What will happen if two different programs try to write to the same file simulatneously? - file-locking

What will happen if two different
programs try to write to the same
file simultaneously?
Will one of the programs experience
a file lock error?
How should programs be designed to
handle this scenario?

When the second app (or thread) try to open the file for writing it would throw IO exception.. simple..

say you have user A and user B, what you can do is, let both of them modify the content, there will be a small difference in time however "simultaneous" you want it to be, so check which user has "submitted" the changes first, save those changes and prompt a smart message to the next user saying "file has been updated, check changes before.. blah blah".

Use FileLock to avoid IO Exception when file is being accessed by multiple threads.


Limitations on file append when using in multi-processed environment

My process creates a log file and appends a new line at the end of the file by using a, e.g:
fopen("log.txt", "a");
The order of the writes is not critical, but I need to ensure that fopen always succeeds. My question is, can the call above be executed from multiple processes at the same time on Windows, Linux and macOS without any race-condition?
If not, what is the most common and easy way to ensure I can write to the log file? There is file-lokcing, but also a file-lock (aka log.txt.lock) possible. Could anyone share some insights or resources which go more into detail?
If you do not use any synchronization between processes, you'll highly likely have moment when several processes will try to write to the file and the best you can get is mesh of input strings.
In order to synchronize any work in several processes (multiprocessing module). Use Lock. It will prevent several processes to do some work simultaneously.
It will look something like this:
import multiprocessing
# create lock in main process and "send" it to child processes.
lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
# ...
# in child Process
with lock:
If you need more detailed example, feel free to ask.
Also you can check example in official docs

Wait for a file to be writable

I am working on a tool which writes data to files.
At some point, a file might be "locked" and is not writable until other handles have been closed.
I could use the CreateFile API in a loop until the file is available for writing access.
But I have 2 concerns using CreateFile in a loop:
The Harddrive (cache) is always running...?!
I need to call CreateFile again to obtain a valid writing handle with different flags...?!
So my question is:
What is the best solution to wait for a file to be writable and instantly get a valid handle?
Are there any event solutions or anything, which allows to "queue/reserve" for a handle once, so that there is no "uncontrolled" race condition with others?
A file can be "locked" for two reasons:
An actual file lock which prevents writing to, and possibly reading from the file.
The file being opened without sharing access (accidentially or voluntarily) which even prevents you from opening a handle. If you already see CreateFile failing, that's likely the case rather than a real lock.
There are conceptually[1] at least two ways of knowing that no other process has locked a file without busy waiting:
By finding out who holds locks and waiting on the process or thread to exit (or, by outright killing them...)
By locking the file yourself
Who holds locks?
Finding out about lock owners is rather nasty, you can do it via the totally undocumented SystemLocksInformation class used with the undocumented NtQuerySystemInformation function (the latter is "only undocumented", but the former is so much undocumented that it's really hard to find any information at all). The returned structure is explained here, and it contains an owning thread id.
Luckily, holding a lock presumes holding a handle. Closing the file handle will unlock all file ranges. Which means: No lock without handle.
In other words, the problem can also be expressed as "who is holding an open handle to the file?". Of course not all processes that hold a handle to a file will have the file locked, but no process having a handle guarantees that no process has the file locked.
Code for finding out which processes have a file open is much easier (using restart manager) and is readily available at Raymond Chen's site.
Now that you know which processes and threads are holding file handles and locks, make a list of all thread/process handles and use WaitForMultipleObjects on the list of process handles. When a process exits, all handles are closed.
This also transparently deals with the possibility of a "lock" because a process does not share access.
Locking the file yourself
You can use LockFileEx, which operates asynchronously. Note that LockFileEx needs a valid handle that has been opened with either read or write permissions (getting write permission may not be possible, but read should work almost always -- even if you are prevented from actually reading by an exclusive lock, it's still possible to create a handle that could read if there was no lock).
You can then wait on the asynchronous locking to complete either via the event in the OVERLAPPED structure, or on a completion port, and can even do other useful stuff in the mean time, too. Once you have locked the file, you know that nobody else has it locked.
[1] The wording "conceptually" suggests that I am pretty sure either method will work, but I have not tested them.
Apart from a busy loop, repeatedly trying to open the file with write access (which doesn't smell right - what if the file is locked by a process that is stuck and requires a reboot or manual termination, you'll never be able to write to it.
You could write to a temporary file and rename it afterwards (you can tell the OS a file rename operation is required and it will do it at next boot). If you need to append instead of write, then you'll have to write a process to append your temporary file to the correct one, possibly at startup (write the instructions of which file to append to where to a file that your process reads).
If you need to modify a locked file, then you'll just have to take a lock on it as soon as you can, and refuse to start the program if you don't have write access - warn the user right at the start.
There is a possibility that you can wait in a better way: if a file is locked for writing, you can assume that someone is going to write to it, and so use FindFirstChangeNotification to receive events for the FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES events. Its not perfect in that someone could request exclusive access for reading too.
I suppose you could try to get the handle to the file that is locked and wait on that, so when it is released your WaitForSingleObject will return. However, there's a good chance you will not be allowed to get the handle owned by a different process (by the security subsystem)

