Magento: Change default language - magento

I've searched for this for hours again, so here I am!
How do you change the default (English) language to any other language in Magento? Basically, I want all my customer from store B to arrive at the French version of the site first by default, not the English.
Thanks a lot

In the admin menu System > Configuration, the first tab shown should be General and it includes a Locale section. That is where you set a store's language. You can choose which store it applies to with the scope selection in the top left of the page.

Set those variables in .htaccess
SetEnv MAGE_RUN_CODE "here put store_code from BO for french version"
SetEnv MAGE_RUN_TYPE "store" <- this leave as it is

Go to Magento Admin
System > Configuration
Current Configuration Section from left side bar
Go to general block and then go to Local Options and select your default language and click on save config and clear your cache from admin then got to frontend and refresh the page you will see the default language is set to your desired language.

Login to backend then go to System > Manager Stores > Click "Main Website Store" and chose default Store you need.

You can use apache mod_rewrite for this purpose, check following rule :
## Redirect according to user's language
## you can put .htaccess file
RewriteEngine on
# French Users
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Language} ^fr [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ /fr/ [L,R=301]
# Default Page
RewriteRule ^$ /en/main-page [L,R=301]

Log into your admin System => Manage Stores => Click on the "default store view" in your case English Store (Change the sort order to (1) as this will become additional store view.)
And after click on the French store view Keep the sort order as zero (0) as this will be your default language.

Log in to magento admin => System -> Configuration. Then from the top left in "Current Configuration Scope:" select your stores and then click on Configuration of left side in GENERAL section click on General then click on "Locale Options" then select French from the dropdown in Locale section.

download language files and place them into the right folders (app > local)
Login to admin panel and go to System > Manage stores
Create a new store view
Login to admin panel and go to System > Configuration > General
and select each store view from “Current Configuration Scope” drop down menu at the upper left corner of the window.
Set the corresponding locale for each store view
Clear the cache (System – Cache Management)
In order to set the default language for magento, you must go to System > Manage Stores, click on the “Store Name” and set the default language from there
Beware of the content of your language pack. It must have been tested that it works properly.
Reference: Magento language pack installation

Tried everything that's written here except for changing .htaccess...
Nothing worked but I found another way:
System->Manage Stores
click on Main Website Store
change Default Store View to French
refresh the cache if it's not disabled yet
May be it's version dependent - mine is

I am not sure about his code but you could give a try for below code:
Add a language pack In Magento store view:
Creating a store view for a language is not too hard in magento follow the steps given below and you are done with it.
Step 1: Download the language pack you need and then unpack it to your Magento install folder.
It copies two folders: one goes to app\design\frontend\default\default\locale
and the other one to app\locale.
Step 2: Go to System > Configuration in your admin. On the left top corner in Current Configuration Scope dropdown box, you can see Default Config, and Main Store in English store view.
Step 3: Now let’s go and add the French store view. Under the dropdown box, there’s Manage Stores link or you can directly go to System > Manage Stores. Click the Create Store View link on top right, and type these in store view information form:
Store: Main Store
Name: French
Code: french
Status: Enabled
Sort order: 0
Step 4: Save, go back to System > Configuration. In Current Configuration Scope dropdown box, you now see there’s French store view. Click that link.
On Locale options tab on the left, uncheck the ‘use website’ checkbox then change the locale to French (France). Save.
Now you can have your website in French.

If no store is specifically set in MAGE_RUN_CODE, Magento displays the store with the lowest sort_order. Log in to your Magento Admin and go to System -> Manage Stores. Here, select each store and change the Sort Order field until the store you want to use as your default has the lowest sort order

System -> Configuration
1) if you have multiple store then:
Left upper corner (below menu-links) you will see "Current Configuration Scope:" select store from there.
after that continue to step 2
2) if single store then:
left side "General" -> "Default Country"
if "Default Country" not selectable then please uncheck "Use Website" right site to country box
Chirag Nandaniya

Please use this link and installed this extension in your magento store
and setup/create store view for french
Go to admin->system->configuration and do following steps
and from admin side just setup Country option to France by clicking on General Tab located in left side and also set default Currency by clicking on Currency Setup located in left side
but be careful to select Store view from first before applied above things from Current Configuration Scope: located on left side panel.
let me know if you have still facing any problem :)

The correct method is:
Go to System > Manage Stores. Click your main store name (for example Main Website Store) and in Default Store View field select French (I guess you have already created French as a Store View Name).


