Does Labjs postpone the execution of the loaded scripts til the DOM is ready? - loading

The question is regarding the – an awesome library for non-blocking JavaScript loading and dependencies managing.
I've read the docs, but I must be too tired or something – I couldn't find anything regarding DOM ready event. Are the scripts executed after the DOM's ready or not?
Perhaps if I do:
// interacting with DOM
Will it be safe? Or should I use some kind of $(function() {}) etc.?

Any script loader, by default, acts to unblock script loading from the page's DOM-ready and onload events, at least by intent/definition.
So, the straightforward answer is, NO, LABjs will not block script execution until DOM-ready. Some scripts loaded by LABjs may run before DOM-ready, while others may run after DOM-ready.
If you truly have cases where your code needs to wait for the DOM, you should use a framework like jQuery and use its built-in DOM-ready wrapper $(document).ready(...) to make that logic DOM-ready-safe.
However, there are many cases where people think they need to wait for DOM-ready, when they really don't:
Most people conflate DOM-ready with "all scripts are done loading". If you are simply waiting for DOM-ready because you need to ensure that all your scripts have loaded, this is a mistaken and incorrect assumption to be making. Instead, use the facility of your script loader to determine when all scripts are loaded, and run them at the appropriate time, regardless of the DOM loading. With LABjs, this is as simple as having all your scripts in a single $LAB chain, and having a final .wait() at the end of the chain -- you can be assured that your code in that .wait() callback will not run until all the scripts have loaded and run.
Most people think they need to wait for DOM-ready to do things like attaching event handlers, or firing off Ajax requests. This is also an incorrect assumption. If your code simply queries the DOM for elements to attach event handlers to, or if you are doing nothing with the DOM at all, but are instead making Ajax calls, don't wrap your logic in a DOM-ready wrapper.
On the flip side, many people assume that if your code runs at the end of the body tag, then you don't need to wait for DOM-ready. Wrong. DOM-ready is DOM-ready, regardless where your code is specified.
In general, the only time your code really needs to be wrapped in a DOM-ready wrapper is if it is going to modify the DOM. Otherwise, don't wait for DOM-ready to run your code. Be smart about what is wrapped and what isn't.

How about using jQuery's awesome Deferred object?
This works like a charm:
var waitThenLaunch = function() {
var deferredDocReady = $.Deferred();
$(document).ready(function() {
var deferredScriptsReady = $.Deferred();
// Load your last remaining scripts and launch!!!
$LAB.script('last.js').wait(function(){ deferredScriptsReady.resolve(); });
$.when(deferredDocReady, deferredScriptsReady).done(function() { launchApp(); });
.script('another_script.js').wait(function(){ waitThenLaunch(); });
Find an excellent explanation here:


Synchronous XMLHttpRequest deprecated

Today, I had to restart my browser due to some issue with an extension. What I found when I restarted it, was that my browser (Chromium) automatically updated to a new version that doesn't allow synchronous AJAX-requests anymore. Quote:
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of
its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help,
I need synchronous AJAX-requests for my node.js applications to work though, as they store and load data from disk through a server utilizing fopen. I found this to be a very simplistic and effective way of doing things, very handy in the creation of little hobby projects and editors... Is there a way to re-enable synchronous XMLHttpRequests in Chrome/Chromium?
This answer has been edited.
Short answer:
They don't want sync on the main thread.
The solution is simple for new browsers that support threads/web workers:
var foo = new Worker("scriptWithSyncRequests.js")
Neither DOM nor global vairables aren't going to be visible within a worker but encapsulation of multiple synchronous requests is going to be really easy.
Alternative solution is to switch to async but to use browser localStorage along with JSON.stringify as a medium. You might be able to mock localStorage if you allowed to do some IO.
Just for fun, there are alternative hacks if we want to restrict our self using only sync:
It is tempting to use setTimeout because one might think it is a good way to encapsulate synchronous requests together. Sadly, there is a gotcha. Async in javascript doesn't mean it gets to run in its own thread. Async is likely postponing the call, waiting for others to finish. Lucky for us there is light at the end of the tunnel because it is likely you can use xhttp.timeout along with xhttp.ontimeout to recover. See Timeout XMLHttpRequest
This means we can implement tiny version of a schedular that handles failed request and allocates time to try again or report error.
// The basic idea.
function runSchedular(s)
setTimeout(function() {
if (s.ptr < callQueue.length) {
// Handles rescheduling if needed by pushing the que.
// Remember to set time for xhttp.timeout.
// Use xhttp.ontimeout to set default return value for failure.
// The pushed function might do something like: (in pesudo)
// if !d1
// d1 = get(http...?query);
// if !d2
// d2 = get(http...?query);
// if (!d1) {pushQue tryAgainLater}
// if (!d2) {pushQue tryAgainLater}
// if (d1 && d2) {pushQue handleData}
s = s.callQueue[s.ptr++](s);
} else {
// Clear the que when there is nothing more to do.
s.ptr = 0;
s.callQueue = [];
// You could implement an idle counter and increase this value to free
// CPU time.
s.t = 200;
}, s.t);
Doesn't "deprecated" mean that it's available, but won't be forever. (I read elsewhere that it won't be going away for a number of years.) If so, and this is for hobby projects, then perhaps you could use async: false for now as a quick way to get the job done?

