Converting my application from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to convert my application from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2010. But I am facing an application execution at initialization 0xc0000005. My Visual Studio solution is a mix of C++ and C# projects.
I'd like to continue using .NET 2.0. I am using Crystal Reports. How can I fix my issue?

Try to convert one project at a time.
You should specify your problem a little more.
Given that the error is "0xc0000005" and without any more data, I could estimate that your issue is probably from one of your C++ projects' conversion.


Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express Project creation failing?

After installing Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express, I have not been able to create any projects. Visual Studio Basic 2010 Express was previously installed.
I constantly am getting the error after putting the name into my project and selecting the type;
Creating project "project-name" . . . project creation failed.
I did check the settings for the project templates and items, they seem to be pointing to my documents folder instead of my ProgramFiles, but I am sure that it did not work even there.
Another question similar to this one:
Project Creation Failed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express and Visual Studio 2010
Any suggestion is thanked, I have been trying to find a solution to this for a very long time, but have not been able to find anything helpful.
Many thanks,

How can we compile OpenHaptics v3.0 with Visual Studio 2010?

I want to compile my Haptic Application with Visual Studio 2010 but the Academic Edition of OpenHaptics v3.0 supports Visual Studio 2005 compiler only.
VS2005 doesn't have any problem I can compile and run my application with no issue, but due to other libraries I want to move to VS2010.
Is there any way that I could use VS2010 with OpenHaptics® v3.0. The only problem with hl.lib and hd.lib, I can recompile hdu.lib and hlu.lib with VS2010 successfully but I have no idea how can I compile hl.lib and hd.lib with VS2010.
I have been thinking to use vs2010 since 1 year but still no success, any idea ?
You can use the VS 2010 IDE with the VS 2005 build tools if you install Daffodil:

Can Visual Studio installe with ms sql server be used to modify a .net windows app?

I am trying to modify a .net written in visual studio 2008. However, when I loaded and try to build the website, I get a bunch of errors that several controls like firstname.text are not declared even though the app has been working.
It is possible that I am getting this error because I am using the BI version fo visual studio?
Thanks alot for all the help.
No it is not possible. If I understand correctly, you're using BIDS to modify a .NET project.
Business Intelligence Studio is a completely different program than Visual Studio (though they are based on the same editor). If you want to modify the .NET project, you will need an Instance of Visual Studio, not BIDS (Business Intelligence Developer Studio).

Can not open VB 6.0 files in Visual Studio 2010

If Visual Studio includes Visual Basic, why can't I open a VB 6.0 file in Visual Studio 2010?
Because there's a difference between Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic .NET which is what Visual Studio 2010 includes.
Darin is basically right but omits an important detail.
There's a difference between VB6 and VB.Net, and Visual Studio 2010 includes VB.Net
Earlier versions of VB.Net included an upgrade wizard to help convert VB6 code to VB.Net. This was dropped in Visual Studion 2010. You might want to use Visual Studio 2008 to help upgrade your VB6 to VB.Net, and then migrate to Visual Studio 2010 later. Upgrading VB6 to VB.Net can be a large task.
That's correct. I upgrade to 2008 then to 2010. You have to run the installed program from vb6 first then it will upgrade. You might have terminal failures from unfound assemblies. Go into the .vb form file with a text editor. REM out any failed to load assemblies from the fail report. Then you can re-write the VB code for code errors as the lingo changed. Next upgrade to vb 2010 using that wizard and re-write for new lingo again.
Form sizes are converted to vb6. in 2008, then that is scrapped in 2010, don't re-write that in 2008, if you're upgrading right away, you'll have to re-write in 2010 anyway.
Common file open/save/browse/color/font routines become vb powerpacks 10 which you load with your vb 2010 assembly. You have to re-insert the new common assemblies into the form from the toolbox and re-work the code. There's a bunch of stuff there, but it is do-able.
I have not used VS 2010, but based on my readings, the latest VB is effectively a new language altogether. Since introduction of VB .NET, VB 6.0 has become a stagnant language.

Visual Studio 2008 and Visual studio 2005

I am developing a Windows Application using the .net Framework 2.0 and Visual C#(Microsoft Visual Studio 2008) in my PC.
On the completion of my project I have to execute it in a system which has Visual Studio 2005 and .net framework 2.0.
So my doubt is if I develop an application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 will I be able to execute it in Visual Studio 2005 properly? Is it possible?
Please help me!
Thanks in advance!
The project files are compatible between the two IDEs, but the solution files are not. You may be able to execute it in VS2005 if you create a new solution in 2005 and add the projects to the new solution.
Create the project in Visual Studio 2005
Save a copy of it somewhere
Upgrade to Visual Studio 2008, do your development work.
Drop your finished project back into your original Visual Studio 2005 project and compile
There should be minimal differences in the code so long as you don't use any .NET 3.5 features.
Note: So long as you use .NET 2.0 features only, the project will run just fine on the Visual Studio 2005 machine
It depends on what you mean by 'execute'. You can run your application just fine on your target machine, that has nothing to do with Visual Studio. As long as the framework version is the same (or higher) you should have no problems.
However, if you want to open your solution in Visual Studio 2005 while it was built using 2008, you will run into problems, as they are not backwards compatible.
Replace Version 10.0 in *.sln files with Version 9.00
Replace 2008 with 2005 in *.sln
Replace Version="9.00" with Version="8.00" in each *.vcproj file
