Are forked processes (bash) subject to server timeout disconnection? - bash

If I am working on a remote server (ssh) and I fork a process using bash & operator, will that process be killed if I am booted off the server due to server time-out? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but would love to know if there are any juicy details.

It might depend, but generally when you log out with your "connection program" (e.g. ssh in your case although it could have been rlogin or telnet as well), the shell and children (I think?) will receive a SIGHUP signal (hangup) which will make them terminate when you log out. There are two common ways to avoid this, running the program you want to keep running through nohup or screen. If the server have some other time limitation on running processes you will have to look into that.

bash will send a HUP signal to all background jobs. You can stop this from happening by starting the job with nohup (which should have a man page). If it's too late for nohup, you can use disown to stop the shell from sending a HUP to a job. disown is a builtin, so help disown will tell you everything you need to know.


do not send hangup signal to background process when bash exit

I know when shell exits or itself receives SIGHUP, it will send SIGHUP to all background process.
'nohup cmd' or 'disown' will tell bash not to send SIGHUP. Is there a shell setting so that bash will always not send SIGHUP?
I want my backgroup process to run when bash got killed accidentally for various reasons.
Sounds like you might want to look into jobs and disown.

killing a background process with shell in Ubuntu

I tried killing a process with shell in Ubuntu which is created with like:
<!--There should be codes which can kill my app(run in the background)
echo "app will be run."
java -jar path/to/my/jar/file.jar /arguman/of/myApp.txt & << 'ENDAPP'
disown ENDAPP
I know how to kill an app with manuel which is like:
ps -ax -u| grep appName
and find processid then,
kill [processId]
Is it possible to do?İf yes,how?
Thank you.
You can actually find examples of how to do this right here, on this site, by doing a simple search. (Or Google it: "bash shell wait.") When you execute any background process, you can get the PID ("process id") of the new child. You can wait on the child to finish. You can also kill it.
Shell commands that show you executing jobs also provide their PID.
However, bear in mind that "killing a child" ... while it won't land you in prison in this case ;-) ... "is generally not a good thing to do." You have no idea what the child was doing, what it had or had not finished doing, what data might now be in an inconsistent state, when you put that bullet through its brain. It is impossible to reliably debug any process that relies on murdering its children.
You can "send a different signal," such as SIGHUP or SIGUSR1, to a process, using the same kill command, and design the child process to be listening for that signal as an indication that it must "shut itself down, quickly." Always give a process a signal to "put its own affairs in order, and then to leave 'this mortal coil' ..."

Script which launches another application will bring it down on exit

I have a script which does launch another application using nohup my_app &, but when the initial script dies the launched process also goes down. As per my understanding since since it has been ran with nohup that should not happen. The original script also called with nohup.
What went wrong there?
A very reliable script that has been used successfully for years, and has always terminated after invoking a nohup uses this construct:
nohup ${BinDir}/${Watcher} >${DataDir}/${Watcher}.nohup.out 2>&1 &
Perhaps the problem is that output is not being managed?
nohup does not mean that a (child) process is still running when the (parent) process is killed. nohup is used f.e. when you're connecting over ssh to a server and there starting a process. If you log out, the process will terminate (logging out sents the signal SIGHUP to the process causing the process to terminate), using nohup avoid this behaviour and you're process is still running when you logged out.
If you need a program which runs in the background even it's parent process has terminated try using daemons.
It depends what my-app does - it might set its own signal mask. You probably know that nohup ignores the hang-up signal SIGHUP, and this is inherited by the target program. If that target program does its own signal handling then it might be setting SIGHUP to, for example SIG_DFT - the default action (which is to die).
To check, run strace -f -o out or truss -f -o out on the command. This will give you all the kernel calls in the file called 'out'. You should be able to spot the signal mask being changed if it is.

bash restart sub-process using trap SIGCHLD?