How can I change taxonomy term id to name in Drupal 7

Using the View Option in admin side have changed my website URL from to
After that my entire View (Page Browser) showing the articles (Associated with My-plans) with the heading and content with read more option. But I need the customized Page layout, I am getting the correct layout for the
But it's not working for
If I right understood your problem, you need to install Pathauto module and set up pattern for your taxonomy vocabulary (path to this settings admin/config/search/path/patterns).

Magento 1.6.2 Multiple Stores

I am trying to integrate multiple magento sites within the one installation. From what I have found i need to use a parked domain method however I have tried various methods to get it all working however I keep getting the 2nd store redirecting to the main store so I am looking for the best method to allow me to run multiple websites.
Any help is greatly appreciated
We currently have 4 stores all sharing one Magento installation & set of products. Each has it's own unique URL.
Create your Stores
Go to System -> Manage Stores
Click on Create Website. In the Name field, enter your store name. In the Code field, enter a unique code [lowercase & without spaces - we're going to give it a code of domain1 for our example] (to be used later) & Save.
Click on Create Store. In the Website field, select the website from step 2. In the Name field, enter a name. In the Root Category field, select the Root Category for your store & Save.
Click on Create Store View. Select the store you just created (from the dropdown menu) for Store. Type a name for your store in the Name field (Example from Magento is English Store). In the Code field, enter a unique string to identify the store view (just like for your store). Change the Status to Enabled & Save.
Repeat for all your stores
Configure your stores in the Magento Admin Configuration Section
Go to System -> Configuration
In the Store Scope (top-left dropdown), choose your first Store.
Choose Web from the Left-side menu
Open the Unsecure & Secure sections
Change the domains to what they would be (i.e. - Don't forget the trailing slash at the end
Repeat for all stores
Server Config (for Magento versions and greater)
Point your domain (e.g. - to your server where your single Magento instance is installed
Set up a Pointer/Parked domain on your server (see your Host's instructions or contact them)
In the .htaccess file on the root of your install, put in the following code for each of your stores
SetEnvIf Host .*
MAGE_RUN_CODE=domain1 <- This was your important code from step 2 under Create your Stores SetEnvIf Host
.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
This set of 2 must be repeated for every domain you have.
For our particular stores/domains (might find useful)
Some servers, particularly those running Litespeed Web Server, the SetEnvIf directive does not get recognized in the .htaccess file. This was particularly true for us.
We had to do the following
Find RewriteBase / or RewriteBase /magento/ or etc
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} [NC]
RewriteRule . - [E=MAGE_RUN_CODE:domain1]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} [NC]
RewriteRule . - [E=MAGE_RUN_TYPE:website]
We also have symlinks set up on our server (under each or our domains) to point to our main domain's folders (for the app, includes, js, lib, media, shell, skin, var)
Multi Store in Magento v1.6.2
in the VirtualHost configuration set the DocumentRoot to where you have your Magento installed (something like /var/www/magento), so it will be the same for every domain as we want only one Magento install for each domain
in Magento's admin, go to System -> Manage Stores and create your websites with their stores and store views (before that you'll have created one root category for each website). Reindex after everything is created
go to System -> Configuration and change the scope (the dropdown on the upper left) to one of the website. Go to the (General) Web -> Unsecure tab, uncheck the "Use Default" and indicate the domain in the Base URL field. Do the same for the secure
open the .htaccess at the root of your Magento install and at the end of it add the rules to determine which website to show according to the domain. For example, if you have set the codes website1 for and website2 for, put this:
SetEnvIf Host ^$ MAGE_RUN_CODE=website1
SetEnvIf Host ^$ MAGE_RUN_CODE=website2
SetEnv MAGE_RUN_TYPE website
and you're all set :)
Did you change your base urls for the second store configuration?
Navigate to:
Then change the Current Configuration Scope (top of left sidebar): your second store config
Deselect use default and enter your second store's path:
Base URL :
Secure Base URL:

