Xcode iOS app loading screen - xcode

Looking to do two things where the normal 'default.png' image loads in an iOS app.
For example, like how the 'cut the rope' app starts up.
1) want to display two logo screens on starting (well one logo screen and one loading screen)
2) want to have the second screen animate a 'loading' bar that shows the app loading
Having a lot of difficulty in finding any good examples or tutorials on either!
Anyone got any links or helpful ideas on either of these items?


Xamarin - how to center a launch screen image (iOS)?

I'm using Xamarin for Visual Studio, and am getting frustrated trying to do what I would think should be a very simple thing: creating a launch (splash) screen for iOS, that has a single image that is centered on the screen (vertically and horizontally centered).
I'm creating it the recommended way, using a storyboard (other methods, like using an assets catalog, are considered deprecated as of iOS 9). In the storyboard, I have a View Controller, which contains a View, which contains an Image View. In the Properties pane, I've tried messing with the Mode (in Widget tab), and I've tried playing around with contstraints - which I think might be the key, but it is difficult to understand how it all works together.
You need to add the Splash screen in the applications properties (Launch Images). You need to create the image and upload it via that section. I couldn't find anything saying that the use of Asset catalogues are depreciated.

iPhone 6(s) plus not scaling new application correctly for some users

I have a brand new Swift 2.0 XCode 7 Storyboard based application.
Target is set to 9.2. I'm currently supporting any device with GPS that can run ios 9.2
I started with the Tabbed View Template and I'm working in wAny and hAny and a single Storyboard.
It works fine in the simulator on a bunch of phones, both orientations and works fine on my 6s plus, 6s, 6 plus and a 5.
But for some users the scaling is wrong and everything comes out squished.
Even in landscape mode the TabBar Icons are very close to each other.
Narrower than even on my 6s plus in portrait.
I believe this is caused by my application not having a Launch bitmap.
My understanding is there are two ways to implement this.
Launcher .XIB/.NIB with half a dozen specific sized bitmaps attached. Or a StoryBoard Launcher with ... exactly what.
The "Or StoryBoard" is a little vague. But I wanted to keep things using the modern approach since this app is new and targeted users tend to have the latest device.
So I created my Launch Image set and tried to attached it to the UIImageView in the Launcher StoryBoard. It won't list items that are tagged as "Launcher Image Set". It will show other Image Sets and Icons. But not the ones specifically for Launcher. It shows an "L" in the xcassets list next to the Launcher Image set. I believe I have the build project setting set correctly and it looks perfect on many of the same exact devices.
After some digging, I read that if you use the "StoryBoard" method you don't need the 6 or so bitmaps anymore. You can put anything in the Storyboard Launcher View and treat it just like you would treat your main storyboard.
So I did that. I just centered a small image.png file in the View of the Launchers Storyboard. Works on all simulations and my iPhone 6s plus. I did not pin it to the edges because that would mess up the aspect ratio of the image.
A very small set of users still have the issue and one of them even uninstalled and reinstalled.
I tried playing with setting phone Zoomed, Normal, Text Size, Bold etc. They all work. Users also don't have anything out of the ordinary on these system settings.
So first, do I need the 6 proper sized bitmaps or not? I read conflicting info on this.
If I want to use the 6 images on a storyboard how to I get them in the UIImageView of the Launcher StoryBoard if they won't list? Should I put them in a regular image set. Does the "Launcher Image Set" only work for the for the Launcher.XIB?
If it's not the Launcher window, what else could it be causing this?
I know I could create a XIB/NIB with the 6 bitmaps. But that seems like I'm going backwards and I don't care about old OS versions or older phones.
I think I found my answer. When using a Storyboard Launcher you cannot use a "Launch Image Set" for your Launcher Storyboard. You have to use an Image Set.
This is the best Video I found that covers it A-Z.
It also didn't fix my initial problem. Which I'll post separately. It scales correct in Portrait but not in Landscape for hand full of users. Using the same hardware as others that it works fine on.

Backbone Marionette - images not displaying reliably on iPad - race condition?

