Category coming at inappropriate place - magento

I worked on this and it is live now. Please have a look at it. The problem is that the category named "Carbide rod" is not assigned to that "PCD inserts" category. But still showing. I don't know whats the problem in it. Please help me on it.

You probably have enabled flat tables to be used on front, which is generally a good idea. The thing to remember, though, is to perform a Category Flat Data re-index in Admin Panel. Go to System > Index Management and do a reindex of Category Flat Data.
Next you should Flush Cache Storage at System > Cache Management.
If that won't help, then check how your category tree looks on a Store View level. Magento allows to have different category trees for each store view.

Carbide rods category is not displayed under PCD inserts, whats your question exactly I'm not getting it.


Avoid query each time the page is loaded

I work on an educational website in which we show dynamic filters. What does this mean? We now have several course categories that will increase in number in the following weeks.
Right now categories are a string field in each course. I'm planning to model this and create a Categories table. Having done this, it would be pretty easy to load the filters based on the categories we have on the database. However, I see the problem that each time the website is loaded, the query will be made.
I thought of caching these categories but I'm guessing is not the best solution.
Any idea on how can I avoid these queries each time but get this information from the database?

Magento catalog URL rewrite indexing taking too long

I've been dealing with this problem with around 10k+ products in two store views in magento 1.7.
The URL indexing process took around 30 hours to change its state to ready. Also i found multiple entries of the same product being made in the core_url_rewrite table and the number of rows now reached upto 6500k.
This is causing deadlocks. I tried clearing the locks but that didn't help. Is there a workaround solution for this problem as this is magento core functionality?
There's some good general advice on the Magento Stack Exchange site covering common indexing problems.
It's also common for larger store to create a rewrite/code-pool-override for the following method
#File: app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Url.php
protected function _getProducts($productIds, $storeId, $entityId, &$lastEntityId)
This method queries for the products that need a URL reindex. By default, this includes all simple and configurable products. However, if you're not displaying simple products individually, you can tweak this query to not include those products. That can greatly reduce the number of URLs Magento needs to generate.

Can I Make A Product Collection Use Flat Tables in Magento

In my Magento store I currently have Flat Catalog Product turned Off because it breaks some custom code I have on my site.
However, I am have a single instance where it would greatly help me to have the collection use the flat table as opposed to the EAV tables.
Is there a way I can tell the product collection to use the flat tables as opposed to the EAV tables in my code?
This is a great opportunity to fix your custom code :) In the default system, flat catalog is either turned on or off, not with any level of granularity. Depending on the nature of the hack that breaks the flat catalog, it may be possible to avoid that issue and just it turned on globally.
Perhaps more detail into the issue that caused you to leave it turned off?

When are Magento rule-based product relations worked out?

Magento's rule-based product relations (up-sell, cross-sell etc) are stored in a database table, and I assume they are updated once in a while. Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation about when that happens or what triggers it. Is it:
Cached, like a block, and expires after a certain time?
Generated whenever you save a product?
Generated by CRON?
I'd really appreciate it is someone could fill in the blanks for me. I'm using the Enterprise edition, if that helps or makes any difference.
So I dug around the product link data a bit. The relevant object we're looking at here is catalog/product_link, which the catalog/product object uses to retrieve linked object data.
While grouped and bundle products seem to write to this in cronjobs, I have not found any cases where this data is written in a cron-job for actual upsell/cross-sell products. I will keep digging a bit, but this seems to imply that the products are calculated at save time.
Hope that helps!
Search for the observers on events "catalog_product_save_before" and "catalog_product_save_after" to see in your project when it is fired and what function is called.
In the enterprise edition the observer fired is enterprise_targetrule/observer, function : catalogProductAfterSave ...

category<->product relations

I have this problem with magento, when I delete a product it won't decrease the amount of products in the category tree view. I found out that magento is not deleting the entry from the "catalog_category_product" table.
Can anyone think of a reason why this is happening? I'm trying to search the core where this function is being called (removing that row from the db) but I can't find it.
Help would be highly appreciated.
Refresh the Index (System > Index Management) and all should be set