Change Magento CMS Home page

I am using this groupon clone from contus
I am try to change the cms home page .Which as what i have observed can be found in
System > Configuration > Web > Default Pages
I tried changing the CMS Home Page .i chose the template that i made in
CMS > Pages
I am expecting the template to be loaded .and ugh after several tries, clearing the cache and even changing the Default Web URL into the templates URL Key .it didn't work
any suggestions?
Here's a screenshot of the default cms_home_page
I tried editing the config.xml in the
I changed the default > web > default > cms_home_page node into the coming-soon URL key .Still didn't work
I can access the page and the page as well .I just wonder, why the settings i applied in the admin (and can also be seen in the db) doesn't work.
you can simply go to system >> configuration >> and click on the web which is left in your window under general.
than click on Default Pages and set CMS Home Page
Second thing, You have to do "enable" this page and you can do it from
cms >> pages and click on the page which you have selected, than set status >> enable
The unique identifier in the CMS > Manage Content section just needs to be a unique string in the context of a store view. You should NOT use the frontname of a core module there (e.g. "cms"). Change your url key to something unique, and head to System > Configuration. Select Web. As long as the Default Web URL is set to cms, cms/index, or cms/index/index you should be able to simply choose the desired CMS page from the Default Web URL dropdown. Make sure you check other configuration scope settings (dropdown at top left) in case there is a rude setting set at a lower level.
FYI, what you "make" in the Manage Pages section are routes with content as opposed to "templates" (in Magento parlance). Templates are PHTML files under app/design.
Just to answer to those who reach this page;
If you see this behaviour you should check the store switcher in your top left. Choose your store and check the config for it.
Probably it's not using the default settings and overriding the global scope.

Magento: Setting the default homepage / store when you have multiple stores

I have a Magento installation with two store versions: Store A and Store B. When you go to '' I get this error message:
'There was no Home CMS page configured or found.'
Until you click on the link for either Store A or Store B -- then it saves the store in a cookie called 'store' and remembers this when you go to ''.
Is it possible to set 'Store A' as the selected store / homepage by default if no 'store' cookie exists yet?
Thanks for any help!
In the admin you go to System -> Configuration -> Web -> Default Pages
You will have to change to the website / store view that you want to change (the dropdown in the upper left corner). You will probably have to create a new CMS page if you want to have something different from your default home page.
go to System -> CMS -> Pages
choose Home Page Cms
and asign all view states that you want them for this cms
you could do it for another cms too

Can't change header logo in Magento?

I have created my own theme for magento, and I am trying to edit the logo and am having difficulty.
I have created my own local/Mage/Page/etc/config.xml file, and specified within the config the following:
I created a custom layout in the file as well. I can see the custom layout file in the CMS, but my changes to the logo do absolutely nothing. I have even tried changing the original core config.xml, it still stays the same.
On multiple websites, I have been told to go to System > Configuration > Design > Header, but I do not have the header option?
Help please!
The value you're changing (mostly likely, hard to tell without more context) in the configuration file is the default value for a the logo_src System Config variable. This is not want you want to do.
The people who've told to change the value in System -> Configuration -> Design -> Header are correct. If you don't have a header options there it's eitehr because
The person who setup your admin account didn't give you access (ask them)
You have the wrong configuration scope set (look in the upper left hand corner for the scope selector)
Someone tried to customize your Magento store and accidentally killed the header configuration
If you're desperate you could always search through your codebase for calls to getLogoSrc
and replace them with a hard coded image.
Save image at the below location
Login to the admin section
System > Configuration > General > Design > Header > Logo Image Src
-- Replace the images/logo.gif to images/your_image_name.png
Your default magneto front-end header logo will be changed to your custom logo.
I was only able to make my logo show (in Magento Community 1.9) after I placed the file in this directory: /skin/frontend/base/default/images/logo_YCZ.jpg
