Add a NEXT button to a Split View Controller - view

2 days of reading every posting i could get my hands on with no luck. Here is what I am trying to do:
I have a standard split view controller that loads a new view controller on the Right for each item you choose on the Left. Standard easy stuff. Now the "impossible part". I have added a big button in the middle of each detail view controller. I want to click the button and have it automatically advance to the next view (simulating someone actually clicking the next item in the root view in the left).
A bonus would be to actually have the left root view side also highlight the next row in the list when the button is hit.
I'd pay fifty bucks for working sample code "not much I know".

I think you should probably read the ViewController Programming tutorial...


Navigation - SplitView or Pivot

I'd like to ask you, what do you think, which control is better for navigation. What I mean?
Now I have Pivot control with 2 PivotItems. One of them is named Contacts. This PivotItem contains Frame. And the frame makes new navigation on page with contacts (listview). Why Frame? When I click on some contact I need to show details of current contact. But I need to display it inside PivotItem, therefore I use inner frame. So I can still see main view and other pivot items. I think, that pivot is not right control for it. Or I should show contact details for whole screen, not only in pivotitem.
FrameA and FrameB. FrameA has navigated from Main to Page1. Page1 has a Pivot that hosts FrameB in PivotItem1 and FrameB has navigated from View1 to View 2 and from View2 to View 3
I suggest you start reading up on navigation basics for Windows 10 and look at some other apps how they do it.
You could use a navigation pane (which is mostly done using a SplitView), in which you show your contacts grid in the main panel and navigate to a single contact when clicking on it. The other item in your navigation pane would be the title for your 2nd pivot tab.
If you want to keep your contact list visibile at all time and show the details of a single contact next to it, the alternative is using master-detail. Either on a full screen, or by placing the master detail on the main panel of your SpltView.
You can find a master-detail control in the UWP Community Toolkit.

MS Access trying to link a record with a page tab

I've been searching for a few days and doing every word combination I can think of to try to find the answer to my issue. I'm hoping someone can help me.
Before I begin I'd also like to say I'm very new to Access and admittedly not great with it. I'm still learning so this could be a very easy fix or I may have messed up beyond belief.
The issue I'm having is I've setup several page tab on a form and entered all the information for my records. However I cannot get the page tabs to pull up the corresponding records. Instead I have to either search through the records which doesn't always work or I have to arrow to the right record after selecting the tab I want. I'd like it so that when I click the tab it brings up the proper record automatically. If someone can point out where I'm going wrong and how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it. See below for some pics of what I mean.
As you can see in the first image. The tab name "Auto PLUS" doesn't bring up the proper record. instead I have to manually change the record using the arrows at the bottom of the form (see the arrow at the bottom of the image) in order to change the record. I need the record and the tab to match. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
Assuming your form is bound (if in design mode your fields do NOT say "Unbound" then your form is bound), you simply need to add some VBA code to each tab's OnClick event.
Enter design mode and select the first tab "Claims Other". Open the properties pane, click the event tab, and click the ellipsis at the end of the OnClick line. When prompted, select "Code Builder" and it should launch the Visual Basic Editor.
It will put your cursor automatically in the correct position. Copy/Paste:
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Form1, acGoTo, 1
The 1 should correspond to "Claims Other's" proper record in your table. Use the row number, not the ID number to determine what it should be.
Go back to Form View and click on the "Claims Other's" tab. The data should show the corresponding record in your table.
Repeat the steps of adding events to each tab, finding the relevant record in your table, and replacing the 1 from the above code.

Two actions in with same action link in mvc 3

i have one problem. In my project i have one NEXT button. I when i click the next button i need to save all the records of page and also go to the next page at the same instance. Similar in next page also same process repeated. I have used single view and used the pagination.
I am little bit confused how to proceed. I have different Action result for Save and Next page.
SO any good way to move forward
Since you have 2 action method which is save and next, why dont you call the Save action when the "NEXT" button is clicked, and then in your save action, just return the call to the Next action?
Hope I understand you right :)

How to implement a Chained menu in PHP?

I want to have a AJAX Function of implementing a chained menu + a result table.
What i need to do:
Firstly, the page populate automatically a vertical menu from MySQL and a result table.
Secondly, when i click an item in the menu, it displays a submenu in a fixed area in the page and a new result table.
Thirdly, when i click an item in the submenu, it displays a sub-submenu in another fixed area in this page and a new result table.
Last, when i click an item in the sub-submenu, it displays a result table.
All the result tables are in the same position. It changes depending on the click in the menus.
I'm lost in how to do that. Do you any ideas about how to implement this? Thanks so much.
The effect is a little like this: effect
Your First, Second, Third, Last very much looks like
I believe it is written in Javascript+jQuery, so you could learn from its source.

SL3 dataform validation indicators don't show in tab pages

I have a Prism/SL3 application with a tab control and each page of the tab control is a "Region" that has its own view and viewModel. when I want to validate the main page, I call dataForm.ValidateItem(), then I go to all the child views and do the same. the problem is, only the pages which user has clicked on them (on the tab page), get instantiated and the pages that are never shown, don't have their view instantiated, thus I can't validate them.
any help?
I created a psuedo work around for this. It's very hacky, but it does work. My example involved walking the visual tree (up and down) to find respective controls that are invalid and then "expanding" the selected item. I have used an accordian in my example, but have also tested this with tab:
EDIT: Link updated.
