VLOOKUP from different workbook - worksheet-function

I have 2 workbooks....OdysseyDeposit where my source data is and Civil Bank Accnt Recon which contains VLOOKUP to the OdysseyDeposit.
Here is the VLOOKUP function that I am using:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,[OdysseyDeposit.xls]Sheet1!$A$9:$L$19, 12, 0)), 0,
VLOOKUP(A2,[OdysseyDeposit.xls]Sheet1!$A$9:$L$19, 12, 0))
The ISNA function is there so if the value is not found in OdysseyDeposit I get a 0 in my Civil Bank Accnt Recon workbook so my addition works correctly.
However, I was under the impression that OdysseyDeposit did NOT have to be open in order to retrieve the values, but if it is closed I don't get any values, just zeros.
Am I incorrect about VLOOKUP working when the source file is closed? Could it not be updating when it is closed because of the ISNA function?

You are correct the workbook does not need to be open to retrieve values but a link between them does need to be established.
You should open both workbooks.
In the formula bar type your formula and select the ranges from the other workbook.
If you close both workbooks and open the one containing the formula you will be asked to establish a link/reference between the two (Excel 2007)


Count of Open and Closed date (Two dates in Data set) are showing wrong when applying filter for specific year or month (Tableau)

Raw data before visualization
Visualization look like this
I am facing one problem in when building a Visualization of IT- tickets which has open and closed date
column I have to count each month open & closed tickets everything looks fine until we create Date filter Date filter pic (MMMM YYYYY) from open date column.
Suppose ticket-1 was open on 21-12-2022 and the ticket is closed on (15-02-2023) and we applied filter for to show only current year(2023 include JAN & FEB ) but it gives wrong output of closed tickets of 2023
because year filter(2023) remove all open date rows which not comes under 2023 which also contains closed date which directly result in wrong output of count of closed date
until I select previous year month from the filter.
You want to reshape your data into a table with one Date column and a new Action column that has the value Open or Close. So each closed ticket in your original data turns into two rows in the reshaped table, one row for the open event, and a second row for the close event. If the ticket was still open, it should get one row in the reshaped data for the open event.
You can reshape the data with Tableau or Tableau Prep by unioning the table with itself and then using calculated fields and filters to create a single date column, filter out the second row for still-open ticks and to distinguish Open Actions from Close Actions.

sheet Map 0 have no Rows in excelize

Helo everyone need your help.
I had one file that I get from daily report download with xlsx extension.
Then I want to insert to MongoDB for analytic cause per day can be 100K rows, and I use golang with excelize to extract excel data then insert them to mongoDB, there is the problem :
When I GetRows("Sheet 1") the result is 0 and when I check the sheet with GetSeetMap() result is [0:Sheet 1] and it is still 0 rows.
But when I renamed sheet name (ie: rename to another Sheet) and I check the sheet map it change to [1:another Sheet] and rows detected when the sheet map key is 1, how to fix this?
Thanks for advance
Are you sure it shouldn't be "Sheet1" (i.e. without a space)?

How do i do a automated UIPATH process where i can sum the values in different sheets based on product?

I have 3 sheets which contain 3 products and I need to sum the number of products in different sheets together. However, the number of sheets is not fixed. So how can I do an automated UIPATH process which will help me add the sum based on products depending on how much sheet is present in the excel folder?
I assume that all the worksheets have the same schema, so you could open your file Excel and read every time all the worksheets contained with "Get Workbook Sheets". Then read the range of every worksheet and merge these into one data table. Finally, you can find the sum of the products with LINQ or another query from the data table.
Something like this:
For example, LINQ query:
dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) x("colName").Equals("products")).Sum(Function(x) Decimal.Parse(x("colName").ToString))
Regards, Gio

Matching (querying?) criteria with IMPORTRANGE

Forgive me if I am not using the correct terminology, I short of crash-coursed myself in Google sheets a few days ago.
Is there a way that I could using IMPORTRANGE to import a data range from spreadsheet 2 into spreadsheet 1, where the range selected from spreadsheet 2 can be matched against criteria in spreadsheet 1 that corresponds to criteria in spreadsheet 2? I have a specific set of data in spreadsheet 1 that, while the same in content, is not in the same order as spreadsheet 2 (which I don't myself maintain) or spreadsheet 3 (which is maintained by someone other than myself or the person that maintains spreadsheet 2), but am being given access to spreadsheet 2 and spreadsheet 3 data that I didn't previously have.
You work with IMPORTRANGE content the same way as you do with any range within your spreadsheet. Good practice is to use columns with unique content as ID's for searching, filtering, etc.
If you want put the content of somebody's spreadsheet into yours, you can control it.
For example:
In order to get REGISTRATION number from sheet3
Think of VLOOKUP construction:
=VLOOKUP(key,table with key value on the leftmost column;number of column to take value from,false)
You use vlookup formula that takes name in your table as a key (first parameter of formula), then you must rebuild your importrange to have key in leftmost column.
2nd parameter of VLOOKUP will look like this:
This is your temporary table made of 2 importranges.
You want 2nd column of this construction - which is column with registration.
Whole vlookup looks like this:
It's much easier when key is on the left. If you want to extract SEX and DOB you use:
=VLOOKUP(key,importrange("Sheet3url";"Sheet!Columnsfromname to DOB"),2 and then 3,false)
Beware - using multiple importrange makes your sheet slow.
If you have hundreds of rows, you should wrap it around with arrayformula to work with all rows in one go.
Also you can first importrange somebodys table into your sheet on a side and operate inside your sheet.
It's advised when using big datasets and not that many files.

Sort Multiple Sheets [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Synchronize independent spreadsheet rows, filled by IMPORTRANGE()
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am looking for some advice on how to approach this, I would like to sort a spreadsheet across 2 sheets using a google script. I know how to use sort () but it only works on a single sheet. First sheet has 2 columns, student name and student number, second sheet has columns student name and student number linked from the first sheet (ex. =Sheet1!A1) and additional columns to enter student marks. Problem is if I use sort on the first sheet then the mark columns will no longer align with the student names and numbers because they are referenced from the first sheet. I know combining into 1 sheet would solve this but I need them in different sheets as it's part of a bigger project.
I could use some advice on how to approach this using a google script.
You could also use VLOOKUP in your second sheet instead of direct references. Then you can rearrange the rows in Sheet1 all you want without affecting Sheet2. e.g. =VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet1!$A$1:$B,2,false)
Place that formula into all cells in column B of the second sheet.
I'm assuming that the student name is always in column A and the student number in column B.
