Setting up Taglist plugin to work with vala - ctags

Like the title says,I would like to develop vala with vim.My productivity is badly affected due to the lack Taglist plugin support for vala.
I found a ctags implementation in valide,
Can anyone guide me how to make this ctag implemention work with Taglist or some other vim plugin which works for vala

Found the answer,
set this is .vimrc
let tlist_vala_settings='c#;d:macro;t:typedef;n:namespace;c:class;'.
\ 'E:event;g:enum;s:struct;i:interface;'.
\ 'p:properties;m:method'

I did have the same needs, and I found this site :
The guy uses Tagbar in Vim, and anjuta-ctags which implement ctags for Vala.
I give you also my Vim configuration for Vala:
set efm=%f:%l.%c-%[%^:]%#:\ %t%[%^:]%#:\ %m
map <leader><F2> :lvimgrep! <cword> /usr/share/vala-0.16/vapi/*<CR> :lopen <CR>
set complete+=k/home/marc/.vim/syntax/vala.vim
set isk+=(
" Disable valadoc syntax highlight
"let vala_ignore_valadoc = 1
" Enable comment strings
let vala_comment_strings = 1
" Highlight space errors
let vala_space_errors = 1
" Disable trailing space errors
"let vala_no_trail_space_error = 1
" Disable space-tab-space errors
let vala_no_tab_space_error = 1
" Minimum lines used for comment syncing (default 50)
"let vala_minlines = 120
let g:tagbar_ctags_bin="anjuta-tags"
set iskeyword+=.


Nerd Font NodeJS emoji not Styling?

I am trying to configure my terminal via starship and have come across this issue.
emoji without styling
The code for the emoji at hand is the following:
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#86BBD8"
format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)'
This is the format of the terminal also:
format = """
[](bg:#DA627D fg:#9A348E)\
[](fg:#DA627D bg:#FCA17D)\
[](fg:#FCA17D bg:#86BBD8)\
[](fg:#86BBD8 bg:#06969A)\
[](fg:#06969A bg:#33658A)\
[ ](fg:#33658A)\
Any advice or suggestions to work around this issue would be appreciated :)

Missing space between define and initializer sphynx rtd_theme

I am using doxygen + breathe + Sphinx to document C source code.
In my I have set:
breathe_show_define_initializer = True
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
In my C source code I have defines such as:
#define FOO 12U //!< example #define
In the xml generated from doxygen, I see:
<para>example #define </para>
So far so good!
The problem is the output from Sphinx is missing white space between the name and the initializer. i.e. as shown, no space between FOO and 12U:
example #define
I tried using both:
.. doxygendefine:: FOO
and I tried the group which has a number of defines:
.. doxygengroup:: MY_DEFINES_GROUP
If I change html_theme = 'alabaster'
Then there is a space between FOO and 12U
Any thoughts - am I missing a configuration?
I found this question via Google since I ran into the same issue. I'm posting my solution here which I hacked up and it seems to work for my case in the hopes of saving someone else time. My solution was to insert a "no break space" after each name of the define (but before the value).
Create a custom css: under _static/custom-signame.css (which is where I store my other custom css files)
The contents of the file are:
/* add a space to fix Breathe+Sphinx rtd_theme with
breathe_show_define_initializer */
.sig-name::after {
content: "\00a0";
Make sure that is updated to include the new custom css created in step 2:
html_static_path = ['_static']
html_css_files = [

