NSTimer - set up plain vanilla -- doesn't fire - cocoa

Compiling in XCode 3.1.1 for OSX 10.5.8 target, 32-bit and i386 build.
I have a modal run loop, running in NSWindow wloop and NSView vloop. The modal loop is started first. It starts, runs and stops as expected. Here's the start:
[NSApp runModalForWindow: wloop];
Then, when the user presses the left mouse button, I do this:
if (ticking == 0) // ticking is set to zero in its definition, so starts that way
ticking = 1; // don't want to do this more than once per loop
tickCounter = 0;
cuckCoo = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 1.0f / 10.0f // 10x per second
target: self // method is here in masterView
selector: #selector(onTick:) // method
userInfo: nil // not used
repeats: YES]; // should repeat
Checking the return of the call, I do get a timer object, and can confirm that the timer call is made when I expect it to be.
Now, according to the docs, the resulting NSTimer, stored globally as "cuckCoo", should be added to the current run loop automagically. The current run loop is definitely the modal one - at this time other windows are locked out and only the window with the intended mouse action is taking messages.
The method that this calls, "onTick", is very simple (because I can't get it to fire), located in the vloop NSView code, which is where all of this is going on:
- (void) onTick:(NSTimer*)theTimer
tickCounter += 1;
NSLog(#"Timer started");
Then when it's time to stop the modal loop (which works fine, btw), I do this:
[cuckCoo invalidate];
[NSApp stop: nil];
cuckCoo = NULL;
ticking and tickCounter are both global longs.
I don't get the NSLog message from within onTick, and tickCounter remains at zero as reported by the NSLog at the close of the runloop.
All this compiles and runs fine. I just never get any ticks. I'm at a complete loss. Any ideas, anyone?

The problem is related to this statement "The current run loop is definitely the modal one". In Cocoa, each thread has at most one runloop, and each runloop can be run in a variety of "modes". Typical modes are default, event tracking, and modal. Default is the mode the loop normally runs in, while event tracking is typically used to track a drag session of the mouse, and modal is used for things like modal panels.
When you invoke -[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:] it does schedule the timer immediately, but it only schedules it for the default runloop mode, not the modal runloop mode. The idea behind this is that the app generally shouldn't continue to run behind a modal panel.
To create a timer that fires during a modal runloop, you can use -[NSTimer initWithFireDate:interval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:] and then -[NSRunLoop addTimer:forMode:].

The answer specific to...
[NSApp runModalForWindow: wloop];
...is, after the modal run loop has been entered:
NSRunLoop *crl;
cuckCoo = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 1.0 / 10
target: self
selector: #selector(onTick:)
userInfo: nil
crl = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
[crl addTimer: cuckCoo forMode: NSModalPanelRunLoopMode];
(crl obtained separately for clarity) Where the onTick method has the form:
- (void) onTick:(NSTimer*)theTimer
// do something tick-tocky


