For practical applications the constants does matter, so O(2 n^3) will be better than O(1000 n^2) for inputs with n smaller than 500.
There are two main ideas here: 1) If your algorithm should be great for any input, it should have a low time complexity, and 2) that n^3 grows so much faster than n^2, that perfering n^3 over n^2 almost never makes sense.

Expected syntax for Big O notation

are there a limited amount of basic O Notations, considering you are meant to 'distil' them down to their most important part?
O(log n) logarithmic
O(n!) factorial
O(na) polynomial
Or are you expected to work out variations such as O(n^4) etc... and if so, is that the only exception? the power of X one?
Generally, you distill Big-O notation (and related Bachman-Landau notations like Big-Theta and Big-Omega) down to the operation of the fastest-growing N term. So, you remove/simplify lesser terms (N2 + N == O(N2)) and nonvariable coefficients of the term (O(4N2) == O(N2)), but NOT powers or exponent bases (O(34N) == O(3N)). You also don't strip variable coefficients; NlogN is NlogN, NOT logN or N.
So, you will normally only see numbers in a Big-Oh notation if if the complexity is polynomial (power of N) or exponential (Nth power of a base). The most common Big-Oh notations are much as you show, with the addition of NlogN (VERY common).
However, if you are differentiating between two algorithms of equal general complexity, you MAY add lesser terms and/or coefficients back in to demonstrate the relative difference; an algorithm that performs linearly but has double the instructions of another might be described as O(2N) when comparing it with the other O(N) algorithm. However, taken individually, both algorithms are linear (O(N)).
Some Big-O notations are not algebraic, and may involve multiple variables in therir simplest general-case form. The counting sort, for instance, is complexity O(Max(N,M)), where N is the number of elements in the list, and M is the range of those elements. Often it is possible to reduce this in specific cases by defining M in terms of N and thus reducing to a single variable (if the list in question is of the first N squares, M = N2-1), but in the general case both variables are independent and significant. BucketSort's complexity is officially O(N), but really it's more like O(NlogM) where M is the maximum value of the list of N elements. M is usually considered insignificant, but that depends on the values you normally sort (sorting 5 values each in the billions will require more loops to compare each power of 10 than traversals through the list to put them in the buckets) and on the radix used (RadixSort is a base-2 BucketSort; again, sorting values with a greater log2 value will require more loops than traversals).
The Big-O notation is a way to provide an upper bound on the limiting behaviour of a function. There are no restrictions on its functional form. However, there are certain conventions, as explained by Wikipedia:
In typical usage, the formal definition of O notation is not used directly; rather, the O notation for a function f(x) is derived by the following simplification rules:
If f(x) is a sum of several terms, the one with the largest growth rate is kept, and all others omitted.
If f(x) is a product of several factors, any constants (terms in the product that do not depend on x) are omitted.
There are, of course, some functional forms that show up more frequently that others. Some common classes are listed here.
No, the number of different O-classes is not finite.
As you already mentioned O(n^x) describes a different set for every x. And that is not the only "exception". O(x^n) is also a different set for every x. Likewise O(n^n), O(n^n^n), O(n^n^n^n) etc. are all different sets (and you can of course continue that ad infinitum).
In general, you split the expression into a sum of products, keep the largest term, and divide by constants to simplify it as much as possible.
n(2n+3log(n)) => 2n^2+3nlog(n) => 2n^2 => n^2
(n+1)(2nlog(n)+n) => 2n^2log(n)+n^2+2nlog(n)+n => 2n^2log(n) => n^2log(n)

Trying to understand Big-oh notation

Hi I would really appreciate some help with Big-O notation. I have an exam in it tomorrow and while I can define what f(x) is O(g(x)) is, I can't say I thoroughly understand it.
The following question ALWAYS comes up on the exam and I really need to try and figure it out, the first part seems easy (I think) Do you just pick a value for n, compute them all on a claculator and put them in order? This seems to easy though so I'm not sure. I'm finding it very hard to find examples online.
From lowest to highest, what is the
correct order of the complexities
O(n2), O(log2 n), O(1), O(2n), O(n!),
O(n log2 n)?
What is the
worst-case computational-complexity of
the Binary Search algorithm on an
ordered list of length n = 2k?
That guy should help you.
From lowest to highest, what is the
correct order of the complexities
O(n2), O(log2 n), O(1), O(2n), O(n!),
O(n log2 n)?
The order is same as if you compare their limit at infinity. like lim(a/b), if it is 1, then they are same, inf. or 0 means one of them is faster.
What is the worst-case
computational-complexity of the Binary
Search algorithm on an ordered list of
length n = 2k?