When to use async false and async true in ajax function in jquery

When to use use async false or async true in an ajax call. In terms of performance does it make any difference ?
example :
url : endpoint,
type : "post",
async : false,
success : function(data) {
if (i==1){
else if (i==2)
capture = data;
It's not relative to performance...
You set async to false, when you need that ajax request to be completed before the browser passes to other codes:
// ...
$.ajax(... async: false ...); // Hey browser! first complete this request,
// then go for other codes
$.ajax(...); // Executed after the completion of the previous async:false request.
When async setting is set to false, a Synchronous call is made instead of an Asynchronous call.
When the async setting of the jQuery AJAX function is set to true then a jQuery Asynchronous call is made. AJAX itself means Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and hence if you make it Synchronous by setting async setting to false, it will no longer be an AJAX call.
for more information please refer this link
It is best practice to go asynchronous if you can do several things in parallel (no inter-dependencies).
If you need it to complete to continue loading the next thing you could use synchronous, but note that this option is deprecated to avoid abuse of sync:
jQuery.ajax() method's async option deprecated, what now?
In basic terms synchronous requests wait for the response to be received from the request before it allows any code processing to continue. At first this may seem like a good thing to do, but it absolutely is not.
As mentioned, while the request is in process the browser will halt execution of all script and also rendering of the UI as the JS engine of the majority of browsers is (effectively) single-threaded. This means that to your users the browser will appear unresponsive and they may even see OS-level warnings that the program is not responding and to ask them if its process should be ended. It's for this reason that synchronous JS has been deprecated and you see warnings about its use in the devtools console.
The alternative of asynchronous requests is by far the better practice and should always be used where possible. This means that you need to know how to use callbacks and/or promises in order to handle the responses to your async requests when they complete, and also how to structure your JS to work with this pattern. There are many resources already available covering this, this, for example, so I won't go into it here.
There are very few occasions where a synchronous request is necessary. In fact the only one I can think of is when making a request within the beforeunload event handler, and even then it's not guaranteed to work.
In summary. you should look to learn and employ the async pattern in all requests. Synchronous requests are now an anti-pattern which cause more issues than they generally solve.

Winjs Promise Async test

I m developping a Winjs/HTML windows Store application .
I have to do some tests every period of time so let's me explain my need.
when i navigate to my specific page , I have to test (without a specific time in advance=loop)
So when my condition is verified it Will render a Flyout(Popup) and then exit from the Promise. (Set time out need a specific time but i need to verify periodically )
I read the msdn but i can't fullfill this goal .
If someone has an idea how to do it , i will be thankful.
Every help will be appreciated.
setInterval can be used.
var timerId = setInternal(function ()
// do you work.
}, 2000); // timer event every 2s
// invoke this when timer needs to be stopped or you move out of the page; that is unload() method
Instead of polling at specific intervals, you should check if you can't adapt your code to use events or databinding instead.
In WinJS you can use databinding to bind input values to a view model and then check in its setter functions if your condition has been fulfilled.
Generally speaking, setInterval et al should be avoided for anything that's not really time-related domain logic (clocks, countdowns, timeouts or such). Of course there are situations when there's no other way (like polling remote services), so this may not apply to your situation at hand.