NSTimer stops from time to time

I've made a game in Xcode 6, using several NSTimers for different things, like a scorer timer, countdown timer, and to move my objects around. The problem is that sometimes (it seems like) the NSTimers stop for like half a second which makes it look like it lags. Example: When the character is moving, it stops for a tiny second and then continues to move. It happens so fast, but it is noticable, and it annoys me so much. I want it to be completely smooth. Any help would be appreciated!
A couple of thoughts:
If you're having a small delay in the timer processing, the most likely issue is that you have something blocking the main queue. Take a careful look at your code and see if you can find anything that could block the main queue.
You can actually use Instruments to find places in your app where the thread might be blocked. If I recall correctly, WWDC 2112 video Building Concurrent User Interfaces on iOS shows the trick with Instruments to find where your app is blocked. It's a bit dated, but the techniques for finding where the main thread blocks still apply.
It's unlikely, but you might want to consider checking the run loop modes that your timer is running on. For example, the default:
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:#selector(tick:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
This can pause during certain animations. You might consider using a broader array of run loop modes, e.g.:
NSTimer *timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:#selector(tick:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
This results in a timer that is less susceptible to certain delays during particular types of animations. It just depends upon what else your app is doing when you see the delay in the user interface.
When using a timer to update animations, better than a NSTimer is a CADisplayLink. For example, define a few properties:
#property (nonatomic, strong) CADisplayLink *displayLink;
#property (nonatomic) CFTimeInterval startTime;
Then you can write code to start and stop the display link:
- (void)startDisplayLink
self.displayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:#selector(handleDisplayLink:)];
self.startTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
[self.displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
- (void)stopDisplayLink
[self.displayLink invalidate];
self.displayLink = nil;
- (void)handleDisplayLink:(CADisplayLink *)displayLink
CFTimeInterval elapsed = CACurrentMediaTime() - self.startTime;
// update your UI, not on the basis of "this is called x times per second",
// but rather, on the basis that `elapsed` seconds have passed
The key in good animation code is that you don't just assume that your routine will be called at a specified frequency, but rather that you update the UI based upon the number of elapsed seconds. This way, a slow device that drops a few frames and a fast device will yield the same animation, the latter would just be a little smoother than the former.
The merits of display links, though, are discussed briefly in WWDC 2014 video - Building Interruptible and Responsive Interactions. There are other longer discussions of the topic that are eluding me at this point, but this might be a good place to get introduced to the topic (even though the vast majority of that video is on other topics).
You may want to try a high resolution timer, like Timer dispatch sources. It looks a bit scary at first, but actually quite easy to use. Sample code (with comments)
dispatch_source_t CreateDispatchTimer(uint64_t interval, uint64_t leeway, dispatch_queue_t queue , dispatch_block_t block) {
dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, queue);
if (timer) {
// Use dispatch_time instead of dispatch_walltime if the interval is small
dispatch_source_set_timer(timer, dispatch_walltime(NULL, 0), interval, leeway);
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timer, block);
return timer;
void MyCreateTimer()
dispatch_source_t aTimer = CreateDispatchTimer(30 * NSEC_PER_SEC, 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSLog(#"Timer fired!");
// Keep a reference if you want to, say, stop it somewhere in the future
In XCode, if you type dispatch in the editor, it will suggest a snippet called dispatch_source timer - GCD: Dispatch Source (Timer), which will generate the template code for the timer.

