why background process group die when terminal closed - session

According to this faq (and by many other books):
1.15 Why doesn't my process get SIGHUP when its parent dies?
SIGHUP won't be sent to background processes when none of them is " stopped ".
but we all know that if SIGHUP isn't captured in background processes, they will die when you close the terminal(or connection like ssh).
i.e. CTRL+Z - bg isn't enough for a process to survive when terminal is closed.
But why?
Any wisdom is appreciated!

There is an easy solution for it. Use nohup before running the command.

After googling a bit.
I assume the HUP signal which result in exiting of background processes is from shell.
Here are the steps:
Terminal is closed, bash receives SIGHUP from kernel(driver)
Bash exits by default upon receipt of a SIGHUP. Before exiting, it resends the SIGHUP to all jobs, running or stopped
All jobs, including background processes, exit if they don't capture SIGHUP


do not send hangup signal to background process when bash exit

I know when shell exits or itself receives SIGHUP, it will send SIGHUP to all background process.
'nohup cmd' or 'disown' will tell bash not to send SIGHUP. Is there a shell setting so that bash will always not send SIGHUP?
I want my backgroup process to run when bash got killed accidentally for various reasons.
Sounds like you might want to look into jobs and disown. https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Signals.html

Why is nohup required and disown doesn't work by itself?

Consider this snippet as being saved in a file called snippet.sh:
nohup xmessage HI </dev/null &>/dev/null & disown
sleep 3
From the same directory, do xterm -e bash snippet.sh.
After 3 seconds, the xterm should disappear while the xmessage window lingers. All good and well. But what if the nohup is removed from the command in the snippet file? Then the xmessage which disappears along with the xterm. The bash documentation seems to indicate that disown should, by itself, be sufficient to prevent SIGHUP from being sent:
The shell exits by default upon receipt of a SIGHUP. Before exiting, an interactive shell resends
the SIGHUP to all jobs, running or stopped. Stopped jobs are sent SIGCONT to ensure that they
receive the SIGHUP. To prevent the shell from sending the signal to a particular job, it should be
removed from the jobs table with the disown builtin (see SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below) or marked to
not receive SIGHUP using disown -h.
So, the question is, why won't the xmessage window linger without nohup?
disown is sufficient to prevent the shell from sending the signal, but it doesn't stop anyone else.
In particular, the shell is the controlling process of the terminal with xmessage in its process group, and POSIX says that on exit:
If the process is a controlling process, the SIGHUP signal shall be sent to each process in the foreground process group of the controlling terminal belonging to the calling process.

Background process getting killed when its parent is terminated?

I have code that looks something like this
function doTheThing{
# a potentially infinite while loop...
# other stuff...
doTheThing &
trap "kill $!" SIGINT SIGTERM
Strangely, when I ctrl-C out of the parent process before the loop is done, I get a message that the process doesn't exist. Furthermore, if I get rid of the trap, I can't find the process with a ps -aF. It looks like the background process is getting killed when its parent is terminated, but my understanding was that wasn't supposed to happen. I just want to make sure that I can safely leave out the trap and not leave zombie processes everywhere.
The POSIX specification says that when you type the interrupt character (normally Control-C) the SIGINT is sent to the foreground process group. So as long as the background process is running in the same process group as the script that invoked it, it will receive the signal at the same time as the script process.
Shells generally use process groups to implement job control, and by default this is only enabled in interactive shells, not shells running scripts. There's no standard way to run a function in its own process group, but you could use setsid to run it in a new session, which is an even higher level of grouping than process groups. Then it wouldn't receive the interrupt.
You might still want to write a trap command that kills the function on EXIT, though.
trap "kill $!" EXIT
since exiting the script doesn't automatically kill the rest of the process group.

Are forked processes (bash) subject to server timeout disconnection?

If I am working on a remote server (ssh) and I fork a process using bash & operator, will that process be killed if I am booted off the server due to server time-out? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but would love to know if there are any juicy details.
It might depend, but generally when you log out with your "connection program" (e.g. ssh in your case although it could have been rlogin or telnet as well), the shell and children (I think?) will receive a SIGHUP signal (hangup) which will make them terminate when you log out. There are two common ways to avoid this, running the program you want to keep running through nohup or screen. If the server have some other time limitation on running processes you will have to look into that.
bash will send a HUP signal to all background jobs. You can stop this from happening by starting the job with nohup (which should have a man page). If it's too late for nohup, you can use disown to stop the shell from sending a HUP to a job. disown is a builtin, so help disown will tell you everything you need to know.

Why do unix background processes sometimes die when I exit my shell?

I wanted to know why i am seeing a different behaviour in the background process in Bash shell
Case 1: Logged in to Unix server using Putty(SSH)
By default it uses csh shell
I changed to bash shell
typed sleep 2000 &
press enter
It gave me the job number. Now i killed my session by clicking the x in the putty window
Now open another session and tried to lookup the process..the process died.
Case 2:Case 1: Logged in to Unix server using Putty(SSH)
By default it uses csh shell
I changed to bash shell
vi mysleep.sh
sleep 2000 & Saved mysleep.sh
Diff here is..instead of executing the sleep command directly i am storing the sleep command in a file and executing the file.
Now i killed my session by clicking the x in the putty window
Now open another session and tried to lookup the process..the process is still there
Not sure why this is happening. I thought i need to do disown in bash to run the process even after logging out.
One diff i see in the parent process id..In the second case..the parent process id for the sleep 2000 becomes 1. Looks like as soon as process for mysleep.sh died the kernel assigned the parent process to 1.
The difference here is indeed the intervening process.
When you close the terminal window, a HUP signal (related to "nohup" as an0nymo0usc0ward mentioned) is sent to the processes running in it. The default action on receiving HUP is to die - from the signal(3) manpage,
No Name Default Action Description
1 SIGHUP terminate process terminal line hangup
In your first example, the sleep process directly receives this HUP signal and dies because it isn't set to do anything else. (Some processes catch HUP and use it to perform some action, e.g. reread some configuration files)
In the second example, the shell process running your shell script has already died, so the sleep process never gets the signal. In UNIX, every process must have a parent process due to the internals of how the wait(2) family of calls works and indeed processes in general. So when the parent process dies, the kernel gives it to init (pid 1, as you note) as a foster child.
Orphan process (on wikipedia) has some more information available about it, also see Zombie process for some additional technical details.
Already running process?
disown %<jobid>
New process/script (on local machine's console)?
nohup script.sh &
New process/script (on remote machine's console)?
Depending on your need,
there are two options [ there will be more ;-) ]
ssh remotehost 'nohup /path/to/script.sh </dev/null > nohup.out 2>&1 &'
use 'screen'
Try "nohup cmd args..."
Steven's answer is correct, but I'd like to highlight the tricky part here again:
=> Using a bash script that just executes sleep in the background
The effect of this is that the "script" exits almost immediately (since it's done all its commands). However, it did create a child process (sleep) during its lifetime. The effect of this is that:
The "script" cannot be the parent anymore, and sleep is orphaned to init (which shows nicely in a pstree)
The bash shell where you started the script from has no underlying jobs anymore
Note that this stuff all happens when you executed the script, and has nothing to do with any ssh logout/putty closing.
When you then finally close your putty session, bash receives a "SIGHUP", but doesn't forward it to any other process (since there are no jobs left)
In the other case, bash did still have a job left, which it then sent the SIGHUP to, causing it to end (as you noticed)
Hope this helps