How to wait until the embedded ajax call is completed when injecting my script?

It's Google Chrome extension development. I'm using content script to inject into webpages. However some webpages have their own ajax scripts that change the content dynamically. How do I wait until such scripts are completed, since before their completion my script cannot obtain the correct content?
For example,
1- on Google search result page,
2- I want to append "text" to title of every search result item, which could be easily done by calling,
3- then listen to the search query change, done by
$('input[name="q"]').change( function(eventObj){
console.log("query changed");
// DOESN'T work
The last line doesn't work probably because at the time it's executed the page is still refreshing and $('h3') is not available. Google uses ajax to refresh the search result when the query is changed on the page.
So the question is how to capture this change and still be able to append "text" every time successfully?
Have tried and didn't work either:
and using .delay() is not really preferred.
.delay() is simply not designed to solve pause the execution of scripts other than UI effects. An workaround is
$('input[name="q"]').change(function(eventObj) {
setTimeout(function() {
$('h3[class="r"]').append(" text");
}, 1000);
But as I argued before, setTimeout() is connection-speed dependent, not preferred because I have to manually balance the time of waiting and the speed of response (of my script).
Although this post is down-voted for god-knows-why I'll still be waiting for an elegant answer.
Maybe with jQuery 1.7+ (or with older version using "live" or "delegate")
$('form').on( "change", 'input[name="q"]', function(eventObj){
console.log("query changed");
If form is another element, change it accordingly.

How to know when a web page is loaded when using QtWebKit?

Both QWebFrame and QWebPage have void loadFinished(bool ok) signal which can be used to detect when a web page is completely loaded. The problem is when a web page has some content loaded asynchronously (ajax). How to know when the page is completely loaded in this case?
I haven't actually done this, but I think you may be able to achieve your solution using QNetworkAccessManager.
You can get the QNetworkAccessManager from your QWebPage using the networkAccessManager() function. QNetworkAccessManager has a signal finished ( QNetworkReply * reply ) which is fired whenever a file is requested by the QWebPage instance.
The finished signal gives you a QNetworkReply instance, from which you can get a copy of the original request made, in order to identify the request.
So, create a slot to attach to the finished signal, use the passed-in QNetworkReply's methods to figure out which file has just finished downloading and if it's your Ajax request, do whatever processing you need to do.
My only caveat is that I've never done this before, so I'm not 100% sure that it would work.
Another alternative might be to use QWebFrame's methods to insert objects into the page's object model and also insert some JavaScript which then notifies your object when the Ajax request is complete. This is a slightly hackier way of doing it, but should definitely work.
The second option seems better to me. The workflow is as follows:
Attach a slot to the QWebFrame::javascriptWindowObjectCleared() signal. At this point, call QWebFrame::evaluateJavascript() to add code similar to the following:
window.onload = function() { // page has fully loaded }
Put whatever code you need in that function. You might want to add a QObject to the page via QWebFrame::addToJavaScriptWindowObject() and then call a function on that object. This code will only execute when the page is fully loaded.
Hopefully this answers the question!
To check the load of specific element you can use a QTimer. Something like this in python:
def on_webView_loadFinished(self):
self.tObject = QTimer()
def on_tObject_timeout(self):
dElement =
element = dElement.findFirst("css selector")
if element.isNull():
print "Page loaded"
When your initial html/images/etc finishes loading, that's it. It is completely loaded. This fact doesn't change if you then decide to use some javascript to get some extra data, page views or whatever after the fact.
That said, what I suspect you want to do here is expose a QtScript object/interface to your view that you can invoke from your page's script, effectively providing a "callback" into your C++ once you've decided (from the page script) that you've have "completely loaded".
Hope this helps give you a direction to try...
The OP thought it was due to delayed AJAX requests but there also could be another reason that also explains why a very short time delay fixes the problem. There is a bug that causes the described behaviour:
To work around this problem the loadingFinished() signal must be connected using queued connection.