(OS X) Detecting when front app goes into fullscreen mode

I'm writing a "UIElement" app that shows a status window on the side of the screen, similar to the Dock.
Now, when a program takes over the entire screen, I need to hide my status window, just like the Dock does.
What are my options to detect this and the inverse event?
I like to avoid polling via a timed event and also cannot use undocumented tricks (such as suggested here)
What doesn't work:
Registering a Carbon Event Handler for the kEventAppSystemUIModeChanged event isn't sufficient - it works to detect VLC's full screen mode, but not for modern Cocoa apps that use the new fullscreen widget at the top right corner of their windows.
Similarly, following Apple's instructions about the NSApplication presentationOptions API by observing changes to the currentSystemPresentationOptions property does not help, either - again, it only informs about VLC's fullscreen mode, but not about apps using the window' top right fullscreen widget.
Monitoring changes to the screen configuration using CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback is not working because there aren't any callbacks for these fullscreen modes.
Based on #Chuck's suggestion, I've come up with a solution that works somewhat, but may not be foolproof.
The solution is based on the assumption that 10.7's new fullscreen mode for windows moves these windows to a new Screen Space. Therefore, we subscribe to notifications for changes to the active space. In that notification handler, we check the window list to detect whether the menubar is included. If it is not, it probably means that we're in a fullscreen space.
Checking for the presence of the "Menubar" window is the best test I could come up with based on Chuck's idea. I don't like it too much, though, because it makes assumptions on the naming and presence of internally managed windows.
Here's the test code that goes inside AppDelegate.m, which also includes the test for the other app-wide fullscreen mode:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSApplication *app = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
// Observe full screen mode from apps setting SystemUIMode
// or invoking 'setPresentationOptions'
[app addObserver:self
// Observe full screen mode from apps using a separate space
// (i.e. those providing the fullscreen widget at the right
// of their window title bar).
[[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]
object:NULL queue:NULL
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note)
// The active space changed.
// Now we need to detect if this is a fullscreen space.
// Let's look at the windows...
NSArray *windows = CFBridgingRelease(CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo
(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID));
//NSLog(#"active space change: %#", windows);
// We detect full screen spaces by checking if there's a menubar
// in the window list.
// If not, we assume it's in fullscreen mode.
BOOL hasMenubar = NO;
for (NSDictionary *d in windows) {
if ([d[#"kCGWindowOwnerName"] isEqualToString:#"Window Server"]
&& [d[#"kCGWindowName"] isEqualToString:#"Menubar"]) {
hasMenubar = YES;
NSLog(#"fullscreen: %#", hasMenubar ? #"No" : #"Yes");
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context
if ([keyPath isEqual:#"currentSystemPresentationOptions"]) {
NSLog(#"currentSystemPresentationOptions: %#", [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey]); // a value of 4 indicates fullscreen mode
Since my earlier answer doesn't work for detecting full screen mode between apps, I did some experimentation. Starting with the solution that Thomas Tempelmann came up with of checking the presence of menu bar, I found a variation that I think could be more reliable.
The problem with checking for the menu bar is that in full screen mode you can move the mouse cursor to the top of the screen to make the menu bar appear, but you're still in full screen mode. I did some crawling through the CGWindow info, and discovered that when I enter full screen, there is window named "Fullscreen Backdrop" owned by the "Dock", and it's not there when not in full screen mode.
This is on Catalina (10.15.6) in an Xcode playground, so it should be tested in a real app, and on Big Sur (or whatever the current OS is, when you're reading this).
Here's the code (in Swift... easier to quickly test something)
func isFullScreen() -> Bool
guard let windows = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(.optionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID) else {
return false
for window in windows as NSArray
guard let winInfo = window as? NSDictionary else { continue }
if winInfo["kCGWindowOwnerName"] as? String == "Dock",
winInfo["kCGWindowName"] as? String == "Fullscreen Backdrop"
return true
return false
EDIT NOTE: This answer unfortunately doesn't provide a solution for detecting full screen in a different app, which is what the OP was asking. I'm leaving it because it does answer the question for detecting in in the same app going full screen - for example in a generic library that needs to know to automatically update keyEquivalents and title for an explicitly added "Enter Full Screen" menu item rather than Apple's automatically added menu item.
Although this question is quite old now, I've had to detect full screen mode in Swift recently. While it's not as simple as querying some flag in NSWindow, as we would hope for, there is an easy and reliable solution that has been available since macOS 10.7.
Whenever a window is about to enter full screen mode NSWindow sends a willEnterFullScreenNotification notification, and when it is about to exit full screen mode, it sends willExitFullScreenNotification. So you add an observer for those notifications. In the following code, I use them to set a global boolean flag.
import Cocoa
Since notification closures can be run concurrently, we need to guard against
races on the Boolean flag. We could use DispatchSemaphore, but it's kind
over-kill for guarding a simple read/write to a boolean variable.
os_unfair_lock is appropriate for nanosecond-level contention. If the wait
could be milliseconds or longer, DispatchSemaphore is the thing to use.
This extension is just to make using it easier and safer to use.
extension os_unfair_lock
mutating func withLock<R>(block: () throws -> R) rethrows -> R
defer { os_unfair_lock_unlock(&self) }
return try block()
fileprivate var fullScreenLock = os_unfair_lock()
public fileprivate(set) var isFullScreen: Bool = false
// Call this function in the app delegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching method
func initializeFullScreenDetection()
_ = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
forName: NSWindow.willEnterFullScreenNotification,
object: nil,
queue: nil)
{ _ in
fullScreenLock.withLock { isFullScreen = true }
_ = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
forName: NSWindow.willExitFullScreenNotification,
object: nil,
queue: nil)
{ _ in
fullScreenLock.withLock { isFullScreen = false }
Since observer closures can be run concurrently, I use os_unfair_lock to guard races on the _isFullScreen property. You could use DispatchSemaphore, though it's a bit heavy weight for just guarding a Boolean flag. Back when the question was first asked, OSSpinLock would have been the equivalent, but it's been deprecated since 10.12.
Just make sure to call initializeFullScreenDetection() in your application delegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching() method.

How to create a stop button in ApplescriptObjC/xcode?

