category<->product relations - magento

I have this problem with magento, when I delete a product it won't decrease the amount of products in the category tree view. I found out that magento is not deleting the entry from the "catalog_category_product" table.
Can anyone think of a reason why this is happening? I'm trying to search the core where this function is being called (removing that row from the db) but I can't find it.
Help would be highly appreciated.

Refresh the Index (System > Index Management) and all should be set


Magento 2 different prices on page product and search results

For some reason I have for some,different prices on page product and search results.
The correct one is on the product page.
For example product page is 1.60 and search result page 1.20.
What I have done:
I have Magento 2.4.4
Change the product price in admin,I check the catalog_product_entity_decimal table to see the changes and it is update, then I see that I have to reindex the catalog_product_price index.
Once that is done the price is updated in the catalog_product_index_price table, but when I check the _replica one (catalog_product_index_price_replica) it is not updated.
This only happends to some products.Not sure what is happening
Because this is a search result page, I am using Amasty Elastic Search
I figured it out,it seems that in my case , when I updated a specific third party module, there was some sort of update on the table catalog_product_index_price_tmp.
I deleted the table and created it manually, bad mistake, this table is used for updating the catalog product index (not sure if others), it stores the information on that table and then copies its values to the _replica one, this table is always emptied when reindexing the price.
Solution was to delele the table
DROP TABLE `catalog_product_index_price_tmp`;
And then run the setup:upgrade , this table is created by magentos db_schema.xml in this file vendor/magento/module-catalog/etc/db_schema.xml
Hope this helps others

catalog price rules will not work after mid night in magento site

We have a problem with catalog price rules in 1.9.0
We uploaded 1000 products in a site.
After catalog price rules to give discount for 500 products, there is no date limit for catalog price rules. Those special prices are displaying only until mid-night.
Next day, after mid-night, special prices are not displaying in site.
cron job is working fine.
Please help me to find some solution.
this issue was only solved for me with this:
The problem is in Mage_CatalogRule_Model_Action_Index_Refresh::execute() function. You will have to rewrite this function/class either in your extension, or via the local version of the file.
You have to replace line 121 here :
$timestamp = $coreDate->gmtTimestamp('Today');
with this line:
$timestamp = Mage::app()->getLocale()->date(null, null, null, true)->get(Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
view the original post:
Step 1:
Please make sure that Cron is working fine. For this you can install AOE Scheduler extension.
Step 2:
You need to debug the issue by debugging magento tables. Following tables used for catalog rules:
You can delete all catalog rules and create one single rule for one product and check following tables:
catalogrule_product - In this table Magento will manage all product discount percent for all customer group.
catalogrule_product_price - In this table Magento will manage discounted final price for each product. Here magento will insert three days record for each record. you can check this by "rule_date" field.
If it is work perfectly. Then Again After deleting all Catalog rules again, Please truncate following tables from MySQL.
As due to many records primary key reach on maximum limit and try again by creating rule for 500 products. hope it will start work.
Hope this help!!
As stated above by #Davi-Reinoldo the problem is with the indexer.
I had this problem as well, the issue exists when there is an offset of the local timezone greater than +01:00.
Basically just because magento is using the gmtTimestamp for the rule date which in the above stated case results in the day before today.
Therefor I developed a small module to fix the issue.
If someone ever has this problem, please give it a try.

Magento urlkey field - how can I increase field length?

I am trying to fix a bug in magento with duplicate url keys. The product names are unique but because the urlkey field is cutting off 30 characters before product name duplicates are occuring and the url rewrite table just grows with each reindex.
this link appeared to offer an elegant solution
BUT I don't think it will work as there will be no space to add the sku to the urlkey.
So my question is, is it possible to increase the length of the urlkey field please?
magento system has cached the database's table filed length,
so clear magento cache.
click Flush Magento Cache button

Magento catalog URL rewrite indexing taking too long

I've been dealing with this problem with around 10k+ products in two store views in magento 1.7.
The URL indexing process took around 30 hours to change its state to ready. Also i found multiple entries of the same product being made in the core_url_rewrite table and the number of rows now reached upto 6500k.
This is causing deadlocks. I tried clearing the locks but that didn't help. Is there a workaround solution for this problem as this is magento core functionality?
There's some good general advice on the Magento Stack Exchange site covering common indexing problems.
It's also common for larger store to create a rewrite/code-pool-override for the following method
#File: app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Url.php
protected function _getProducts($productIds, $storeId, $entityId, &$lastEntityId)
This method queries for the products that need a URL reindex. By default, this includes all simple and configurable products. However, if you're not displaying simple products individually, you can tweak this query to not include those products. That can greatly reduce the number of URLs Magento needs to generate.

Category coming at inappropriate place

I worked on this and it is live now. Please have a look at it. The problem is that the category named "Carbide rod" is not assigned to that "PCD inserts" category. But still showing. I don't know whats the problem in it. Please help me on it.
You probably have enabled flat tables to be used on front, which is generally a good idea. The thing to remember, though, is to perform a Category Flat Data re-index in Admin Panel. Go to System > Index Management and do a reindex of Category Flat Data.
Next you should Flush Cache Storage at System > Cache Management.
If that won't help, then check how your category tree looks on a Store View level. Magento allows to have different category trees for each store view.
Carbide rods category is not displayed under PCD inserts, whats your question exactly I'm not getting it.
