not able to acces the aws ec2 instance - amazon-ec2

I am trying to access aws ec2 instance from putty and winscp but it is not getting connected to the instance. It was getting accessed previously in normal for but dont know from few days it is nt been accesible.
Please can anyone help me with its solution.
Thanks in advance

There is possibility that the aws instance may get hanged to the possible solution is to restart the aws instance. But make sure we take the backup of the current instance and restart the hanged instance and after successful restarting deleted the duplicate instance.


AWS EC2 - Get access logs of AWS EC2 Instance logged in by RDP

I have created a windows instance and got .rdp file. How can i get the access logs i.e WHO and WHEN the instance is logged into with this .rdp file. Also, how much time was it used. Need help with the approaches of how to achieve this.
that possible completely to get each events log using Cloudwatch log Agent and system manager service which work on SSM Agents but this will work for Instances have Outbound Access to send logs to Cloudwatch. and the best part is AWS have amazing documentation for the same to setup a Cloudwatch for Windows Instances . Please have a look on this Windows logs with Cloudwatch
I have myself setup it for Windows server as per the need we can be flexible. let me know if you stuck while following this document.
This is one of the best approach .

Opening Realm Dashboard on Amazon EC2

I'm trying to setup Realm Object Server on Amazon EC2.
I've used the public AMI on North Virginia, and I have a running instance. I'm doing all this from Europe as most of my users are in the USA.
Now I'm trying to access
I've tried to open the different ports as indicated but I feel that what I've done is incorrect.
I've also tried to open all traffic but I still have a timeout on the page. I'm probably doing something wrong here, I'm not sure what.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for trying out our AWS AMI! It would be helpful to know the AMI ID that you ran, as that can help us track down problems for others. In fact, we've released new AMIs this morning. Check our website for the latest available AMI IDs.
In the meantime, can you check if the realm-object-server service is running? You can check this via SSH and by running:
sudo service realm-object-server status
So I managed to make things work!
I guess my issue is that I was somehow on the wrong security group.
When looking at your running instances, be sure to hit your security group at the right of the instance row, in order to be able to configure the correct one.
Then, configure a Custom TCP Rule with port 9080.
That's it!

EC2 instance running not accessible

I'm running a master server on an EC2 linux instance with code deploy running a spring boot app.
I can ssh to the instance and i can see that the application is up and running, but i can't ping or hit the api. i set it up the same as i did our development server that is accessible.
the only thing i see is different is the subnet. is that to do with that and can i change it after the instance is up already?
The rules are open for all, there is a public ip.
i have tried noting, Not quite sure what to do, help would be welcome!
Ok, turns out my security group wasn't open for all after all... so that was the issue. Thanks

AWS EC2 Instance OS repair

I have Apache server running on Centos5.4 Ec2 instance. Unfortunately while removing Bash from Centos, it also removed basic shared libraries.
Now afterward I can't SSH to that EC2 instance but Apache server is still running (I can access my site through URL).
Any idea how can I get the SSH access back? or can repair Centos Ec2 instance?
You can always contact the AWS support directly. They are very accommodating. send a message to them and they will recover your access, if it is doable from their end.
You may call, or you may send a message from your AWS account.

Not able to login to my instance

I created an instance of ubuntu ec2 yesterday and I was trying to configure it and I stopped the serer before going home last night, when I tried log on to the same instance using ssh from my ubuntu I am getting an error which says connection timed out. I am not able to login to the instance now
If you stopped the instance, and the instance was ebs-backed then you should be able to start it using the ec2 api.
Describe the instance using the ec2-describe-instances/instance-attributes api and use ec2-run-instance start it. Once started, use the above api to retrieve the public dns name.
Using this you should be able to login to that same machine again.
if you have terminated an instance-store based virtual machine, then you can kiss it goodbye.
