I am working on a requirement where in i need to split a comma delimited string into different columns.
This list is of variable length i.e. it can be
and so on. i.e. the no of delimiters and hence the no of columns are not fixed.
Is there any way to achieve it using a SQL query?
I am using Oracle 11gR2 enterprise edition
It depends where you are working.
In a table a VARCHAR2 can be up to 4000 charaters. In Oracle 12c it can be 32K - but must be configured by a DBA.
Inside PL/SQL the limit is also up to 32K
Can someone explain why Oracle made the ora-archive-state column a varchar2 of 4000 chars? When using the in-database archiving feature of Oracle 12c, when the column is 0, the record is visible. When anything other than 0, the record is hidden.
What's the purpose of having the extra 3999 chars when simply setting the column to 1 accomplishes the goal? I'm doubting Oracle is just wasting the space.
Because it allows you to mark "archived" rows differently: you can update ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE to different values, for example: to_char(systimestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ssxff')
to set it to the date of archiving. And later you can analyze archived records by this column.
I'm doubting Oracle is just wasting the space.
Varchar2 doesn't waste space. It is variable-length character string. Ie varchar2(4000b) doesn't mean it will use 4000 bytes, or varchar2(4000c) ~ chars. That's just maximum allowed column length
Recently I came across a unicode character (\u2019) in a database table column while parsing using Python.
Question: What are the reasons that can result in unicode characters showing up in the database table? Is it data entry issue?
Appreciate any input.
When you set up your Oracle Database you choose a character set which will be used in the SQL char datatypes (char, varchar2 etc).
Suppose you chose your character set and you have a table with a column of VARCHAR2 type. Suddenly you need to store some string with non-ASCII symbols not supported by your database (chosen character set). You may convert this string into ASCII string by calling ASCIISTR function for example and store it in your VARCHAR2 column (but it's not a good idea because many SQL built-in functions don't understand '\u2019' (they think it's just 6 symbols)). That's how Unicode may appear in your table column (ASCIISTR converts non-ascii symbols into unicode representation such as '\u2019').
Another option is special Oracle nchar datatypes which were designed to store UNICODE without altering global database settings.
Here is the link with Oracle documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14225/ch6unicode.htm
I have an exported data using exp command from a full Oracle 11gR2 database that has the AR8MSWIN1256 charset. However, when I import the data into an 11gR2 XE database, I get the error:
row rejected due to ORACLE error 12899
Could the problem be the mismatch in charsets (AL32UTF8 vs AR8MSWIN1256)? If so, is there a solution?
the table almost certainly has length semantics BYTE for the character columns. imp creates the table with the same length semantics as they were in the source database. So if you want to migrate to a multibyte character set you need to make sure that the length semantics of those columns are changed to character.
Easiest is to pre-create the tables and make sure that your column definitions don't specify their length in bytes but in characters.
i have a source file i want to load through sqlload in my Oracle 10g
the problem is one of the source field can be larger than 4000 character. Is it possible to tell oracle to split a source field in several columns ?
let's say one column would have 4000 first character and the second one the 4000 next
I'd load it into a CLOB and then do the splitting (if necessary) using DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR over on the database side. But is there a critical business reason to get it into multiple varchar2 columns, or could it just stay in the CLOB?
What is the datatype in oracle i should be using to store comment boxes? I was going to use LONG but it only allows one. Or should I just use VARCHAR2 and set it really large?
What is the longest comment you want to be able to support?
If your comments are less than 4000 bytes in length, you can use a VARCHAR2(4000). If your comments are longer than 4000 bytes in length, you can use a CLOB. A CLOB can store any character data supported by your database character set.