two programs accessing one file

New to this forum - looks great!
I have some Processing code that periodically reads data wirelessly from remote devices and writes that data as bytes to a file, e.g. data.dat. I want to write an Objective C program on my Mac Mini using Xcode to read this file, parse the data, and act on the data if data values indicate a problem. My question is: can my two different programs access the same file asynchronously without a problem? If this is a problem can you suggest a technique that will allow these operations?
Kevin H.
Multiple processes can read from the same file at a time without any problem. A process can also read from a file while another writes without problem, although you'll have to take care to ensure that you read in any new data that was written. Multiple processes should not write to the same file at at the same time, though. The OS will let you do it, but the ordering of data will be undefined, and you'll like overwrite data—in general, you're gonna have a bad time if you do that. So you should take care to ensure that only one process writes to a file at a time.
The simplest way to protect a file so that only one process can write to it at a time is with the C function flock(), although that function is admittedly a bit rudimentary and may or may not suit your use case.

Is it possible to create a file that cannot be copied?

To restrict the scope, let assume we are in Windows world only.
Also assume we don't want to play with permission policy.
Is it possible for us to create a file that cannot be copied?
Thank you in advance.
"Trying to make digital files uncopyable is like trying to make water not wet." ~ Bruce Schneier
No. You can't create a file that a SYSADMIN can't copy. You could encrypt it, though.
Well, how about creating a file that uses up more than 50% of the total space on that machine and that is not compressible?
For instance, let us assume that you want to save a boolean (true or false) in such a fashion.
Depending on its value, you could then write a bit stream of ones or zeroes and encrypt said stream using some kind of encryption algorith, such as AES in CBC mode. This gives you the added advantage of error correction. Even in case of massive data corruption, you should be able to recover your boolean by checking whether ones or zeroes are prevalent in the decrypted stream.
In that case you cannot copy it around (completely) on the machine...
Of course, any type of external memory that can be added to the system would pose a problem in this scenario. But the file would be already encrypted, so don't worry about it too much...
Any file that can be read can have its contents written to another location (such as another file, i.e. copied).
The only thing you can do is limit who/what can read the file.
What is the motivation behind? If it is a read-only file, you can have it as embedded resources within your assembly.
Nice try, RIAA.
But seriously, no you can not. It is always possible to copy, you can just make it it more difficult for people to make sense of the file or try to hide it using like encryption. Spotify does it.
If you really try hard thou, you cold make a root-kit for windows and use it to prevent windows from even knowing about the file and also prevent copies. The file will still be there and copy-able by other tools, or Linux accessing the ntfs.
If in a running process you open a file and hold an exclusive lock, then other processes cannot read the file until you close the handle or your process terminates. However, as admin you could forcibly remove the lock handle.
Short answer: No.
You can, of course, use security settings to limit who can read the file. But if someone can read it, then they can copy it. Even if you found some operating system trick to disable "ordinary" copying, if someone can read the file, they can extract the contents, store it in memory, and then write it somewhere else.
You can encrypt the contents so it's only useful to your own program, that knows how to decrypt it.
That's about it.
When using Windows 7 to copy some files from a hard drive, certain files popped up a message saying they could not be copied in their entirety; certain data would be omitted from the copy. I suspect that had something to do with slack space at the end of the files, though I thought the message was curious. I would have expected the copy operation to just ignore the slack space.
If you are running old (OLD) versions of windows, there are certain characters you can put in the filename that make it invalid, not listed in folders, etc. They were used a lot in the old pub ftp days of filesharing ;)
In the old DOS days, you used to be able to flag disk sectors as bad and still read from them. This meant the OS ignored the sector in question but your application would know where to look and be able to get the data. Not sure this would work these days.
Another old MS-DOS trick was to put a space character in the middle of the filename (yes, spaces were valid characters for filenames). Since there was no method on the command line to escape a space, the file couldn't be copied using the DOS commands.
This answer is outside Windows so yeah
Dont know if its already been said but what about a file that is an inseperable part of the firmware so that it is always on AND running, perhaps it has firmware that generates a sequence that is required for the other . AN incedental effect of its running is to prevent any 80% or more of its code from being replicated. Lets say its on an entirely different board, protected by surge protectors, heavy em proof shielding and anything else required to make it completely unerasable.
If its possible to make a program that is ALWAYS on and running as long as the copying software is running then yes.
I have another way and this IS with windows. I will come to your house and give you a disk, i will then proceed to destroy every single computer you put the disk into. This doesnt work on XP
Well technically you could create and write to a write-only network share.