Find binary search best/worst Big-O.
Find linked list access by index best/worst Big-O.
Make conclusions.
Hey there. Big-O notation is tough to figure out if you don't really understand what the "n" means. You've already seen people talking about how O(n) == O(2n), so I'll try to explain exactly why that is.
When we describe an algorithm as having "order-n space complexity", we mean that the size of the storage space used by the algorithm gets larger with a linear relationship to the size of the problem that it's working on (referred to as n.) If we have an algorithm that, say, sorted an array, and in order to do that sort operation the largest thing we did in memory was to create an exact copy of that array, we'd say that had "order-n space complexity" because as the size of the array (call it n elements) got larger, the algorithm would take up more space in order to match the input of the array. Hence, the algorithm uses "O(n)" space in memory.
Why does O(2n) = O(n)? Because when we talk in terms of O(n), we're only concerned with the behavior of the algorithm as n gets as large as it could possibly be. If n was to become infinite, the O(2n) algorithm would take up two times infinity spaces of memory, and the O(n) algorithm would take up one times infinity spaces of memory. Since two times infinity is just infinity, both algorithms are considered to take up a similar-enough amount of room to be both called O(n) algorithms.
You're probably thinking to yourself "An algorithm that takes up twice as much space as another algorithm is still relatively inefficient. Why are they referred to using the same notation when one is much more efficient?" Because the gain in efficiency for arbitrarily large n when going from O(2n) to O(n) is absolutely dwarfed by the gain in efficiency for arbitrarily large n when going from O(n^2) to O(500n). When n is 10, n^2 is 10 times 10 or 100, and 500n is 500 times 10, or 5000. But we're interested in n as n becomes as large as possible. They cross over and become equal for an n of 500, but once more, we're not even interested in an n as small as 500. When n is 1000, n^2 is one MILLION while 500n is a "mere" half million. When n is one million, n^2 is one thousand billion - 1,000,000,000,000 - while 500n looks on in awe with the simplicity of it's five-hundred-million - 500,000,000 - points of complexity. And once more, we can keep making n larger, because when using O(n) logic, we're only concerned with the largest possible n.
(You may argue that when n reaches infinity, n^2 is infinity times infinity, while 500n is five hundred times infinity, and didn't you just say that anything times infinity is infinity? That doesn't actually work for infinity times infinity. I think. It just doesn't. Can a mathematician back me up on this?)
This gives us the weirdly counterintuitive result where O(Seventy-five hundred billion spillion kajillion n) is considered an improvement on O(n * log n). Due to the fact that we're working with arbitrarily large "n", all that matters is how many times and where n appears in the O(). The rules of thumb mentioned in Julia Hayward's post will help you out, but here's some additional information to give you a hand.
One, because n gets as big as possible, O(n^2+61n+1682) = O(n^2), because the n^2 contributes so much more than the 61n as n gets arbitrarily large that the 61n is simply ignored, and the 61n term already dominates the 1682 term. If you see addition inside a O(), only concern yourself with the n with the highest degree.
Two, O(log10n) = O(log(any number)n), because for any base b, log10(x) = log_b(*x*)/log_b(10). Hence, O(log10n) = O(log_b(x) * 1/(log_b(10)). That 1/log_b(10) figure is a constant, which we've already shown drop out of O(n) notation.
Very loosely, you could imagine picking extremely large values of n, and calculating them. Might exceed your calculator's range for large factorials, though.
If the definition isn't clear, a more intuitive description is that "higher order" means "grows faster than, as n grows". Some rules of thumb:
O(n^a) is a higher order than O(n^b) if a > b.
log(n) grows more slowly than any positive power of n
exp(n) grows more quickly than any power of n
n! grows more quickly than exp(kn)
Oh, and as far as complexity goes, ignore the constant multipliers.
That's enough to deduce that the correct order is O(1), O(log n), O(2n) = O(n), O(n log n), O(n^2), O(n!)
For big-O complexities, the rule is that if two things vary only by constant factors, then they are the same. If one grows faster than another ignoring constant factors, then it is bigger.
So O(2n) and O(n) are the same -- they only vary by a constant factor (2). One way to think about it is to just drop the constants, since they don't impact the complexity.
The other problem with picking n and using a calculator is that it will give you the wrong answer for certain n. Big O is a measure of how fast something grows as n increases, but at any given n the complexities might not be in the right order. For instance, at n=2, n^2 is 4 and n! is 2, but n! grows quite a bit faster than n^2.
