Can't solve "Currency 'USD' not found" error - magento

I'm getting this message at the frontend and the backend: There has been an error processing your request.
When I delete the cache folders (var/cache, /tmp & /session) I get the frontend working again until I visit any page in the store with a price in it. The backend is harder to get working again (it isn't right now).
Checking the error logs I get a whole bunch of them starting with "Currency 'USD' not found". This all started happening after a few minor changes including changing the order of the currency code from "$ 100.00" to "100,00 €" which I did by editing /lib/Zend/Locale/Data/es.xml (the spanish language specification) here:
<pattern>¤ #,##0.00</pattern>
<unitPattern count="other">{0} {1}</unitPattern>
I tried returning to the previous format and then copying the original file back. Something else must have broken somewhere and I can't find it.
Here is a summary of the last steps in the Error logs (do you need them all?)
a:5:{i:0;s:24:"Currency 'USD' not found";i:1;s:3740:"#0 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Locale.php(575): Zend_Currency->__construct('USD', Object (Zend_Locale))
#1 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Directory/Model/Currency.php(233): Mage_Core_Model_Locale->currency ('EUR')
#2 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Directory/Model/Currency.php(216): Mage_Directory_Model_Currency->formatTxt(NULL, Array)
#3 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Directory/Model/Currency.php(197): Mage_Directory_Model_Currency->formatPrecision(NULL, 2, Array, true, false)
#4 /home/content/32/9343032/html/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Dashboard/Bar.php(82): Mage_Directory_Model_Currency->format(NULL)
Please help me out here...

Clear cache, remove all session file from var/session and refresh.

First check your Magento Locale setting from admin panel
General->General->Locale Option
Locale // check what option is selected.
if option is english(United Kingdon)
Please update the locale file..or check if there are currency setting is available.
Go to cpanel and open magento file :
<currency type="USD">
<displayName>US Dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="one">US dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="other">US dollars</displayName>
OR YOU CAN ADD the option below
<unitPattern count="one">{0} {1}</unitPattern>
<unitPattern count="other">{0} {1}</unitPattern>
add the below lines
<currency type="USD">
<displayName>US Dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="one">US dollar</displayName>
<displayName count="other">US dollars</displayName>
<currency type="USN">
<displayName>US Dollar (Next day)</displayName>
<displayName count="one">US dollar (next day)</displayName>
<displayName count="other">US dollars (next day)</displayName>
after all the changes.. please clear the magento work all changes properly


WIX Change Product Name and Install directory from command line parameters

I ran into a typical scenario where it required to change product name as supplied from command line parameters as below
MSBuild.exe ApplicationSetup.wixproj /p:AssemblyTitle=%USER_SPECIFIED_NAME% /p:ProductVersion=%VERSION% /p:ProductCode=%PRODUCT_CODE% /p:UpgradeCode=%UPGRADE_CODE% /t:Clean;Rebuild"
I am using those supplied parameters in .wxi file. as below :
<Product Id="$(var.ProductCode)" Name="$(var.AssemblyTitle)" Language="4"
Manufacturer="!(loc.Manufacturer)" UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)">
This code compiles successfully. But the name of product in add/remove program is not reflecting correctly. I read that Product name cannot be supplied directly, it should be hard coded.Please advise on this.
Another typical requirement is to have multiple version installed of same product on a machine. I somewhat achieved this by doing following change in Product tag in .wxi file
<Product Id="*" Name="$(var.AssemblyTitle)" Language="4"
Manufacturer="!(loc.Manufacturer)" UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)">
Now here come the issue that second installation will overwrite the file generated during first installation. So it is required to change install directory dynamically.
I have posted this after struggling for couple of days and tried many solution, but all in vain. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Editing Hugo-Academic theme in `blogdown` doesn't show updates made

I am using blogdown for the first time and have installed the Hugo-academic theme via the recommended method, blogdown::new_site(theme = 'gcushen/hugo-academic').
I have started editing the config.toml and the updates render as expected. After attempting to edit the file it appears that none of the edits I've made are showing up. I've deleted some of the example files (such as Selected Projects, etc) however the site preview still shows them . I came across (Customize the "about" widget in hugo academic theme) which feels related, and upon executing hugo -v in terminal (within RStudio in the same project) I get the following error which I can't comprehend:
ERROR 2018/06/25 19:50:10 Error while rendering "home" in "": template: index.html:1:3: executing "index.html" at <partial "widget_page...>: error calling partial: template: partials/widget_page.html:23:9: executing "partials/widget_page.html" at <partial $widget $par...>: error calling partial: template: partials/widgets/projects.html:66:84: executing "partials/widgets/projects.html" at <delimit.Params.tags...>: error calling delimit: can't iterate over <nil>
An attempt at understanding: Have I deleted a file I should not have or not updated something in config.toml such that it is looking for a file which I've now deleted?
I'm on a Mac, and using RStudio version 1.1.453 in case it is useful to know
I will have to see what changes you have made in the config.toml.
If you scroll down in the config.toml file you should find [params.menus] in that the first menu is for About. It looks like this:
name = "About me"
url = "#about"
weight = 1
If the params are okay, and if you edited the file in the root>content>home folder it should be okay.

