Not able to login to my instance - amazon-ec2

I created an instance of ubuntu ec2 yesterday and I was trying to configure it and I stopped the serer before going home last night, when I tried log on to the same instance using ssh from my ubuntu I am getting an error which says connection timed out. I am not able to login to the instance now

If you stopped the instance, and the instance was ebs-backed then you should be able to start it using the ec2 api.
Describe the instance using the ec2-describe-instances/instance-attributes api and use ec2-run-instance start it. Once started, use the above api to retrieve the public dns name.
Using this you should be able to login to that same machine again.
if you have terminated an instance-store based virtual machine, then you can kiss it goodbye.


AWS beanstalk (eb init) - set time on window machine

I am running through an issue to connect to the eb instance of aws.
Whenever I try to log in, it comes back with that issue :
ERROR: The current user does not have the correct permissions. Reason: Operation Denied. Signature expired: 20200419T095048Z is now earlier than 20200419T095113Z (20200419T095613Z - 5 min.)
I found this link that explains that I need to synchronize my local machine with AWS one.
However, I am not able to find any documentation on doing that process for windows machine.
I am running window 10 and super newbie on AWS.
I try to deploy a flask application on beanstalk but I cannot connect to my EC2 Instance now.
Thanks for your help.
I found that you need to update your clock on your machine so it is being sync with the internet.
Window provides several clock server to enable that.
here is an article for Linux system :
And how to change time for windows machine :

SSH connection in Amazon EC2 crashes after a while

I am testing the free services from Amazon EC2. I followed the manual and was able to access the server. After one minute inside the server, it crashes and I have to close my console and reboot the instance.
By reading the guides from Amazon, I found that I should set the Route Table, which I was not able to find. Maybe the dashboard has changed.

AWS EC2 Instance OS repair

I have Apache server running on Centos5.4 Ec2 instance. Unfortunately while removing Bash from Centos, it also removed basic shared libraries.
Now afterward I can't SSH to that EC2 instance but Apache server is still running (I can access my site through URL).
Any idea how can I get the SSH access back? or can repair Centos Ec2 instance?
You can always contact the AWS support directly. They are very accommodating. send a message to them and they will recover your access, if it is doable from their end.
You may call, or you may send a message from your AWS account.

Amazon EC2, failed to ssh due to ssh server not started

I added a bad script in startup script, turned out this script is blocking and hence ubuntu instance can't boot up to ssh server and I can't ssh into it. Is there a way for me to go to the server console (like from VGA port)? like go to single-user mode or safe mode and fix it?
Thanks in advance.
I don't know of any way to obtain server console access or change boot modes on the EC2 instances...
I had the same issue sometime ago, and I ended up creating a temporary EC2 instance, mounting the root device from the original (failing) EC2 there, modifying the files, then reattaching the device and destroying the temporary instance. Note: you may end up paying more depending on which instance type you launch.

not able to acces the aws ec2 instance

I am trying to access aws ec2 instance from putty and winscp but it is not getting connected to the instance. It was getting accessed previously in normal for but dont know from few days it is nt been accesible.
Please can anyone help me with its solution.
Thanks in advance
There is possibility that the aws instance may get hanged to the possible solution is to restart the aws instance. But make sure we take the backup of the current instance and restart the hanged instance and after successful restarting deleted the duplicate instance.