It's important to get that right, because for running times with multiple terms, you can drop the lesser terms -- ie, if O(f(n)) is 3n^2+2n+5, you can drop the 5 (constant), drop the 2n (3n^2 grows faster), then drop the 3 (constant factor) to get O(n^2)... but if you don't know that n^2 is bigger, you won't get the right answer.
In practice, you can just know that n is linear, log(n) grows more slowly than linear, n^a > n^b if a>b, 2^n is faster than any n^a, and n! is even faster than that. (Hint: try to avoid algorithms that have n in the exponent, and especially avoid ones that are n!.)
For the second part of your question, what happens with a binary search in the worst case? At each step, you cut the space in half until eventually you find your item (or run out of places to look). That is log2(2k). A search where you just walk through the list to find your item would take n steps. And we know from the first part that O(log(n)) < O(n), which is why binary search is faster than just a linear search.
Good luck with the exam!
In easy to understand terms the Big-O notation defines how quickly a particular function grows. Although it has its roots in pure mathematics its most popular application is the analysis of algorithms which can be analyzed on the basis of input size to determine the approximate number of operations that must be performed.
The benefit of using the notation is that you can categorize function growth rates by their complexity. Many different functions (an infinite number really) could all be expressed with the same complexity using this notation. For example, n+5, 2*n, and 4*n + 1/n all have O(n) complexity because the function g(n)=n most simply represents how these functions grow.
I put an emphasis on most simply because the focus of the notation is on the dominating term of the function. For example, O(2*n + 5) = O(2*n) = O(n) because n is the dominating term in the growth. This is because the notation assumes that n goes to infinity which causes the remaining terms to play less of a role in the growth rate. And, by convention, any constants or multiplicatives are omitted.
Read Big O notation and Time complexity for more a more in depth overview.
See this and look up for solutions here is first one.

Polynomial time and exponential time

Could someone explain the difference between polynomial-time, non-polynomial-time, and exponential-time algorithms?
For example, if an algorithm takes O(n^2) time, then which category is it in?
Below are some common Big-O functions while analyzing algorithms.
O(1) - Constant time
O(log(n)) - Logarithmic time
O(n log(n)) - Linearithmic time
O((log(n))c) - Polylogarithmic time
O(n) - Linear time
O(n2) - Quadratic time
O(nc) - Polynomial time
O(cn) - Exponential time
O(n!) - Factorial time
(n = size of input, c = some constant)
Here is the model graph representing Big-O complexity of some functions
graph credits
Check this out.
Exponential is worse than polynomial.
O(n^2) falls into the quadratic category, which is a type of polynomial (the special case of the exponent being equal to 2) and better than exponential.
Exponential is much worse than polynomial. Look at how the functions grow
n = 10 | 100 | 1000
n^2 = 100 | 10000 | 1000000
k^n = k^10 | k^100 | k^1000
k^1000 is exceptionally huge unless k is smaller than something like 1.1. Like, something like every particle in the universe would have to do 100 billion billion billion operations per second for trillions of billions of billions of years to get that done.
I didn't calculate it out, but ITS THAT BIG.
O(n^2) is polynomial time. The polynomial is f(n) = n^2. On the other hand, O(2^n) is exponential time, where the exponential function implied is f(n) = 2^n. The difference is whether the function of n places n in the base of an exponentiation, or in the exponent itself.
Any exponential growth function will grow significantly faster (long term) than any polynomial function, so the distinction is relevant to the efficiency of an algorithm, especially for large values of n.
Polynomial time.
A polynomial is a sum of terms that look like Constant * x^k
Exponential means something like Constant * k^x
(in both cases, k is a constant and x is a variable).
The execution time of exponential algorithms grows much faster than that of polynomial ones.
Exponential (You have an exponential function if MINIMAL ONE EXPONENT is dependent on a parameter):
E.g. f(x) = constant ^ x
Polynomial (You have a polynomial function if NO EXPONENT is dependent on some function parameters):
E.g. f(x) = x ^ constant
More precise definition of exponential
The definition of polynomial is pretty much universal and straightforward so I won't discuss it further.
The definition of Big O is also quite universal, you just have to think carefully about the M and the x0 in the Wikipedia definition and work through some examples.
So in this answer I would like to focus on the precise definition of the exponential as it requires a bit more thought/is less well known/is less universal, especially when you start to think about some edge cases. I will then contrast it with polynomials a bit further below
The most common definition of exponential time is:
where polynomial is a polynomial that:
is not constant, e.g. 1, otherwise the time is also constant
the highest order term has a positive coefficient, otherwise it goes to zero at infinity, e.g. 2^{-n^2 + 2n + 1}
so a polynomial such as this would be good:
2^{n^2 + 2n + 1}
Note that the base 2 could be any number > 1 and the definition would still be valid because we can transform the base by multiplying the exponent, e.g.:
8^{polymonial(n)} = (2^3)^{polymonial(n)} = 2^{3 * polymonial(n)}
and 3 * polymonial(n) is also a polynomial.
