WebView slow loading - cocoa

In a cocoa / Mac app I am using a WebView to load a series of YouTube videos (5). When it is loading my whole application locks up for 5 seconds or so.
Is there a way I can load it so it doesn't freeze the rest of the application?
[[webView mainFrame] loadHTMLString:html baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://youtube.com"]];

Unfortunately, you cannot render a WebView except on the main thread. This is a basic limitation of the class. I would begin investigating why your page takes so long to render. My hunch: Javascript or a plugin.
I usually like to start by using Safari to see if it has the same issues. You can drag an HTML file onto Safari to load it easily. If Safari shows the same problem, then you can use Safari's Develop tools to profile it. (Preferences, Advanced, Show Develop menu in menu bar.)
If Safari doesn't have a problem, that's actually good, because it means your problem is definitely solvable (if Safari can do it, you should be able to achieve the same thing). Here are some things to try out:
Instruments. Try to see what WebView is taking its time on. Focus first on "all samples" for the main thread. This is usually what leads to the app hanging.
Simplification. Try stripping things out of the webview, especially javascript, until you find the piece that's causing the problem.
Implement the WebResourceLoadDelegate methods to see what piece seems to be causing the problem. The information given by this can be misleading, since it has to do with when things are downloaded, not when they are rendered, but it can give a sense of where in the page you're hanging.


High Sierra WebView blocks anchor tag navigation

I have a Mac app that displays info in a WebView. Quite an old app now and in Objective-C which I am rapidly forgetting.
The WebView contains anchor tags to allow navigation within the pages, both by clicking on links in the page displayed, or by clicking tabs in the UI which send Javascript to the WebView. In High Sierra this no longer works although it displays no error.
It appears that I need to implement isKeyExcludedFromWebScript: but my attempts to do so have failed.
Do I need to sub-class WebView? Putting isKeyExcludedFromWebScript: and isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript: in the View Controller containing the WebView doesn't work - they never get called.
If anyone has any advice or examples, I would be most grateful.
I am afraid that the answer will be to upgrade the app to use WKWebView but I was hoping for a quick work-around until I get time to do that.
Answering my own question here as I have worked out a solution.
The problem was that I was loading an HTML string into the WebView and when I tried to use internal navigation links, it didn't have a base URL to use as a prefix and so the anchor navigation never worked.
It used to work, prior to High Sierra, so there must be something new about how WebViews operate.
The solution was to save the HTML string to a temporary file and have the WebView load that file's URL instead of loading the string directly.
This applies to both WebView and WKWebView.

WebView too slow

I have an app that loads a page from my server inside of a webview. In my app, I have a native menu that reloads my webview with a new page when clicked.
My insane problem is that after navigate within the app clicking on menu more then 5 times, the webview become reaaally slow. Doesn't matter which link and even if I try to reopen a previously page, is still slow.
I tried to use this in my android-manifest file:
I also tried to deactivate the cache, doing this:
Anyone has an idea about my problem? What can be?
Was a memory leak problem! I had to call these functions before load a new url, otherwise, the garbage collector seems not work.

Phonegap and Xcode

I currently have a series of 8 separate html files, with the idea that each one is a separate page in an iPad app. I have used jQuery Mobile to implement the page swipe between pages by using the 'data-next' and 'data-prev' attribute. However, the results are not great as i sometimes get a page flicker when i swipe, and css animations are very choppy when I test it on an actual iPad. I am also getting a 1 second delay before the actual swipe happens. I know JQM has a default delay of 300ms, but this is waaay longer! I have tried using the css 'translate3d' technique on animated elements, but it doesn't seem to fix it. I'm putting it down to JQM just being buggy as hell.
So my question is this..Is it possible to bring these files into Xcode, as separate independent html files, and implement the page swipe within Xcode itself?
No Not possible.
XCode allows you to create/edit UI and Transitions of cocoa touch controls only. However you can just edit these html/javascript files in XCode.

AS3 OSX's quirky scroll effect ruins mousewheel controls

I'm building a web app to design and animate simple 3d scenes using the Away3D library, but the design of the interface itself is built around a scrolling menu which takes up the whole height of the screen.
The problem is, on OSX browsers have a silly quirk where if the page is scrolled when it has already gone as far as it can, the page can be dragged slightly further, revealing a brushed metal background. This looks nice and whatnot, but it pretty much ruins scrolling in a swf object. I use flash builder and export to safari, which is just about useable, if pretty annoying (especially with a mac touchpad, which can give a much higher scroll delta than a mousewheel can), but when I open my app in firefox/chrome the same effect happens, and causes the app and browser to slow down drastically.
I've found code which uses ExternalInterface to stop the swf sending mouse events to the page, but they all seem to disable detection in the swf as well, and I can't find anything else which help. If anyone knows of a solution you'll be saving me from throwing a few months' work away for what seems like a suspiciously unnecessary drawback to Flash on OSX!
Thanks in advance if anyone can help
Figured it out, in case anyone else gets stuck with this:
The feature's called elastic scrolling, if you're running a flash/flex app which takes up all the browser space you can simply set body{overflow: hidden;} in page CSS and it'll work just fine. Obviously, this disables any kind of page-scrolling - I believe you can turn it back on inside nested elements though.
Hope this helps someone anyway!

WebKit shell browser for internal web application

I am creating an in-house web application that I want to run in a WebKit shell browser on the Mac. I searched and came up empty. Basically, I want the site rendered and shown in a window with no chrome for navigating to other pages, bookmarks, etc. Seems to me that there should be a relatively easy way to get something like that up and running in Xcode, but alas I don't know how. The more barebones the better. Anybody know the answer?
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but you could use a WebView. The content is rendered by Safari/WebKit.
As for chrome, if you just put the view, that's all you'll have. You can shape the rest of the User Interface however you'd like.
Apple's documentation has a couple of examples using WebView... Should this solve your problem.
Did you take a look at the phonegap mac project.
Its a full screen webkit without any chrome in which you can put your html / css / javascript to run:
