Oracle sqlload : split a source field in several columns? - oracle

i have a source file i want to load through sqlload in my Oracle 10g
the problem is one of the source field can be larger than 4000 character. Is it possible to tell oracle to split a source field in several columns ?
let's say one column would have 4000 first character and the second one the 4000 next

I'd load it into a CLOB and then do the splitting (if necessary) using DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR over on the database side. But is there a critical business reason to get it into multiple varchar2 columns, or could it just stay in the CLOB?


Accomodate more data in a Oracle column without increasing size

I have a scenario where I would like to know if we can accommodate more characters to an Oracle column without increasing the column size.
I have a Oracle column bname which is of type varchar2(256). The column is getting updated via Java code. I would like to know if there is any way to accommodate more than 256 characters in this column without increasing the size?
Wanted to know if there are any column compression techniques available to accommodate the same?
Use smaller font. Just kidding.
As far as I can tell, you can't do that. 256 is the limit you set, so - the only option is to
alter table that_table modify bname varchar2(500);
Depending on database version, you can go up to 4000 characters (or 32767, if MAX_STRING_SIZE is set to extended). If that's not enough, CLOB is your choice.
If you want to stored compressed data, then use BLOB datatype (so you'd e.g. put a ZIP file into that column).
~ o ~
Or, perhaps you could alter the table and add another column:
alter table that_table add bname_1 varchar2(256);
and make your Java code "split" value in two parts and store the first 256 characters into bname, and the rest into bname_1.
Other than that, no luck, I'm afraid.

Why is the ora-archive-state column a varchar2 4000 chars?

Can someone explain why Oracle made the ora-archive-state column a varchar2 of 4000 chars? When using the in-database archiving feature of Oracle 12c, when the column is 0, the record is visible. When anything other than 0, the record is hidden.
What's the purpose of having the extra 3999 chars when simply setting the column to 1 accomplishes the goal? I'm doubting Oracle is just wasting the space.
Because it allows you to mark "archived" rows differently: you can update ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE to different values, for example: to_char(systimestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ssxff')
to set it to the date of archiving. And later you can analyze archived records by this column.
I'm doubting Oracle is just wasting the space.
Varchar2 doesn't waste space. It is variable-length character string. Ie varchar2(4000b) doesn't mean it will use 4000 bytes, or varchar2(4000c) ~ chars. That's just maximum allowed column length

Import blob through SAS from ORACLE DB

Good time of a day to everyone.
I face with a huge problem during my work on previous week.
Here ia the deal:
I need to download exel file (blob) from ORACLE database through SAS.
I am using:
First step i need to get data from oracle. I used the construction (blob file is nearly 100kb):
proc sql;
connect to oracle;
create table SASTBL as
select * from connection to oracle (
select dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,1,32767) as blob_1,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,32768,32767) as blob_2,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,65535,32767) as blob_3,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,97302,32767) as blob_4
from my_tbl;
And the result is:
blob_1 = 70020202020202...02
blob_2 = 02020202020...02
blob_3 = 02020202...02
I do not understand why the field consists from "02"(the whole file)
And the length of any variable in sas is 1024 (instead of 37767) $HEX2024 format.
If I ll take:
dbms_lob.substr(my_blob_field,2000,900) from the same object the result will mush more similar to the truth:
blob = "A234ABC4536AE7...."
The question is: 1. how can i get binary data from blob field correctly trough SAS? What is my mistake?
Thank you.
I get the information but max string is 2000 kb.
Use the DBMAX_TEXT option on the CONNECT statement (or a LIBNAME statement) to get up to 32,767 characters. The default is probably 1024.
PROC SQL uses SQL to interact with SAS datasets (create tables, query tables, aggregate data, connect externally, etc.). The procedure mostly follows the ANSI standard with a few SAS specific extensions. Each RDMS extends ANSI including Oracle with its XML handling such as saving content in a blob column. Possibly, SAS cannot properly read the Oracle-specific (non-ANSI) binary large object type. Typically SAS processes string, numeric, datetime, and few other types.
As an alternative, consider saving XML content from Oracle externally as an .xml file and use SAS's XML engine to read content into SAS dataset:
libname tempdata xml 'C:\Path\To\XML\File.xml';
data Work.XMLData;
set tempdata.NodeName; /* CHANGE TO REPEAT PARENT NODE OF XML. */
Adding as another answer as I can't comment yet... the issue you experienced is that the return of dbms_lob.substr is actually a varchar so SAS limits it to 2,000. To avoid this, you could wrap it in to_clob( ... ) AND set the DBMAX_TEXT option as previously answered.
Another alternative is below...
The code below is an effective method for retrieving a single record with a large CLOB. Instead of calculating how many fields to split the clob into resulting in a very wide record, it instead splits it into multiple rows. See expected output at bottom.
Disclaimer: Although effective it may not be efficient ie may not scale well to multiple rows, the generally accepted approach then is row pipelining PLSQL. That being said, the below got me out of a pinch if you can't make a procedure...
connect to oracle (authdomain=YOUR_Auth path=devdb DBMAX_TEXT=32767 );
create table clob_chunks (compress=yes) as
select *
from connection to Oracle (
, key
, level clob_order
, regexp_substr(clob_value, '.{1,32767}', 1, level, 'n') clob_chunk
SELECT id, key, clob_value
FROM schema.table
WHERE id = 123
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count(clob_value, '.{1,32767}',1,'n')
order by id, key, clob_order;
disconnect from oracle;
Expected output:
1 1 1 short_clob
2 2 1 long clob chunk1of3
2 2 2 long clob chunk2of3
2 2 3 long clob chunk3of3
3 3 1 another_short_one
DBMAX_TEXT tells SAS to adjust the default of 1024 for a clob field.
The regex .{1,32767} tells Oracle to match at least once but no more than 32767 times. This splits the input and captures the last chunk which is likely to be under 32767 in length.
The regexp_substr is pulling a chunk from the clob (param1) starting from the start of the clob (param2), skipping to the 'level'th occurance (param3) and treating the clob as one large string (param4 'n').
The connect by re-runs the regex to count the chunks to stop the level incrementing beyond end of the clob.
SAS KB article for DBMAX_TEXT
Oracle docs for REGEXP_COUNT
Oracle docs for REGEXP_SUBSTR
Oracle regex syntax
Stackoverflow example of regex splitting

Splitting a variable length delimited string into columns using Oracle SQL

I am working on a requirement where in i need to split a comma delimited string into different columns.
This list is of variable length i.e. it can be
and so on. i.e. the no of delimiters and hence the no of columns are not fixed.
Is there any way to achieve it using a SQL query?
I am using Oracle 11gR2 enterprise edition
It depends where you are working.
In a table a VARCHAR2 can be up to 4000 charaters. In Oracle 12c it can be 32K - but must be configured by a DBA.
Inside PL/SQL the limit is also up to 32K

SSIS Oracle Data Load is Incomplete

I have a data flow task where the data from oracle source is fetched and stored in SQL Server DB after nearly 400k rows the data flow fails with following error.
ORA-01489 result of string concatenation is too long
I the Execution results the [Oracle Source [1543]] Error: what this exactly means.
I'm assuming you are using varchar2 datatype which limits to 4000 chars.
This error is because the concatenated string returns more than 4000 chars of varchar2 which exceeds the limit try using CLOB datatype.
use a derived column after your source to cut the strings to 4000 chars
Your data source (Oracle) is sending out strings that are larger than 4000 characters while your SSIS source expects something less than that. Check your source for any data that has a length > 4000.
After a long battle i decided to modify the package and it turns that deleting and creating the all the tasks again has solved the problem.
Real cause is still unknown to me.
