two programs accessing one file - xcode

New to this forum - looks great!
I have some Processing code that periodically reads data wirelessly from remote devices and writes that data as bytes to a file, e.g. data.dat. I want to write an Objective C program on my Mac Mini using Xcode to read this file, parse the data, and act on the data if data values indicate a problem. My question is: can my two different programs access the same file asynchronously without a problem? If this is a problem can you suggest a technique that will allow these operations?
Kevin H.

Multiple processes can read from the same file at a time without any problem. A process can also read from a file while another writes without problem, although you'll have to take care to ensure that you read in any new data that was written. Multiple processes should not write to the same file at at the same time, though. The OS will let you do it, but the ordering of data will be undefined, and you'll like overwrite data—in general, you're gonna have a bad time if you do that. So you should take care to ensure that only one process writes to a file at a time.
The simplest way to protect a file so that only one process can write to it at a time is with the C function flock(), although that function is admittedly a bit rudimentary and may or may not suit your use case.


Nifi: how to avoid copying file that are partially written

I am trying to use Nifi to get a file from SFTP server. Potentially the file can be big , so my question is how to avoid getting the file while it is being written. I am planning to use ListSFTP+FetchSFTP but also okay with GetSFTP if it can avoid copying partially written files.
thank you
In addition to Andy's solid answer you can also be a bit more flexible by using the ListSFTP/FetchSFTP processor pair by doing some metadata based routing.
After ListSFTP each flowfile will have attributes such as 'file.lastModifiedTime' and others. You can read about them here
You can put a RouteOnAttribute process in between the List and Fetch to detect objects that at least based on the reported last modified time are 'too new'. You could route those to a processor that is just a slow pass through to intentionally wait a bit. You can then run those back through the first router until they are 'old enough'. Now, this is admittedly a power user approach but it does give you a lot of flexibility and control. The approach I'm mentioning here is not fool proof as the source system may not report the last mod time correctly, it may not mean the source file is doing being written, etc.. But it gives you additional options IF you cannot do the definitely correct thing above that Andy talks about.
If you have control over the process which writes the file in, a common pattern to solve this is to initially write the file with a specific naming structure, such as beginning with .. After the successful write operation, the file is renamed without the . and it is picked up by the processor. Both GetSFTP and ListSFTP have a processor property called Ignore Dotted Files which is set to true by default and means those processors will not operate on or return files beginning with the dot character.
There is a minimum file age property you can use. The last modification time gets updated as the file is being written. Setting this value to something other than 0 will help fix the problem:

Golang simultaneous read/write to the file without explicit file lock

I have a situation where I need to concurrently read/write from/to the file, but the scope of operations is limited:
append only, no random offset writes
read from random position, where I know for sure the content has been written before(via append, internal access serialization via golang channel to ensure random read happens only after content's been appended)
there is only one process running
This is a high loaded application and I would like to avoid locking file for each read/write I do
I was going to open 2 files - one for read, another for append only
would doing so create some potential issues/bugs?
what is the recommended practice if I would like to avoid file locking for each read/write I do?
p.s. golang, linux, ext4
I'll assume by "random read" you actually mean "arbitrary read".
If I understand your use case correctly, you don't need to seek or lock or do anything manual. UNIX has this covered via O_APPEND. Here is what you can do:
Open the file with os.O_APPEND. This way every write, regardless of any preceding operations, will go to the end of the file
When reading use File.ReadAt. This lets you specify arbitrary offsets for your reads
Using this scheme you can avoid any sort of locking: the OS will do it for you. Because of the buffer cache this scheme is not even inefficient: appends and reads are pretty much independent.

Implementation of Fifo in GNU-GUILE

I would like to do the following :
I want to imple,ment the concept of FIFO in normal files using GUILE.
Two processes should communicate via a normal text file, that a third process , if needed, can access.
The subordinate of the original two processes should write in the file, line after line, that is append. So far so good. (implemented in c++)
The master proces however, should treat this file as a FIFO, it should read the first line, and do somethong corresponding to it, and delete the first line leaving the rest intact.
The problems are :
While the Master is accessing the file, the subordinate may come to a point where it must write there, leading to a conflict.
Popping the first line may need reading the whole ile out, in a string, poping the first thereof, and then saving it, which is memory intensive, and the second saving action may again conflict with the child trying to write there,
I wanted to implement this in GUILE, because since it is the official OS extension language, there might be better ways which addresses the above two issues.
But in the web I do not find much to orient myself. Please help, sorry for the lewss than concrete question, then I dont have a code snippet to show.

In Haskell, in Windows 7, can I read a file that is already write-locked by another program?

I have a 3rd party program that is running continuously, and is logging events in a text file. I want to write a small Haskell program that reads the text file while the other program is running and warns me when certain events are logged.
I looked around and it seems as if, for Windows, readFile is single write OR multiple read - it does not allow single write and multiple read. As I understand it, this is to avoid side effects like the write changing the file after/during reads.
Is there some way for me to work around this constraint on locks? The log file is only appended, and I am only looking for specific rows in the file, so I really don't mind if I don't get the most recent write, as I am interested in eventual consistency and will keep checking the file.

Move or copy and truncate a file that is in use

I want to be able to (programmatically) move (or copy and truncate) a file that is constantly in use and being written to. This would cause the file being written to would never be too big.
Is this possible? Either Windows or Linux is fine.
To be specific what I'm trying to do is log video with FFMPEG and create hour long videos.
It is possible in both Windows and Linux, but it would take cooperation between the applications involved. If the application that is writing the new data to the file is not aware of what the other application is doing, it probably would not work (well ... there is some possibility ... back to that in a moment).
In general, to get this to work, you would have to open the file shared. For example, if using the Windows API CreateFile, both applications would likely need to specify FILE_SHARE_READ and FILE_SHARE_WRITE. This would allow both (multiple) applications to read and write the file "concurrently".
Beyond sharing the file, though, it would also be necessary to coordinate the operations between the applications. You would need to use some kind of locking mechanism (either by locking some part of the file or some shared mutex/semaphore). Note that if you use file locking, you could lock some known offset in the file to act as a "semaphore" (it can even be a byte value beyond the physical end of the file). If one application were appending to the file at the same exact time that the other application were truncating it, then it would lead to unpredictable results.
Back to the comment about both applications needing to be aware of each other ... It is possible that if both applications opened the file exclusively and kept retrying the operations until they succeeded, then perform the operation, then close the file, it would essentially allow them to work without "knowledge" of each other. However, that would probably not work very well and not be very efficient.
Having said all that, you might want to consider alternatives for efficiency reasons. For example, if it were possible to have the writing application write to new files periodically, it might be more efficient than having to "move" the data constantly out of one file to another. Also, if you needed to maintain some portion of the file (e.g., move out the first 100 MB to another file and then move the second 100 MB to the beginning) that could be a fairly expensive operation as well.
logrotate would be a good option is linux, comes stock on just about any distro. I'm sure there's a similar windows service out there somewhere