Convert markdown italics and boldface to latex

I want to be able to convert markdown italics and boldface to latex versions on the fly (i.e., give a text string(s) return a text string(s)). I thought easy. Wrong! (Which it still may be). See the sill buisness and error I tried at the bottom.
What I have (note the starting asterisk that's been escaped as in markdown):
x <- "\\*note: I *like* chocolate **milk** too ***much***!"
What I would like:
"*note: I \\emph{like} chocolate \\textbf{milk} too \\textbf{\\emph{much}}!"
I'm not attached to regex but would prefer a base solution (though not essential).
Silly business:
helper <- function(ins, outs, x) {
gsub(paste0(ins[1], ".+?", ins[2]), paste0(outs[1], ".+?", outs[2]), x)
helper(rep("***", 2), c("\\textbf{\\emph{", "}}"), x)
Error in gsub(paste0(ins[1], ".+?", ins[2]), paste0(outs[1], ".+?", outs[2]), :
invalid regular expression '***.+?***', reason 'Invalid use of repetition operators'
I have this toy that Ananda Mahto helped me make if it's helpful. You could access it from reports via wheresPandoc <- reports:::wheresPandoc
EDIT Per Ben's comments I tried:
action <- paste0(" echo ", x, " | ", wheresPandoc(), " -t latex ")
*note: I *like* chocolate **milk** too ***much***! | C:\PROGRA~2\Pandoc\bin\pandoc.exe -t latex
EDIT2 Per Dason's comments I tried:
out <- paste("echo", shQuote(x), "|", wheresPandoc(), " -t latex"); system(out)
system(out, intern = T)
> system(out, intern = T)
\*note: I *like* chocolate **milk** too ***much***! | C:\PROGRA~2\Pandoc\bin\pandoc.exe -t latex
The lack of pipes on Windows made this tricky, but you can get around it using input to provide the stdin:
> x = system("pandoc -t latex", intern=TRUE, input="\\*note: I *like* chocolate **milk** too ***much***!")
> x
[1] "*note: I \\emph{like} chocolate \\textbf{milk} too \\textbf{\\emph{much}}!"
Noting I am working on windows and from ?system
This means that redirection, pipes, DOS internal commands, ... cannot be used
and the note from ?system2
system2 is a more portable and flexible interface than system,
introduced in R 2.12.0. It allows redirection of output without
needing to invoke a shell on Windows, a portable way to set
environment variables for the execution of command, and finer control
over the redirection of stdout and stderr. Conversely, system (and
shell on Windows) allows the invocation of arbitrary command lines.
Using system2
system2('pandoc', '-t latex', input = '**em**', stdout = TRUE)