I have a script that loops a lot. Sometimes I will need to stop it manually. It works fine in the applescript editor because I can just hit stop, but if this is going to be a standalone app made in xcode then how would I create a stop button? I have heard something about threading, but I dont understand it yet.
lets say that my code is:
on buttonClicked_(sender)
say "help"
end repeat
end buttonClicked_
Button clicked would be a ui button that says "run"
I don't know ApplescriptObjC, but here's how to do it in objective-c. I'm sure you can figure out how to convert it.
The idea with threading is that your program runs on a main thread. When you enter the repeat loop that will take up all of your applications resources and thus block the main thread so you can't do anything else until you exit the repeat loop. Therefore run your repeat loop on a background thread, thus the main thread is free to handle other tasks, such as pressing a button.
For example, suppose you have a button on your interface and a BOOL variable setup in your code. On every button press the BOOL becomes YES/NO. Here's a button method. Notice we use "detachNewThreadSelector" to run your repeat loop on a background thread.
-(IBAction)buttonPress:(id)sender {
if (theBool == YES) {
theBool = NO;
[sender setTitle:#"Start"];
} else {
theBool = YES;
[sender setTitle:#"Stop"];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(theMethod) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
And here's what your "background thread" method could look like. Since I don't know if you're using ARC or not, it contains an autorelease pool which handles releasing memory. The main thread has one automatically but since this is on a background thread we must create our own.
-(void)theMethod {
if (theBool == YES) {
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
if (theBool == NO) {
exit repeat
say "help"
end repeat
[pool drain];
Good luck.

Stop an NSRunLoop from a timer

I've made a RunLoop with a timer that updates a label that displays a countdown. I need the RunLoop to stop once the countdown reaches zero, for the case where the the timer finishes normally I could just use runUntilDate, with the date being the current date + the time on the countdown. The problem is when the user cancels the countdown from a button before it's finished. I don't know how to tell the RunLoop to stop from the cancel button action. Here's the code for the RunLoop:
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:
[self methodSignatureForSelector:#selector(updateCountdownLabel:)]];
[invocation setTarget:self];
[invocation setSelector:#selector(updateCountdownLabel:)];
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:[NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:1 invocation:invocation repeats:YES] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
The method just tells the label to reduce by 1 in each loop.
I could tell the cancel button to change the label to zero, and have the run loop selector check if the value is zero, but could the RunLoop's own selector tell it to stop?
These are the closest I've found but they don't seem to work from inside the RunLoops own selector, or at least not in any way I've tried them.
Basically I need to have the button tell the RunLoop to stop, or somehow stop the RunLoop from it's own selector.
You haven't made a run loop, you've scheduled a timer to begin on the main run loop.
What you should do is store the NSTimer object that you create as an instance variable before scheduling the timer on the run loop.
In your updateCountdownLabel: method, once your end condition has been satisfied just call -invalidate on your timer instance. This will remove the timer from the run loop, and because you never retained it, it will be released.
I've updated the methods to use a selector-based NSTimer rather than your NSInvocation-based one. This means that the callback method signature is defined as you are expecting. It also avoids the need to store the NSTimer object in an ivar:
- (void)startCountDown
NSTimer* timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:#selector(updateCountdownLabel:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
- (void)updateCountdownLabel:(NSTImer*)timer
[timer invalidate];