Also note that constant addition does not matter, e.g. 2^{n + 1} = 2 * 2^{n} and so the + 1 does not matter for big O notation.
Therefore, two possible nice big O equivalent choices for a canonical "smallest exponential" would be for any small positive e either of:
(1 + e)^{n}
for very small e.
The highest order term of the polynomial in the exponent in both cases is n^1, order one, and therefore the smallest possible non-constant polynomial.
Those two choices are equivalent, because as saw earlier, we can transform base changes into an exponent multiplier.
Superpolynomial and sub-exponential
But note that the above definition excludes some still very big things that show up in practice and that we would be tempted to call "exponential", e.g.:
2^{n^{1/2}}. This is a bit like a polynomial, but it is not a polynomial because polynomial powers must be integers, and here we have 1/2
Those functions are still very large, because they grow faster than any polynomial.
But strictly speaking, they are big O smaller than the exponentials in our strict definition of exponential!
This motivates the following definitions:
superpolynomial: grows faster than any polynomial
subexponential: grows less fast than any exponential, i.e. (1 + e)^{n}
and all the examples given above in this section fall into both of those categories. TODO proof.
Keep in mind that if you put something very small on the exponential, it might go back to polynomial of course, e.g.:
2^{log_2(n)} = n
And that is also true for anything smaller than log_2, e.g.:
2^{log_2(log_2(n))} = log_2(n)
is sub-polynomial.
Important superpolynomial and sub-exponential examples
the general number field sieve the fastest 2020-known algorithm for integer factorization, see also: What is the fastest integer factorization algorithm? That algorithm has complexity of the form:
e^{(k + o(1))(ln(n)^(1/3) * ln(ln(n)))^(2/3)}
where n is the factored number, and the little-o notation o(1) means a term that goes to 0 at infinity.
That complexity even has a named generalization as it presumably occurs in other analyses: L-notation.
Note that the above expression itself is clearly polynomial in n, because it is smaller than e^{ln(n)^(1/3) * ln(n))^(2/3)} = e^{ln(n)} = n.
However, in the context of factorization, what really matters is note n, but rather "the number of digits of n", because cryptography parties can easily generate crypto keys that are twice as large. And the number of digits grows as log_2. So in that complexity, what we really care about is something like:
e^{(k + o(1))(n^(1/3) * ln(n)^(2/3)}
which is of course both superpolynomial and sub-exponential.
The fantastic answer at: What would cause an algorithm to have O(log log n) complexity? gives an intuitive explanation of where the O(log log n) comes from: while log n comes from an algorithm that removes half of the options at each step, and log log n comes from an algorithm that reduces the options to the square root of the total at each step! contains a list of algorithms which might be of interest to quantum computers, and in most cases, the quantum speedup relative to a classical computer is not strictly exponential, but rather superpolynomial. However, as this answer will have hopefully highlighted, this is still extremely significant and revolutionary. Understanding that repository is what originally motivated this answer :-)
It is also worth noting that we currently do not expect quantum computers to solve NP-complete problems, which are also generally expected to require exponential time to solve. But there is no proof otherwise either. See also: asks about any interesting algorithms that have been proven superpolynomial (and presumably with proof of optimality, otherwise the general number sieve would be an obvious choice, but we don't 2020-know if it is optimal or not)
Proof that exponential is always larger than polynomial at infinity
Discussions of different possible definitions of sub-exponential
polynomial time O(n)^k means Number of operations are proportional to power k of the size of input
exponential time O(k)^n means Number of operations are proportional to the exponent of the size of input
Polynomial examples: n^2, n^3, n^100, 5n^7, etc….
Exponential examples: 2^n, 3^n, 100^n, 5^(7n), etc….
o(n sequre) is polynimal time complexity while o(2^n) is exponential time complexity
if p=np when best case , in the worst case p=np not equal becasue when input size n grow so long or input sizer increase so longer its going to worst case and handling so complexity growth rate increase and depend on n size of input when input is small it is polynimal when input size large and large so p=np not equal it means growth rate depend on size of input "N".
optimization, sat, clique, and independ set also met in exponential to polynimal.
Here's the most simplest explaination for newbies:
A Polynomial:
if an expression contains or function is equal to when a constant is the power of a variable e.g.
f(n) = 2 ^ n
An Exponential:
if an expression contains or function is qual to when a variable is the power of a constant e.g.
f(n) = n ^ 2