Forcing a package's function to use user-provided function

I'm running into a problem with the MNP package which I've traced to an unfortunate call to deparse (whose maximum width is limited to 500 characters).
Background (easily skippable if you're bored)
Because mnp uses a somewhat idiosyncratic syntax to allow for varying choice sets (you include cbind(choiceA,choiceB,...) in the formula definition), the left hand side of my formula call is 1700 characters or so when model.matrix.default calls deparse on it. Since deparse supports a maximum width.cutoff of 500 characters, the sapply(attr(t, "variables"), deparse, width.cutoff = 500)[-1L] line in model.matrix.default has as its first element:
[1] "cbind(plan1, plan2, plan3, plan4, plan5, plan6, plan7, plan8, plan9, plan10, plan11, plan12, plan13, plan14, plan15, plan16, plan17, plan18, plan19, plan20, plan21, plan22, plan23, plan24, plan25, plan26, plan27, plan28, plan29, plan30, plan31, plan32, plan33, plan34, plan35, plan36, plan37, plan38, plan39, plan40, plan41, plan42, plan43, plan44, plan45, plan46, plan47, plan48, plan49, plan50, plan51, plan52, plan53, plan54, plan55, plan56, plan57, plan58, plan59, plan60, plan61, plan62, plan63, "
[2] " plan64, plan65, plan66, plan67, plan68, plan69, plan70, plan71, plan72, plan73, plan74, plan75, plan76, plan77, plan78, plan79, plan80, plan81, plan82, plan83, plan84, plan85, plan86, plan87, plan88, plan89, plan90, plan91, plan92, plan93, plan94, plan95, plan96, plan97, plan98, plan99, plan100, plan101, plan102, plan103, plan104, plan105, plan106, plan107, plan108, plan109, plan110, plan111, plan112, plan113, plan114, plan115, plan116, plan117, plan118, plan119, plan120, plan121, plan122, plan123, "
[3] " plan124, plan125, plan126, plan127, plan128, plan129, plan130, plan131, plan132, plan133, plan134, plan135, plan136, plan137, plan138, plan139, plan140, plan141, plan142, plan143, plan144, plan145, plan146, plan147, plan148, plan149, plan150, plan151, plan152, plan153, plan154, plan155, plan156, plan157, plan158, plan159, plan160, plan161, plan162, plan163, plan164, plan165, plan166, plan167, plan168, plan169, plan170, plan171, plan172, plan173, plan174, plan175, plan176, plan177, plan178, plan179, "
[4] " plan180, plan181, plan182, plan183, plan184, plan185, plan186, plan187, plan188, plan189, plan190, plan191, plan192, plan193, plan194, plan195, plan196, plan197, plan198, plan199, plan200, plan201, plan202, plan203, plan204, plan205, plan206, plan207, plan208, plan209, plan210, plan211, plan212, plan213, plan214, plan215, plan216, plan217, plan218, plan219, plan220, plan221, plan222, plan223, plan224, plan225, plan226, plan227, plan228, plan229, plan230, plan231, plan232, plan233, plan234, plan235, "
[5] " plan236, plan237, plan238, plan239, plan240, plan241, plan242, plan243, plan244, plan245, plan246, plan247, plan248, plan249, plan250, plan251, plan252, plan253, plan254, plan255, plan256, plan257, plan258, plan259, plan260, plan261, plan262, plan263, plan264, plan265, plan266, plan267, plan268, plan269, plan270, plan271, plan272, plan273, plan274, plan275, plan276, plan277, plan278, plan279, plan280, plan281, plan282, plan283, plan284, plan285, plan286, plan287, plan288, plan289, plan290, plan291, "
[6] " plan292, plan293, plan294, plan295, plan296, plan297, plan298, plan299, plan300, plan301, plan302, plan303, plan304, plan305, plan306, plan307, plan308, plan309, plan310, plan311, plan312, plan313)"
When model.matrix.default tests this against the variables in the data.frame, it returns an error.
The problem
To get around this, I've written a new deparse function:
deparse <- function (expr, width.cutoff = 60L, backtick = mode(expr) %in%
c("call", "expression", "(", "function"), control = c("keepInteger",
"showAttributes", "keepNA"), nlines = -1L) {
ret <- .Internal(deparse(expr, width.cutoff, backtick, .deparseOpts(control), nlines))
However, when I run mnp again and step through, it returns the same error for the same reason (base::deparse is being run, not my deparse).
This is somewhat surprising to me, as what I expect is more typified by this example, where the user-defined function temporarily over-writes the base function:
> print <- function() {
+ cat("user-defined print ran\n")
+ }
> print()
user-defined print ran
I realize the right way to solve this problem is to rewrite model.matrix.default, but as a tool for debugging I'm curious how to force it to use my deparse and why the anticipated (by me) behavior is not happening here.
The functions fixInNamespace and assignInNamespace are provided to allow editing of existing functions. You could try ... but I will not since mucking with deparse looks too dangerous:
function (expr, width.cutoff = 60L, backtick = mode(expr) %in%
c("call", "expression", "(", "function"), control = c("keepInteger",
"showAttributes", "keepNA"), nlines = -1L) {
ret <- .Internal(deparse(expr, width.cutoff, backtick, .deparseOpts(control), nlines))
} , "base")
There is an indication on the help page that the use of such functions has restrictions and I would not be surprised that such core function might have additional layers of protection. Since it works via side-effect, you should not need to assign the result.
This is how packages with namespaces search for functions, as described in Section 1.6, Package Namespaces of Writing R Extensions
Namespaces are sealed once they are loaded. Sealing means that imports
and exports cannot be changed and that internal variable bindings
cannot be changed. Sealing allows a simpler implementation strategy
for the namespace mechanism. Sealing also allows code analysis and
compilation tools to accurately identify the definition corresponding
to a global variable reference in a function body.
The namespace controls the search strategy for variables used by
functions in the package. If not found locally, R searches the package
namespace first, then the imports, then the base namespace and then
the normal search path.

How to change the prompt

I am trying to configure the prompt characters in ripl, an alternative to interactive ruby (irb). In irb, it is done using IRB.conf[:DEFAULT], but it does not seem to work with ripl. I am also having difficulty finding an instruction for it. Please guide to a link for an explanation or give a brief explanation.
Configuring a dynamic prompt in ~/.riplrc:
# Shows current directory
Ripl.config[:prompt] = lambda { Dir.pwd + '> ' }
# Print current line number
Ripl.config[:prompt] = lambda { "ripl(#{})> " }
# Simple string prommpt
Ripl.config[:prompt] = '>>> '
Changing the prompt in the shell:
>> = lambda { Dir.pwd + '> ' }
ripl loads your ~/.irbrc file, which
typically contains some irb specific
options (e.g. IRB.conf[:PROMPT]). To
avoid errors, you can install
ripl-irb, which catches calls to the
IRB constant and prints messages to
convert irb configuration to ripl