File Unlocking and Deleting as single operation

Please note this is not duplicate of File r/w locking and unlink. (The difference - platform. Operations of files like locking and deletion have totally different semantics, thus the sultion would be different).
I have following problem. I want to create a file system based session storage where each session data is stored in simple file named with session ids.
I want following API: write(sid,data,timeout), read(sid,data,timeout), remove(sid)
where sid==file name, Also I want to have some kind of GC that may remove all timed-out sessions.
Quite simple task if you work with single process but absolutly not trivial when working with multiple processes or even over shared folders.
The simplest solution I thought about was:
read/write data
GC (for each file in directory)
check if timeout occured
But AFIAK I can't call DeleteFile on opended locked file (unlike in Unix where file locking is
not mandatory and unlink is allowed for opened files.
But if I put DeleteFile outside of Locking loop bad scenario may happen
GC - CreateFile/LockFile/Unlock/CloseHandle,
write - oCreateFile/LockFile/WriteUpdatedData/Unlock/CloseHandle
GC - DeleteFile
Does anybody have an idea how such issue may be solved? Are there any tricks that allow
combine file locking and file removal or make operation on file atomic (Win32)?
I don't want to use Database,
I look for a solution for Win32 API for NT 5.01 and above
I don't really understand how this is supposed to work. However, deleting a file that's opened by another process is possible. The process that creates the file has to use the FILE_SHARE_DELETE flag for the dwShareMode argument of CreateFile(). A subsequent DeleteFile() call will succeed. The file doesn't actually get removed from the file system until the last handle on it is closed.
You currently have data in the record that allows the GC to determine if the record is timed out. How about extending that housekeeping info with a "TooLateWeAlreadyTimedItOut" flag.
GC sets TooLateWeAlreadyTimedItOut = true
Release lock
<== writer comes in here, sees the "TooLate" flag and so does not write
GC deletes
In other words we're using a kind of optimistic locking approach. This does require some additional complexity in the Writer, but now you're not dependent upon any OS-specifc wrinkles.
I'm not clear what happens in the case:
GC checks timeout
GC deletes
Writer attempts write, and finds no file ...
Whatever you have planned for this case can also be used in the "TooLate" case
Edited to add:
You have said that it's valid for this sequence to occur:
GC Deletes
(Very slightly later) Writer attempts a write, sees no file, creates a new one
The writer can treat "tooLate" flag as a identical to this case. It just creates a new file, with a different name, use a version number as a trailing part of it's name. Opening a session file the first time requires a directory search, but then you can stash the latest name in the session.
This does assume that there can only be one Writer thread for a given session, or that we can mediate between two Writer threads creating the file, but that must be true for your simple GC/Writer case to work.
For Windows, you can use the FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE option to CreateFile - that will cause the file to be deleted when you close the handle. But I'm not sure that this satisfies your semantics (because I don't believe you can clear the delete-on-close attribute.
Here's another thought. What about renaming the file before you delete it? You simply can't close the window where the write comes in after you decided to delete the file but what if you rename the file before deleting it? Then when the write comes in it'll see that the session file doesn't exist and recreate it.
The key thing to keep in mind is that you simply can't close the window in question. IMHO there are two solutions:
Adding a flag like djna mentioned or
Require that a per-session named mutex be acquired which has the unfortunate side effect of serializing writes on the session.
What is the downside of having a TooLate flag? In other words, what goes wrong if you delete the file prematurely? After all your system has to deal with the file not being present...