NSButton subclass that responds to right clicks

I have an NSButton subclass that I would like to make work with right mouse button clicks. Just overloading -rightMouseDown: won't cut it, as I would like the same kind of behaviour as for regular clicks (e.g. the button is pushed down, the user can cancel by leaving the button, the action is sent when the mouse is released, etc.).
What I have tried so far is overloading -rightMouse{Down,Up,Dragged}, changing the events to indicate the left mouse button clicks and then sending it to -mouse{Down,Up,Dragged}. Now this would clearly be a hack at best, and as it turns out Mac OS X did not like it all. I can click the button, but upon release, the button remains pushed in.
I could mimic the behaviour myself, which shouldn't be too complicated. However, I don't know how to make the button look pushed in.
Before you say "Don't! It's an unconventional Mac OS X behaviour and should be avoided": I have considered this and a right click could vastly improve the workflow. Basically the button cycles through 4 states, and I would like a right click to make it cycle in reverse. It's not an essential feature, but it would be nice. If you still feel like saying "Don't!", then let me know your thoughts. I appreciate it!
EDIT: This was my attempt of changing the event (you can't change the type, so I made a new one, copying all information across. I mean, I know this is the framework clearly telling me Don't Do This, but I gave it a go, as you do):
// I've contracted all three for brevity
- (void)rightMouse{Down,Up,Dragging}:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSLeftMouse{Down,Up,Dragging} location:[theEvent locationInWindow] modifierFlags:[theEvent modifierFlags] timestamp:[theEvent timestamp] windowNumber:[theEvent windowNumber] context:[theEvent context] eventNumber:[theEvent eventNumber] clickCount:[theEvent clickCount] pressure:[theEvent pressure]];
[self mouse{Down,Up,Dragging}:event];
UPDATE: I noticed that -mouseUp: was never sent to NSButton, and if I changed it to an NSControl, it was. I couldn't figure out why this was, until Francis McGrew pointed out that it contains its own event handling loop. Now, this also made sense to why before I could reroute the -rightMouseDown:, but the button wouldn't go up on release. This is because it was fetching new events on its own, that I couldn't intercept and convert from right to left mouse button events.
NSButton is entering a mouse tracking loop. To change this you will have to subclass NSButton and create your own custom tracking loop. Try this code:
- (void) rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSEvent *newEvent = theEvent;
BOOL mouseInBounds = NO;
while (YES)
mouseInBounds = NSPointInRect([newEvent locationInWindow], [self convertRect:[self frame] fromView:nil]);
[self highlight:mouseInBounds];
newEvent = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:NSRightMouseDraggedMask | NSRightMouseUpMask];
if (NSRightMouseUp == [newEvent type])
if (mouseInBounds) [self performClick:nil];
This is how I do it; Hopefully it will work for you.
I've turned a left mouse click-and-hold into a fake right mouse down on a path control. I'm not sure this will solve all your problems, but I found that the key difference when I did this was changing the timestamp:
NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSLeftMouseDown
location:[theEvent locationInWindow]
modifierFlags:[theEvent modifierFlags]
windowNumber:[theEvent windowNumber]
context:[theEvent context]
// I was surprised to find eventNumber didn't seem to need to be faked
eventNumber:[theEvent eventNumber]
clickCount:[theEvent clickCount]
pressure:[theEvent pressure]];
The other thing is that depending on your button type, its state may be the value that is making it appear pushed or not, so you might trying poking at that.
UPDATE: I think I've figured out why rightMouseUp: never gets called. Per the -[NSControl mouseDown:] docs, the button starts tracking the mouse when it gets a mouseDown event, and it doesn't stop tracking until it gets mouseUp. While it's tracking, it can't do anything else. I just tried, for example, at the end of a custom mouseDown::
[self performSelector:#selector(mouseUp:) withObject:myFakeMouseUpEvent afterDelay:1.0];
but this gets put off until a normal mouseUp: gets triggered some other way. So, if you've clicked the right mouse button, you can't (with the mouse) send a leftMouseUp, thus the button is still tracking, and won't accept a rightMouseUp event. I still don't know what the solution is, but I figured that would be useful information.
Not much to add to the answers above, but for those working in Swift, you may have trouble finding the constants for the event mask, buried deep in the documentation, and still more trouble finding a way to combine (OR) them in a way that the compiler accepts, so this may save you some time. Is there a neater way? This goes in your subclass -
var rightAction: Selector = nil
// add a new property, by analogy with action property
override func rightMouseDown(var theEvent: NSEvent!) {
var newEvent: NSEvent!
let maskUp = NSEventMask.RightMouseUpMask.rawValue
let maskDragged = NSEventMask.RightMouseDraggedMask.rawValue
let mask = Int( maskUp | maskDragged ) // cast from UInt
do {
newEvent = window!.nextEventMatchingMask(mask)
while newEvent.type == .RightMouseDragged
My loop has become a do..while, as it always has to execute at least once, and I never liked writing while true, and I don't need to do anything with the dragging events.
I had endless trouble getting meaningful results from convertRect(), perhaps because my controls were embedded in a table view. Thanks to Gustav Larsson above for my ending up with this for the last part -
let whereUp = newEvent.locationInWindow
let p = convertPoint(whereUp, fromView: nil)
let mouseInBounds = NSMouseInRect(p, bounds, flipped) // bounds, not frame
if mouseInBounds {
sendAction(rightAction, to: target)
// assuming rightAction and target have been allocated