Currency 'USD' not found for Gujarati language

I am getting error Currency 'USD' not found when i change the language to Gujarati. Every thing is working fine on other languages like English, Spanish, France etc.
I have tried to remove all session and cahce from var/ directory. I am using Magento version 1.8 please help me on this.
edit file located in lib/Zend/Locale/Data/gu.xml
<currency type="INR">
change to
<currency type="INR">
<currency type="USD">
<displayName>US Dollar</displayName>

Error uploading big extensions to joomla on a localhost

I get the following error when I tried uploading the Akeeba Backup extension on my localhost: "There was an error uploading this file to the server."
I tried uploading JCE Editor and it worked fine. I understand this error appears because I cannot upload extensions bigger than X MB (JCE is 1,5MB and Akeeba is 2,25MB). So my guess is I cannot upload extensions bigger than 2MB.
Researching I came across two solutions, neither worked for me.
First solution:
In the file ini.php find the following line upload_max_filesize = xM and replace "x" with a value of 10 (for example). I could not find the above mentioned line in the ini.php file.
Second solution:
In your .htaccess add the following:
php_value max_upload_size 10M
added the code, nothing happened.
I am using Joomla 3.2
Rather than trying to manually find the correct line to edit, in your code editor, use Ctrl + F which will open up the "find" box. Copy and paste upload_max_filesize and click "find". This will take you to the exact line where it is located. Once changed, save the file and restart Apache/All services on your localhost.

Call to undefined function mysql_connect [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Apache\htdocs\test.php on line 2
(2 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I just installed PHP and Apache on my home PC. When I try to call function mysql_connect I get:
fatal error: call to undefined function mysql_connect.
I have loaded php.ini where I have uncommented lines extension=php_mysql.dll and
extension=php_mysqli.dll and changed extension directory to extension_dir = "C:\php\ext" - which is the directory where files php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll are. How can I fix this problem?
Output of phpinfo():
After looking at your phpinfo() output, it appears the mysql extensions are not being loaded. I suspect you might be editing the wrong php.ini file (there might be multiple copies). Make sure you are editing the php file at C:\php\php.ini (also check to make sure there is no second copy in C:\Windows).
Also, you should check your Apache logs for errors (should be in the \logs\ directory in your Apache install.
If you haven't read the below, I would take a look at the comments section, because it seems like a lot of people experience quirks with setting this up. A few commenters offer solutions they used to get it working.
Another common solution seems to be to copy libmysql.dll and php_mysql.dll from c:\PHP to C:\Windows\System32.
Background about my (similar) problem:
I was asked to fix a PHP project, which made use of short tags. My WAMP server's PHP.ini had short_open_tag = off.
In order to run the project for the first time, I modified this setting to short_open_tag = off.
PROBLEM Surfaced:
Immediately after this change, all my mysql_connect() calls failed. It threw an error
fatal error: call to undefined function mysql_connect.
Simply set short_open_tag = off.
My PC is running Windows 7 (Apache 2.2 & PHP 5.2.17 & MySQL 5.0.51a), the syntax in the file "httpd.conf" (C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf) was sensitive to slashes.
You can check if "php.ini" is read from the right directory. Just type in your browser "localhost/index.php". The code of index.php is the following:
echo phpinfo();
There is the row (not far from the top) called "Loaded Configuration File". So, if there is nothing added, then the problem could be that your "php.ini" is not read, even you uncommented (extension=php_mysql.dll and extension=php_mysqli.dll). So, in order to make it work I did the following step. I needed to change from
PHPIniDir 'c:\PHP\'
PHPIniDir 'c:\PHP'
Pay the attention that the last slash disturbed everything!
Now the row "Loaded Configuration File" gets "C:\PHP\php.ini" after refreshing "localhost/index.php" (before I restarted Apache2.2) as well as mysql block is there. MySQL and PHP are working together!
You have probably forgotten to restart apache/wamp/xamp/whatever webserver you use, you need to do that in order to make it work
Check your php.ini, I'm using Apache2.2 + php 5.3. and I had the same problem and after modify the php.ini in order to set the libraries directory of PHP, it worked correctly. The problem is the default extension_dir configuration value.
The default (and WRONG) value for my work enviroment is
; extension_dir="ext"
without any full path and commented with a semicolon.
There are two solution that worked fine for me.
1.- Including this line at php.ini file
Where X: is your drive letter instalation (normally C: or D: )
2.- You can try to simply uncomment, deleting semicolon. Include the next line at php.ini file
Both ways worked fine for me but choose yours. Don't forget restart Apache before try again.
I hope this help you.
Hi I got this error because I left out the ampersand (&) in
; php.ini
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
Be sure you edited php.ini in /php folder, I lost all day to detect error and finally I found I edited php.ini in wrong location.
After change our php.ini, make sure to restart Apache web server.
Just for future reference, copying all these extension files to Windows/System or Windows/System32 is unnecessary.
All that is required is a copy of the php.ini file you edit in the PHP dir to copied to the root Windows dir.
phpinfo will clearly explain the below:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path C:\Windows
Logical sense will explain that php wants to load a config located in the Windows dir. :-)
One time I had a problem while using Off instead of off. And also check the pads one more time... The path has to be exact. Also add the following line to your environmental variable.
C:\your-apache-path\bin; C:\your-php-path\bin;C:\your-mysql-path\bin
If you are in Windows, right click My Computer, select properties, and navigate to the Advanced tab... (is Windows 7). Click on Advanced system settings first then select the Advanced tab and then Environmental variables. Select PATH and click on Edit. Make a copy of the string in a .txt file for back up (it might be empty)--- set your environmental variables... Log out and log back in.
Since mysql_connect This extension was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, and it was removed in PHP 7.0.0. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used.
by default xampp does not load it automatically
in your php.ini file you should uncomment
;; extension=php_mysql.dll
Then restart your apache you should be fine
This same problem drove me nuts (Windows 10, Apache 2.4, MySql 5.7). For some reason (likely PATH related), the .dlls would not load after uncommenting the correct exension dlls and extension_dir = "ext" in php.ini. After trying numerous things, I simply changed "ext" to use the full directory path. For example. extension_dir = "c:/phpinstall/ext" and it worked.
I think that you should use mysqli_connect instead of mysql_connect