I've seen monitoring programs either in scripts that check process status using 'ps' or 'service status(on Linux)' periodically, or in C/C++ that forks and wait on the process...
I wonder if it is possible to use bash with trap and restart the sub-process when SIGCLD received?
I have tested a basic suite on RedHat Linux with following idea (and certainly it didn't work...)
set -o monitor # can someone explain this? discussion on Internet say this is needed
trap startProcess SIGCHLD
startProcess() {
/path/to/another/bash/ & # the one to restart
while [ 1 ]
sleep 60
what the bash script being started just sleep for a few seconds and exit for now.
several issues observed:
when the shell starts in foreground, SIGCHLD will be handled only once. does trap reset signal handling like signal()?
the script and its child seem to be immune to SIGINT, which means they cannot be stopped by ^C
since cannot be closed, I closed the terminal. The script seems to be HUP and many zombie children left.
when run in background, the script caused terminal to die
... anyway, this does not work at all. I have to say I know too little about this topic.
Can someone suggest or give some working examples?
Are there scripts for such use?
how about use wait in bash, then?
I can try to answer some of your questions but not all based on what I
The line set -o monitor (or equivalently, set -m) turns on job
control, which is only on by default for interactive shells. This seems
to be required for SIGCHLD to be sent. However, job control is more of
an interactive feature and not really meant to be used in shell scripts
(see also this question).
Also keep in mind this is probably not what you intended to do
because once you enable job control, SIGCHLD will be sent for every
external command that exists (e.g. every time you run ls or grep or
anything, a SIGCHLD will fire when that command completes and your trap
will run).
I suspect the reason the SIGCHLD trap only appears to run once is
because your trap handler contains a foreground infinite loop, so your
script gets stuck in the trap handler. There doesn't seem to be a point
to that loop anyways, so you could simply remove it.
The script's "immunity" to SIGINT seems to be an effect of enabling
job control (the monitor part). My hunch is with job control turned on,
the sub-instance of bash that runs your script no longer terminates
itself in response to a SIGINT but instead passes the SIGINT through to
its foreground child process. In your script, the ^C i.e. SIGINT
simply acts like a continue statement in other programming languages
case, since SIGINT will just kill the currently running sleep 60,
whereupon the while loop will immediately run a new sleep 60.
When I tried running your script and then killing it (from another
terminal), all I ended up with were two stray sleep processes.
Backgrounding that script also kills my shell for me, although
the behavior is not terribly consistent (sometimes it happens
immediately, other times not at all). It seems typing any keys other
than enter causes an EOF to get sent somehow. Even after the terminal
exits the script continues to run in the background. I have no idea
what is going on here.
Being more specific about what you want to accomplish would help. If
you just want a command to run continuously for the lifetime of your
script, you could run an infinite loop in the background, like
while true; do
echo some-command finished
echo restarting some-command ...
done &
Note the & after the done.
For other tasks, wait is probably a better idea than using job control
in a shell script. Again, it would depend on what exactly you are trying
to do.

Why do unix background processes sometimes die when I exit my shell?

I wanted to know why i am seeing a different behaviour in the background process in Bash shell
Case 1: Logged in to Unix server using Putty(SSH)
By default it uses csh shell
I changed to bash shell
typed sleep 2000 &
press enter
It gave me the job number. Now i killed my session by clicking the x in the putty window
Now open another session and tried to lookup the process..the process died.
Case 2:Case 1: Logged in to Unix server using Putty(SSH)
By default it uses csh shell
I changed to bash shell
sleep 2000 & Saved
Diff here is..instead of executing the sleep command directly i am storing the sleep command in a file and executing the file.
Now i killed my session by clicking the x in the putty window
Now open another session and tried to lookup the process..the process is still there
Not sure why this is happening. I thought i need to do disown in bash to run the process even after logging out.
One diff i see in the parent process id..In the second case..the parent process id for the sleep 2000 becomes 1. Looks like as soon as process for died the kernel assigned the parent process to 1.
The difference here is indeed the intervening process.
When you close the terminal window, a HUP signal (related to "nohup" as an0nymo0usc0ward mentioned) is sent to the processes running in it. The default action on receiving HUP is to die - from the signal(3) manpage,
No Name Default Action Description
1 SIGHUP terminate process terminal line hangup
In your first example, the sleep process directly receives this HUP signal and dies because it isn't set to do anything else. (Some processes catch HUP and use it to perform some action, e.g. reread some configuration files)
In the second example, the shell process running your shell script has already died, so the sleep process never gets the signal. In UNIX, every process must have a parent process due to the internals of how the wait(2) family of calls works and indeed processes in general. So when the parent process dies, the kernel gives it to init (pid 1, as you note) as a foster child.
Orphan process (on wikipedia) has some more information available about it, also see Zombie process for some additional technical details.
Already running process?
disown %<jobid>
New process/script (on local machine's console)?
nohup &
New process/script (on remote machine's console)?
Depending on your need,
there are two options [ there will be more ;-) ]
ssh remotehost 'nohup /path/to/ </dev/null > nohup.out 2>&1 &'
use 'screen'
Try "nohup cmd args..."
Steven's answer is correct, but I'd like to highlight the tricky part here again:
=> Using a bash script that just executes sleep in the background
The effect of this is that the "script" exits almost immediately (since it's done all its commands). However, it did create a child process (sleep) during its lifetime. The effect of this is that:
The "script" cannot be the parent anymore, and sleep is orphaned to init (which shows nicely in a pstree)
The bash shell where you started the script from has no underlying jobs anymore
Note that this stuff all happens when you executed the script, and has nothing to do with any ssh logout/putty closing.
When you then finally close your putty session, bash receives a "SIGHUP", but doesn't forward it to any other process (since there are no jobs left)
In the other case, bash did still have a job left, which it then sent the SIGHUP to, causing it to end (as you noticed)
Hope this helps
