I have searched everywhere but cannot find the proper property to set Copyright Notice and Copyright Status with ABCPdf.
Here is nothing
While scanning Adobe PDF Specification I find nothing either.
Does anyone have a clue?
Got it working thanks to ABCpdf who helped me figure it out.
Had to use XMP and RDF to set it.
Copyright.txt contains
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
<rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:xapRights='http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/rights/'>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
<rdf:li xml:lang="x-default"><![CDATA[Copyright Acme Inc]]></rdf:li>
<rdf:li><![CDATA[Acme Inc]]></rdf:li>
And from Code behind:
// Set metadata
var theXml = File.ReadAllText(context.Server.MapPath("Copyright.txt"));
var so = new StreamObject(doc.ObjectSoup);
// add dictionary to document catalog
var cat = (DictAtom)doc.ObjectSoup.Catalog.Atom;
cat.Add("Metadata", new RefAtom(so));
I am trying to make an installer with izpack 4.3.5. While installing, a shortcut should be added to the users Desktop. Though I have added the ShortcutPanel and did not add the skipOnNotSupported no panel is shown and no shortcut is created though it complies successfully.
I already took a look at the following post (izpack: create shortcut on windows) but couldn't figure out my mistake.
Here is part of my install-file:
<panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
<panel classname="PacksPanel"/>
<panel classname="ShortcutPanel"/>
<panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
<panel classname="SimpleFinishPanel"/>
<res src="shortcut.xml" id="shortcut.xml"/>
<native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/>
<native type="izpack" name="ShellLink_x64.dll"/>
And here is my shortcut XML:
<izpack:shortcuts version="5.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://izpack.org/schema/shortcuts http://izpack.org/schema/5.0/izpack-shortcuts-5.0.xsd">
name = "test"
target = "$INSTALL_PATH\test.jar"
<lateShortcutInstall />
Any ideas?
I also tried to remove the lateShortcutInstall, but nothing changed.
Thanks in advance
You are trying to make install files for izPack version 5 work with izPack 4.3.5 (notice the version="5.0" in the shortcut XML?). This will not work as the format has changed in subtle details.
I suggest that you move to a current izPack 5 version (5.1.0 has just been released). It is actively maintained, more stable and better documented than 4.3.5.
If you are stuck on 4.3.5 please read my other post here: izpack-maven-plugin is not including native libraries by default and remove the <natives> element.
I am getting error Currency 'USD' not found when i change the language to Gujarati. Every thing is working fine on other languages like English, Spanish, France etc.
I have tried to remove all session and cahce from var/ directory. I am using Magento version 1.8 please help me on this.
edit file located in lib/Zend/Locale/Data/gu.xml
<currency type="INR">
change to
<currency type="INR">
<currency type="USD">
<displayName>US Dollar</displayName>
I'm getting this message at the frontend and the backend: There has been an error processing your request.
When I delete the cache folders (var/cache, /tmp & /session) I get the frontend working again until I visit any page in the store with a price in it. The backend is harder to get working again (it isn't right now).
Checking the error logs I get a whole bunch of them starting with "Currency 'USD' not found". This all started happening after a few minor changes including changing the order of the currency code from "$ 100.00" to "100,00 €" which I did by editing /lib/Zend/Locale/Data/es.xml (the spanish language specification) here:
<pattern>¤ #,##0.00</pattern>
<unitPattern count="other">{0} {1}</unitPattern>
I tried returning to the previous format and then copying the original file back. Something else must have broken somewhere and I can't find it.
Here is a summary of the last steps in the Error logs (do you need them all?)
a:5:{i:0;s:24:"Currency 'USD' not found";i:1;s:3740:"#0 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Locale.php(575): Zend_Currency->__construct('USD', Object (Zend_Locale))
#1 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Directory/Model/Currency.php(233): Mage_Core_Model_Locale->currency ('EUR')
#2 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Directory/Model/Currency.php(216): Mage_Directory_Model_Currency->formatTxt(NULL, Array)
#3 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Directory/Model/Currency.php(197): Mage_Directory_Model_Currency->formatPrecision(NULL, 2, Array, true, false)
#4 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Dashboard/Bar.php(82): Mage_Directory_Model_Currency->format(NULL)
Please help me out here...
Clear cache, remove all session file from var/session and refresh.
First check your Magento Locale setting from admin panel
General->General->Locale Option
Locale // check what option is selected.
if option is english(United Kingdon)
Please update the locale file..or check if there are currency setting is available.
Go to cpanel and open magento file :
<currency type="USD">
<displayName>US Dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="one">US dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="other">US dollars</displayName>
OR YOU CAN ADD the option below
<unitPattern count="one">{0} {1}</unitPattern>
<unitPattern count="other">{0} {1}</unitPattern>
add the below lines
<currency type="USD">
<displayName>US Dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="one">US dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="other">US dollars</displayName>
<currency type="USN">
<displayName>US Dollar (Next day)</displayName>
<displayName count="one">US dollar (next day)</displayName>
<displayName count="other">US dollars (next day)</displayName>
after all the changes.. please clear the magento cache..to work all changes properly
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" creationComplete="init()" x="0" y="0" width="703" height="609" xmlns:ns1="*" >
import flash.events.*;
// stuff
private function onUncaughtError(e:UncaughtErrorEvent):void {
//Do Stuff
This gives:
apitester.mxml 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: UncaughtErrorEvent. /apitester/src line 35 Flex Problem
According to Adobe it is available in flex and Air.
The Flex 4/Eclipse build path shows:
Flex 4.0
Any ideas?
You need the Flex 4.1 SDK.
See: http://flassari.is/2010/06/global-error-handling-with-flash-player-10-1/
Also you need to specify to the flex compiler that you are require flash player 10.1 (not the minimum version required by the SDK which is 10.0) because earlier versions of the flash player do not support this.
You can simply add the playerglobal.swc from Flex SDK 4.1/frameworks/libs/player/10.1 to your build path. When you do so, you have to remove the linkage to the original framework playerglobal.swc
I have successfully generated password protected pdf using xsl fo from apache foundation's fop 0.95 engine. Now the problem comes with the base-link with external-destination specified. Clicking the links work no more. On hover, the link shows the tooltip of the form: "file:///C:/myfolder/some-strange-special-characters". However, this works successfully with the normal unprotected pdf, and on hover shows the following tooltip: "http://www.mysite.com". What should I do?
I use the following command line option to generate password protected pdf from xml using fop 0.95:
fop.bat -u myPassword -xml sample.xml -xsl sample.xsl -pdf sample.pdf
The syntax for placing link is:
<fo:base-link external-destination="http://www.mysite.com"></fo:base-link>
Thank you.
Just looks like a bug in FOP:
It seems to be a bug that is fixed but not actually released :/
EDIT: the fix for this bug was included in FOP 2.2