Using splash screen in XNA Game for Windows Phone 7 - windows-phone-7

How can i display a splash screen for my XNA game for WP7.Can it be done by simply placing SplashScreenImage.jpg in the project(this didn't worked).Or there is some other method.

In your initial content load, load the splash screen image through the content pipeline. Then in your first render method call, render it to the screen. Once you've done that, you are free to load all of your other content.
This post has some great info about load times, including a link to a forum thread with some great suggestions on implementation:

Related won't show video clips

In my Windows Phone application I'm loading a html site into a view, really simple stuff with this method:
var itemView = view as NorwegianBrowserView;
var webBrowser = itemView.browserContainer;
webBrowser.Navigate(new Uri(_globalAccessObjects.ActiveNorwayLink,UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
The site loads everything except a video clip. Or well it knows the video is there but it just shows a black square. And pressing that black square does nothing.
As i side note i can add that i got the same application for iOS and Android and they both got no problem in loading the very same website(+ they load the video). And here i can press the video clip and it will start playing.
Am i loading the website into my view the wrong way? or does not support a video clip?
Any help is much appreciated.
The ability to play video clips in line in a web page is dependent upon the version of Windows Phone you are running on and the format of the video.
Only Window Phone 8.1 supports playing video within a page. Unfortunately this isn't yet widely available.
Even then the video format may still be an issue and if not supported could lead to a placeholder image being displayed.

Xcode iOS app loading screen

Looking to do two things where the normal 'default.png' image loads in an iOS app.
For example, like how the 'cut the rope' app starts up.
1) want to display two logo screens on starting (well one logo screen and one loading screen)
2) want to have the second screen animate a 'loading' bar that shows the app loading
Having a lot of difficulty in finding any good examples or tutorials on either!
Anyone got any links or helpful ideas on either of these items?

Turnstile page animation for first xaml page of application is not happening on application load

I am creating a Windows Phone application and i used turnstile animation on all the pages in my application.
The turnstile animation is happening in navigating in and out, but it does not happen when the app is loaded and first page is displayed. The page contains a panorama control with three panorama items.
When the app starts, after splash screen, the page just appear. no turnstile or any other animation happens
Kindly help with this issue.
Any help will be highly appreciated
Thanx for help in advance.
The whole app should be opened with animation. If you have the animation turned on properly on the first page, it will come animated, but not the page - the animated item will be the splashscreen.
When you close the app, it will also be animated.

Splash screen load progress animation in windows phone 7

I have written a windows phone application. When the application starts up it shows the splash screen which is cool and i can change the image. But is there a way to add a loading animation like those dots moving across the screen.
It would be nice if i can add one of those animation in the splash screen. Can it be done. if yes please add in your answers.
As of right now there is no way to replace the loading image that shows up with an animation. Although there are workarounds:
Remove the image all together. Might want to be careful though because Microsoft requires that the application show some kind of feedback to the user within a few seconds of launching the app. Use this only if your app loads really fast.
Display a snap shot of the loading screen as an image so when the app does load you can show an animation with the same background image and it appears that its the same loading screen.
In your case I would recommend using a popup control with a loading animation inside (Option 2). To learn how to create a popup go here. Or if you want a well documented popup I know telerik has there own version as well.
Next place the loading message in a textblock or put your own image and animation inside of the popup. Obviously the easiest animation would be to use the Performance Progress Bar in the silverlight toolkit.
Now what you'll want to do is set the popup opened by default. Whenever your processing is done all you have to do is set the popup visibility to hidden in your C# code.
Some examples of how this is implemented can be found here:
Creating a Splash Screen
Creating an Animated Splash Screen
All About Splash Screens
And here's an example for an XNA game:
Creating a Splash Screen for your XNA game

WP7 Loading animation for content

I tried to find an example for content loading animation (to learn how to implement one in my app). But I couldn't find one.
What I want is: There are 4 listboxes in my mainpage and I want to show a loading animation until the listboxes have completed loading their data.
For example,IMDB application has a loading animation like I want. (You can watch it here
Any ideas on how to create this?
Please refer to these links, as they seem to provide the exact solution to coding this standard loading animation:
Creating a Splash Screen with a progress bar for WP7 applications
High Performance ProgressBar for Windows Phone 7