This is really weird behavior. Having difficulty even quantifying. Have had to revise a few times.
Best I can do is the following:
The tech stack for my app is Backbone Marionette, handlebars.js, require.js.
The app contains images mostly of icon size - say 32x32 and under. Some jpg, some png, some svg.
Some of the images, the same ones each time, don't display. That's a common issue on which many have posted. No big news there.
But if I hit the sleep button, leave the iPad sit for a minute or two until the unit really goes into hibernate mode, and then revive it, the images slowly and magically fade in. They don't abruptly display when the screen lights. They fade in afterward.
Doesn't work to just hit the sleep button and instantly revive. Have to wait a minute until it truly hibernates.
After true hibernation, no matter how many times I refresh the page, the images are there. But, if I go and clear the cache on Safari and load the page, the images are not there again - until I do that hibernate thing.
All of these images do display without fail in a browser on a PC (all flavors). It's just on the iPad that they don't.
I thought, at first, it was just images I was loading in collection views. It is not. I have a third party HTML5 video player in the app. It has a play button and other controls in svg format. This also exhibits the behavior above.
Once the iPad has hibernated and been revived, the images fade in. Only clearing cache makes them disappear again.
There are no 404 errors when the images don't display (checked in dev console on a MAC). In fact, if I just tap the screen where the video play button is supposed to display, the player begins. So the button seems to actually be there, just not painted on the screen - until you do that hibernate thing.
Some images in the app always load no matter what. I'm looking at those images to see if I can note anything special about them or the code which renders them.
I tend to think it's not the images themselves because the very same images in a plain web page always display on the iPad. Also, that third party video player in a plain web page displays the svg play button and controls without fail on the iPad.
It's just in my app that the behavior occurs. So it's logical to think my app is where the problem lies. I just can't seem to find a common thread for the images that always work vs ones that don't.
Not sure what code I can even post here. I'll look and see what might make sense to post.
Definitely a problem loading images dynamically via the framework. They are there but do not paint. No idea what the problem actually is. Literally only happens on Safari mobile browser. Can't make it happen anywhere else, even old IE. Know one solution that definitely works though. Preload all the images by explicitly including them in a div in your markup. When you load your marionette app, remove the div - $("#preload-images").remove(). Thereafter the images never fail to paint when added dynamically via marionette.

Splash screen load progress animation in windows phone 7

I have written a windows phone application. When the application starts up it shows the splash screen which is cool and i can change the image. But is there a way to add a loading animation like those dots moving across the screen.
It would be nice if i can add one of those animation in the splash screen. Can it be done. if yes please add in your answers.
As of right now there is no way to replace the loading image that shows up with an animation. Although there are workarounds:
Remove the image all together. Might want to be careful though because Microsoft requires that the application show some kind of feedback to the user within a few seconds of launching the app. Use this only if your app loads really fast.
Display a snap shot of the loading screen as an image so when the app does load you can show an animation with the same background image and it appears that its the same loading screen.
In your case I would recommend using a popup control with a loading animation inside (Option 2). To learn how to create a popup go here. Or if you want a well documented popup I know telerik has there own version as well.
Next place the loading message in a textblock or put your own image and animation inside of the popup. Obviously the easiest animation would be to use the Performance Progress Bar in the silverlight toolkit.
Now what you'll want to do is set the popup opened by default. Whenever your processing is done all you have to do is set the popup visibility to hidden in your C# code.
Some examples of how this is implemented can be found here:
Creating a Splash Screen
Creating an Animated Splash Screen
All About Splash Screens
And here's an example for an XNA game:
Creating a Splash Screen for your XNA game

WP7 Loading animation for content

I tried to find an example for content loading animation (to learn how to implement one in my app). But I couldn't find one.
What I want is: There are 4 listboxes in my mainpage and I want to show a loading animation until the listboxes have completed loading their data.
For example,IMDB application has a loading animation like I want. (You can watch it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV9BoyGm7Fo)
Any ideas on how to create this?
Please refer to these links, as they seem to provide the exact solution to coding this standard loading animation:
Creating a Splash Screen with a progress bar for WP7 applications
High Performance ProgressBar for Windows Phone 7
